475+ Movies And Shows With Christmas In The Title
  • Photo:
    • Buena Vista Pictures Distribution / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer / Buena Vista Pictures Distribution

475+ Movies And Shows With Christmas In The Title

Jason Bancroft
Updated May 12, 2024 478 items

As the holiday season twinkles into view, what better way to get into the festive spirit than by diving into a cozy pile of movies and shows with “Christmas” in the title? From heartwarming classics that have stood the test of time to newer gems that sparkle with modern holiday cheer, there's no shortage of screen magic to help you celebrate this most wonderful time of the year. Whether you're looking for a laugh, a cry, or a little romance under the mistletoe, this ranked list has you covered.

What makes these Christmas-titled escapades so compelling? Perhaps they can blend Yuletide traditions with storytelling that resonates with audiences. Or maybe it’s how they capture the essence of Christmas - a mix of chaos and comfort, family feuds smoothed over by festive forgiveness - all wrapped up in a snowy bow. Each film or show on our list has been ranked by popularity based on votes from fans like you who cherish these seasonal stories.

So grab your hot cocoa and favorite blanket as we rank fan favorites that have made their mark on holiday watchlists. Whether you’re in it for nostalgic revisits or eager to uncover new favorites, our guide is here to light up your holidays brighter than Rudolph’s red nose. Let’s unwrap this delightful array together and find out which titles are truly worth pressing play for during this festive season.