Superheroes Are Everywhere by Kamala Harris | Goodreads
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Superheroes Are Everywhere

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From Senator Kamala Harris comes a picture book memoir with an empowering message: Superheroes are all around us--and if we try, we can all be heroes too.

Before Kamala Harris became a district attorney and a United States senator, she was a little girl who loved superheroes. And when she looked around, she was amazed to find them everywhere! In her family, among her friends, even down the street--there were superheroes wherever she looked. And those superheroes showed her that all you need to do to be a superhero is to be the best that you can be.

In this empowering and joyful picture-book memoir that speaks directly to kids, Kamala Harris takes readers through her life and shows them that the power to make the world a better place is inside all of us. And with fun and engaging art by Mechal Renee Roe, as well as a guide to being a superhero at the end, this book is sure to have kids taking up the superhero mantle (cape and mask optional).

40 pages, Hardcover

First published January 8, 2019

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About the author

Kamala Harris

24 books631 followers
Kamala D. Harris is a lifelong public safety and civil rights leader, and is currently serving as a U.S. Senator from California. She began her career in the Alameda County District Attorney's Office, then was elected District Attorney of San Francisco. As California's Attorney General, Kamala prosecuted transnational gangs, big banks, Big Oil, for-profit colleges and fought against attacks on the Affordable Care Act. Harris also fought to reduce elementary school truancy and pioneered the nation's first open data initiative to expose racial disparities in the criminal justice system and implemented implicit bias training for police officers. The second black woman ever elected to the U.S. Senate, Kamala has worked to reform our criminal justice system, raise the minimum wage, make higher education tuition-free for the majority of Americans, and protect the legal rights of refugees and immigrants.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 186 reviews
Profile Image for Lisa Vegan.
2,834 reviews1,283 followers
August 14, 2020
I could be a cynic and assume that this book was written only to further the author’s ambitions but I think it’s a lovely book for children ages 5 to 10, and for older children and for adults too. It would make for a great read aloud for classrooms and families and for other group settings too.

This book is written in a style to encourage interaction and discussion and will have readers/listeners thinking about the questions posed. I appreciate the idea of superheroes all around us!

It’s a picture book autobiography of the author. She writes about her life from her very early years until well into her adulthood. She asks her readers/listeners to look at themselves and their lives, including those who’ve affected them and particularly with what they can do to become superheroes too. She was extraordinarily lucky to grow up in a fascinating family and have the support of family members and others in her community.

The author gives examples of many people in her own life when she was young who served in these roles and the questions/topics covered about the identity of superheroes are: Who makes you feel special? Who can you count on? Who makes you feel brave? Who stands up for what’s right in your life? Who are your best friends? Who are your favorite teachers? Who is kind to you? Who helps you explore? Who do you know who works hard? Who protects you?

The values expressed in this book are wonderful and inspirational for all ages.

In the back of the book there is “A Timeline of My Life” from her 1964 birthdate to her 2017 swearing in as a Congressperson.

I appreciated all the many included photos. There were a lot.

I love all the illustrations. They seem to accurately enough depict Kamala Harris and others and they’re colorful, aesthetically pleasing to the eye, and have many fun details to view.

I wasn’t able to download the e-book and had to read it in my browser. I couldn’t resize the pages and it was next to impossible to read all the captions at each of the personal photos of the author. The photos were special and lovely, and when I could decipher & read the captions or glean the information, they were interesting and a huge asset to the book. When it is safer I’d like to get a paper copy of this book and reread it. In the meantime, I’m grateful I was able to borrow a copy from my public library.

4-1/2 stars
Profile Image for Dave Schaafsma.
Author 6 books31.8k followers
September 1, 2020
My two-star rating is not a political statement, as I am supportive of Joe Biden's choosing her as his Vice-Presidential candidate. Both seem to be good people, largely centrist, not my first choices, but I agree with Biden: If something were to happen to him, she could step in and lead right now as President. This picture book is a children's version of her biography written for adults. There's a version for older children too.

I think the central concept is okay, just fine, meant to appleal to children who presumably like superheroes. But Harris redefines superheroes as everyday people that inspire you and whom you can trust; those are everyday "superheroes." Eh, okay. She names hers in her life and after each one asks children who the everyday superheroes are in their lives. So that might have been a thing that bumps this up to three stars, that it is kind of an interactive biography, and another is the invitation at the end to be a superhero in others' lives, by which she means make people feel special, stand up for what's right, be kind, protect people who need it, and so on. I do like that. But I am not a fan of the generic art at all. Maybe it could be three stars, but the simple theme and the art bring this down for me. But it's fine, it's okay!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Josiah.
3,241 reviews148 followers
September 4, 2020
2019 was a big year for Senator Kamala Harris of California. On January 21 she announced her candidacy for U.S. president in the 2020 election. She also released two children's books that year: a young readers' edition of her adult memoir, The Truths We Hold, and a picture book, Superheroes Are Everywhere. Senator Harris had come a long way since graduating law school in 1989, but what propelled her to success? As she tells in these pages, it started in her childhood, when Kamala searched for superheroes in her life and found plenty of them among her family and friends. These people impressed on her the value of hard work, kindness, loyalty, and ambition, creating a foundation for everything she later accomplished.

