Actress Suzy showed off her figure as the goddess of Baeksang, which sounds like a 'billion' sound.S.. - MK
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Seong Jeongeun
Input : 
2024-05-08 14:52:32
Suzy.Photo by Yoo Yong-seok
Suzy.Photo by Yoo Yong-seok
Suzy.Photo by Yoo Yong-seok
Suzy.Photo by Yoo Yong-seok

Actress Suzy showed off her figure as the goddess of Baeksang, which sounds like a 'billion' sound.

Suzy was the MC with broadcaster Shin Dong-yeop and actor Park Bo-gum at the 60th Baeksang Arts Awards held at COEX in Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul on the 7th, showing her unrivaled beauty and stable hosting ability.

On this day, Suzy drew attention with her high jewelry, which was as shiny as her first and second dresses and beauty.

Standing on the red carpet, Suzy was a hot pink princess herself with long straight hair and fair skin. Suzy showed off her elegant yet dizzying charm with a tube-top mermaid-lined dress with two large ribbons on the chest.

Suzy.Photo by Yoo Yong-seok
Suzy.Photo by Yoo Yong-seok
Suzy.Photo by Yoo Yong-seok
Suzy.Photo by Yoo Yong-seok

Revealing a fine neckline and right-angled shoulders, he naturally followed the body and perfectly digested the line that spreads below the knee. It is an Oscar de la Renta product, also known as a wedding dress for Korean actresses, and costs 24.7 million won.

Flower-shaped bright necklaces and ring earrings are from Vancliff Appel. The necklace, which combines white gold and diamonds, is a whopping KRW 56.5 million, and the ring is KRW 90 million. Earrings with a combination of diamonds and rubies are worth 195 million won.

a resinous white two-piece dress Photo | Suzy's SNS
a resinous white two-piece dress Photo | Suzy's SNS

The two-part dress had a bolder chest incision. The halter-neck beige dress, which Suzy also revealed on social media, further highlighted Suzy's slim body.

Alex Perry, a designer brand famous for awards dresses, costs around 3.8 million won. The earring brand chosen as a point accessory is Fred, whose price ranges from 17 million won to 18 million won depending on pink gold and white gold.

Behind the awards ceremony, fierce competition between dress and jewelry brands takes place. This is because it can have a promotional effect that is difficult to convert into money. Thanks to the dress goddess Suzy, search for related brands has soared.

Meanwhile, the movie "Wonderland" (director Kim Tae-yong) with actress Park Bo-gum, who worked as MC on the same day, is set to be released on June 5.

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