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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

1,928 Reviews
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Part 1 - Phantom Blood In ancient Mexico, people of Aztec had prospered. They had historic and strange "Stone Mask". It was a miraculous mask which brings eternal life and the power of authentic ruler. But the mask suddenly disappeared. A long time after that, in late 19th centuries when the thought and life of people were suddenly changing, Jonathan Joestar met with Dio Brando―. They spend time together through boyhood to youth, and the "Stone Mask" brings curious fate to them―.

Warner Japan
English, Deutsch, Español (América Latina), Español (España), Français, Italiano, Português (Brasil), Русский, العربية
2020 Anime Awards Winner, 2019 Anime Awards Winner
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(1 review)25 July 2016
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From Baffled Outsider To Obsessed With The Bizarre

I went into this series wondering, "Why does everyone love that JoJo anime so much?" It looked so odd to me. The character designs were weird, the gifs made no sense, and everything about it just screamed, well, bizarre. I finally gave in and began watching JJBA -- and I was forever changed. I totally recommend this anime, as you will love it. It seriously just gets better and better, and your love for the story and the characters deepen with each episode. JJBA is truly an experience. It's an adventure (obviously) and plays out very excitingly, I was never bored. This anime is the first anime I've watched all the way through that has, like, more than 20 episodes. I almost never get hooked on an anime like this, which really says something about how special it is. It took me about 2 months to catch up to where the series is now, and within that time span I have bought JJBA posters, stickers, and I even cosplayed a fem!Jotaro Kujo. That's how far gone I am. So if you are like I once was, wondering what in the world could be SO GOOD about the people named JoJo and their wacky outfits - I ask you to give it a try. You won't be disappointed.

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(2 reviews)11 April 2014
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Greatest Show Of All Time?

YES This is the most outstanding anime I've watched in a long, long time, ad it really does the amazing source material justice. This show is just pure entertainment, with perhaps the best songs of all time. You have no excuse for not watching this.

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(1 review)02 April 2014
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One of the hypest animes I've watched in a long time

I just finished a marathon of the first season in preparation for the upcoming second, and I could not stop watching. The action is incredible and the story and characters are absolutely ridiculous. Everything about this show is crazy and over the top but at the same time it has a compelling and addictive story. The title says it all really: this is a show that is in equal parts bizarre and adventurous.

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(10 reviews)10 April 2014
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10 out of 10 series - can confirm

Like a cross between Castlevania and Fist of the Northstar, but full of Rock and Roll references and posturing. The action is non stop and the story is full of plot twist after plot twist. Truly an epic so grand it spans generations. This is my top pick for Spring 2014.

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(2 reviews)05 June 2014
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Badass Nonstop action!!

This show is beyond badass. I you're a fan of classic action like Dragonball Z and Onepiece, this is DEFINITELY for you! Cool characters, sly villains, and awesome action sequences, this has gotta be one the most original shows I've ever seen! A must watch for ALL action anime fans!