Kamala's mother never failed to show her daughter that she was special to her, teaching her to bake good meals and believe she could achieve whatever she set her mind to. Kamala's sister, Maya, was a dependable sibling in good times and bad. Their father encouraged Kamala to be strong and brave, and their grandparents from India stood up to political elites in their own country to advocate for freedom for the people. Kamala's friends at school weren't afraid to resist bullies when necessary. Kamala had fun, creative teachers who fostered a love of learning, and many close family friends that broadened her horizons by introducing her to a variety of life experiences. Kamala graduated college and law school with the goal of repaying the superheroes in her life by becoming one herself. Heroism can be found all around if you're tuned in to it.

I don't love Mechal Renee Roe's illustrations for this book, but they aren't bad. Perhaps applying the label "superhero" to everyone who makes a difference in one's life weakens the word's meaning ("hero" would do just fine), and some of Senator Harris's stories about her heroes don't seem to align with the specific heroic values she ascribes to them, but Superheroes Are Everywhere isn't far below average for a picture book. I'd rate it one and a half stars, and would have gone for at least two if the narrative were clearer and less cliché. Regardless, if you're a fan of Senator Harris or enjoy a mildly uplifting book, this might be the read for you. I hope kids feel encouraged by it.
Profile Image for Jenifer Jacobs.
1,055 reviews22 followers
January 15, 2019
Perfection. I loved it and want to buy a copy for every elementary school in my district. Or everywhere. But I will start local. 💕
Profile Image for Stephanie Anze.
657 reviews119 followers
August 15, 2019
"My mother had a saying: 'Kamala, you may be the first to do many things but make sure you're not the last.' "
Kamala Harris

Senator (and currently one of the Democratic presidential nominees) Kamala Harris grew up surrounded by heroes. It started in her kitchen, with her mother and extended to her school and community. In this inspiring and charming picture book, Senator Harris shows children how to spot the heroes around them.

I know who Senator Kamala Harris is but not much in detail. When certain and rather unsavory comments were made about her and other women in congress (you may have heard of them) it spurred in me a desire to learn more about her. Just the other day I mentioned to my sister that I like to include children's books in my reading challenge and she asked me why. I have found that children's books are a great conduit to learning about other people and events. Superheroes Are Everywhere did just that. A lovely picture book that spreads a much needed message, this was a wonderful read. The colors and illustrations compliment the print. This book is partially biographical but not much in detail. What it does have is heart. I already have my eye on another book by Senator Harris, this one full length and I very much look forward to reading it.

Profile Image for Susie.
418 reviews
January 21, 2019
Excellent read, for adults and kids. Will likely facilitate great discussion between adults and children; or older readers could read it on their own and reflect on their experiences and opportunities. Very thought provoking. A wonderful children book/memoir, including many family photos & a timeline, from and about powerfully strong role model.
Profile Image for Raya Sun.
102 reviews12 followers
September 7, 2019
Love the concept. Superheroes are every day, ordinary people.

Appreciate the pledge to become a super hero at the end.

Disliked the shameless self promotion of the author at the end. Unfortunately, it ruined the spirit of the book for me. Feels manipulative.
Profile Image for Denise Lauron.
573 reviews38 followers
January 11, 2020
This is a children's book that talks about finding superheroes everywhere in everyday people. I found that it is a child's version of the author's autobiography. It think it would keep a child's interest. The pictures are great to follow while reading.
Profile Image for Molly Holt.
1 review
February 12, 2020
I absolutely loved this book. As a someone who loves Senator Harris it was truly a very special biography. The illustrations went perfectly with the story of her life!
Profile Image for Gary Anderson.
Author 0 books93 followers
October 7, 2020
The perfect picture book for celebrating the extraordinary contributions of ordinary people is this one: Superheroes Are Everywhere by Kamala Harris, illustrated by Mechal Renee Roe. Harris tells her autobiography in kid-friendly language with a focus on those who helped her along the way, including her parents, friends, relatives, teachers, and other role models. Her superheroes are not caped crusaders but those who worked hard, stood up for what is right, made her feel special, helped her explore, and protected her. In each double-page spread, Roe's bright pictures with friendly faces of mostly people of color are accompanied by text that explains why each person or group of people was a superhero to Kamala, along with a question for readers that gives them a chance to connect their own experiences to each superhero trait. The editorial layout of the book is excellent as it tells Kamala Harris's compelling life story, promotes worthwhile character traits, expands the definition of superhero, and makes it easy for readers to think about how the book applies to them. Back matter includes "The Hero Code," which teachers and parents can use as an instructional tool, a timeline of Harris's life, and a photo gallery of her recent accomplishments. (The book was published in early 2019.) The end papers feature photos of Harris as a child and many of the people mentioned in the book. Regardless of the 2020 election outcome, Superheroes Are Everywhere is a fantastic book to share with children.
Profile Image for Adam.
570 reviews
December 13, 2020
Good book. Text heavy but that's okay as it's an easy read. I had to read it because it was written before she became the VP.
February 7, 2021
Super cute, heart warming, and empowering. This can easily be made in a lesson for primary grades as well.
I didn't like the timeline at the end. The 'autobiography ' part of the book was a bit of a push, it could have stuck with the hero theme and ended it there. Still cute though!
Profile Image for Cindy Mitchell *Kiss the Book*.
6,002 reviews205 followers
March 15, 2019
Superheroes Are Everywhere by Kamala Harris, illustrated by Mechal Renee Roe PICTURE BOOK Penguin Random House, 2019. $18. 9781984837493



Kamala Harris tells about the people in her life who were her heroes. Her mother, father, aunts and uncles, friends and mentors. Superheroes make the world a better place, and Kamala encourages children to find them everywhere. Designed to spark discussion with the child, each superhero is introduced by an experience Kamala had with them, then the child is asked to find a hero in their own life who makes them feel special or brave or protected, or to think of someone who is kind, works hard or makes a difference. Finally the child can take an oath to become a superhero themselves.

I'm not sure where she is going with this. Is she empowering children or introducing herself?Sometimes the question doesn't match the experience - the story about counting on her sister is really about her mom celebrating both girls. Other vignettes have similar connection concerns. The illustrations are odd - the mix of illustration with realistic faces didn't work for me.

Lisa Librarian
Profile Image for Emily Jones.
380 reviews
March 18, 2020
Nice concept, but I wasn’t expecting this to be autobiographical in nature. The combination of autobiography and an attempt to illustrate everyday superheroes just didn’t mesh well in my opinion. It’s also very poorly written in several places. The photos of Kamala’s childhood were a neat inclusion. But again, the focus seems to be more on her autobiography and the title and book description are misleading.
Profile Image for Jeimy.
5,020 reviews32 followers
March 2, 2019
A simple book that helps kid recognize the everyday heroes in their lives.
9 reviews
November 28, 2023
This empowering picture book "Superheroes are
Everywhere" by Kamala Harris is a world where capes and courage are on top of
the world! This entertaining and informative novel serves as a light of
inspiration, helping young readers on a fascinating journey that celebrates
ordinary superheroes that live among us and the excellent potential everyone
possesses. Simply put, the book's core and the superficial yet deep
message is that superheroes exist not only in comic books but are all
around us. Kamala Harris shows readers how ordinary people such as teachers, doctors, parents, and others embody the attributes of superheroes
through generosity, bravery, and tonicity. Still, she uses a vivid narrative and even
gives touching examples from her life.
There are quite a few different things in the inspirational picture book by Kamala Harris, but overall, the book's central theme is empowerment and resilience. Throughout the book, Harris urges young readers to identify what their inner power and kindness is that they can
demonstrate to everyone and show the world that they are heroes by making great
choices and feeling up for what is right. For example, she tells her personal
stories about how her family and community inspired her and taught her crucial life
lessons and skills.
Wow, this excellent picture book has aspects
biography, it is best classified as an informational book. "Superheroes are
everywhere" is a motivational literature, and it teaches children about what
characteristics make a superhero while also providing a small glimpse into
Harris's personal experience results in quite a unique combination of a
factual information and an inspiring storytelling narrative.
There are two fundamental concepts that not only children but all readers of all ages can learn: empathy and the value of perseverance. Harris shows how tiny acts ofcompassion and understanding can make a significant difference in people's lives and how this can make anyone a hero. She also highlights the importance
of resilience by pointing out that setbacks and obstacles hinder people's development and learning. The book's most important teaching is believing in one's skills. The book promotes diversity by including superheroes from many origins and helping children understand and embrace their differences and the unique characteristics that each person brings to the world.
An important note about this beautiful
picture book is the writing craft used here to engage her readers. The
author combines personal experiences and uses correct language and
her writing skills, making the narrative more approachable and
relatable to children reading her book. Using her experiences
adds to the inclusive language and creates an engaging and comfortable
This also goes hand in hand with an antibias perspective
highlighted throughout the book. The author can showcase various everyday heroes from different backgrounds and
professionals. She shows that heroism has no boundaries of race, gender, or
Finally, superheroes are everywhere. It's genuinely a
piece of gold of inspiration and confidence, helping inspire children to embrace
their inner superhero and make a significant impact on the world. Kamala Harris truly
makes this story captivating and compelling, using themes to make this book a
great addition to every child's life and allows children to be inspired to use
their imagination and foster each reader's superhuman potential.
February 3, 2021
This is a great children's book that teaches children that super heroes aren't just in movies, they are everyday people that could even be within your own family. The pledge to be a superhero at the end of the book was super sweet. The biography part of this book was kept minimal and I think that's important for the audience it's directed towards. The only reason I would give it 4 instead of 5 would be the feeling of a slight self plug tangled within the good lesson.
Profile Image for Erin.
431 reviews3 followers
January 30, 2021
Cute, multi-cultural, inspiring, hopeful.
January 28, 2021

I chose this book because it was written by our new Vice President, Kamala Harris, who was just sworn in this week. In her book, Kamala talks about everyday people who are our heroes. Children often think of superheroes as characters in a comic book or a movie. Superheroes are around us everyday: our parents, our grandparents, our friends, our even a favorite teacher. Superheroes Everywhere teaches children that heroes are all around us. I like the way that the author describes the superheroes in her life. She talks about the things she did with her superheroes and what she loved about them. They each played a part in what she accomplished and who she is today. She also asks questions at the end of each section like, "Who protects you?" and "Who can you count on?"
April 4, 2019
Superheroes are Everywhere by Kamala Harris is a nonfiction children’s book that describes the characteristics of everyday superheroes. Each two page spread contains a “Heroes are” statement, followed by a story from Kamala’s life of a real life superhero. She ends each story with a question that prompts the reader to think about a superhero that they might know based on that characteristic. This inspiring book would make a great addition to every elementary school classroom.

Here are a few ways I would use this book in a first grade classroom (although there are so many more ideas that just these!). First, this is a great introduction to a common layout for the nonfiction or informational text genre. This book does not have to be read in order, as a whole, to gather meaning. You could turn to a single spread, read the statement and the following story and gather a full understanding of that spread. This is true of many nonfiction or informational texts, although not for all. Second, The Hero Code at the end of the book would be great for shared reading. The text could be projected and all students would read aloud as they take the pledge to becoming a hero. Finally, I would use the “Heroes are” statement as a writing prompt for my students to describe a hero in their life.

Since this book is a new release, I hope it quickly finds its way into many elementary school classrooms.
102 reviews1 follower
January 1, 2020
Working with preschoolers and their families, I am frequently encouraging participation in the 1000 books before kindergarten literacy program. After years of encouraging others to participate, I decided to participate as well, despite not having a child under five years of age, and lead by example. In choosing to participate, I decided to use the challenge as a way to become more familiar with the contemporary literary cannon for families with young children, and have begun to immerse myself in both fiction and nonfiction works available for young children today.

This book had a great message! It was written by Kamala Harris, and despite any particular political leaning, it provided a great example of how superheroes can be found everywhere. Kamala speaks about the superheroes in her own life (providing pictures of her life growing up), giving readers a brief look into her own life, but also does a great job of describing characteristics of what makes up a superhero, and ultimately invites children to become a superhero too, through the embodiment of the described superhero characteristics. Overall, this book had a very positive message, and one that would be great for kids to hear in contemporary society!
Profile Image for Lisa.
2,356 reviews14 followers
January 27, 2019
Kamala Harris tells about the people in her life who were her heroes. Her mother, father, aunts and uncles, friends and mentors. Superheroes make the world a better place, and Kamala encourages children to find them everywhere. Designed to spark discussion with the child, each superhero is introduced by an experience Kamala had with them, then the child is asked to find a hero in their own life who makes them feel special or brave or protected, or to think of someone who is kind, works hard or makes a difference. Finally the child can take an oath to become a superhero themselves.

Sometimes the question doesn't match the experience - the story about counting on her sister is really about her mom celebrating both girls. Other vignettes have similar connection concerns. The illustrations are odd - the mix of illustration with realistic faces didn't work for me. I'm not sure where she is going with this. Is she empowering children or introducing herself?

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 186 reviews

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