30 Facts about the movie Fury - Facts.net
Florette Gagliardi

Written by Florette Gagliardi

Modified & Updated: 31 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Amazon.com

Movies have the power to transport us to different worlds, evoke a range of emotions, and leave a lasting impact on our lives. One such movie that has commanded attention and left audiences in awe is “Fury.” Released in 2014, this war film directed by David Ayer takes us on an intense journey through the eyes of a tank crew during World War II. Starring Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Michael Peña, and Jon Bernthal, “Fury” delivers a gripping story filled with action, drama, and unforgettable characters. In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of “Fury” and bring you 30 interesting facts about the movie that will enhance your appreciation for this cinematic masterpiece.

Key Takeaways:

  • “Fury” is a gripping war film inspired by real tank crew stories from World War II. It’s known for its historical accuracy, intense action, and outstanding performances, making it a must-watch for war movie fans.
  • The film’s attention to detail, from authentic tank battles to realistic costumes, creates an immersive experience. “Fury” pays tribute to the bravery and sacrifices of soldiers, leaving a lasting impact on the war film genre.
Table of Contents

The Inspiration

The movie Fury was inspired by real-life stories of tank crews during World War II. Writer and director David Ayer drew inspiration from war veterans and historical accounts to create an authentic and gripping story.

  • Intense Training

    The cast of Fury underwent rigorous training to prepare for their roles as tank crew members. They received specialized training in operating and navigating tanks, as well as learning military tactics and strategies.

  • The Tank

    The tank used in the movie Fury is an authentic German Tiger I tank from World War II. It was meticulously restored and modified to be fully functional for filming. The tank became a pivotal character in the film, adding to its realism.

  • Cast Camaraderie

    The cast of Fury, including Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, and Logan Lerman, formed a close bond during the filming. They spent time together both on and off set to develop the camaraderie necessary for portraying a tight-knit tank crew.

  • Tank Battles

    The movie features intense and realistic tank battles, showcasing the firepower and destructive nature of armored warfare. These scenes were meticulously choreographed and executed to depict the chaos and danger faced by tank crews during World War II.

  • Historical Accuracy

    The filmmakers went to great lengths to ensure historical accuracy in Fury. They consulted with military experts, historians, and even veterans of World War II to accurately depict the time period, weaponry, and military tactics.

  • Hair and Makeup

    The hair and makeup team worked diligently to transform the cast into battle-weary soldiers. They used special effects to create realistic wounds and bruises, adding to the gritty and authentic look of the characters.

  • Sound Effects

    The sound design in Fury adds to the immersive experience of the film. The explosions, gunfire, and tank engines were meticulously recorded and mixed to create a visceral and authentic soundscape.

  • Tank Crew Dynamics

    The movie delves into the dynamics of a tank crew, showcasing the bonds, tensions, and conflicts that arise in such a confined environment. It explores themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and the horrors of war.

  • Cinematography

    The cinematography in Fury is visually stunning. The director of photography, Roman Vasyanov, used various techniques to capture the grittiness and brutality of war, creating a visually impactful experience for the audience.

  • The Battle of Cologne

    Fury focuses on the Battle of Cologne in 1945, one of the final major battles of World War II. This historical event serves as the backdrop for the film’s intense and dramatic storyline.

  • Authentic Costumes

    The costume designers meticulously researched and recreated authentic military uniforms and equipment from the World War II era. This attention to detail adds to the overall authenticity of the film.

  • The Brad Pitt-Logan Lerman Dynamic

    Brad Pitt and Logan Lerman’s on-screen dynamic as sergeant and rookie soldier provides a compelling story arc and explores the mentorship and bond that develops between the experienced and the inexperienced.

  • Emotional Impact

    Fury is an emotionally charged film that does not shy away from depicting the horrors of war. It explores the psychological toll that combat takes on soldiers and the challenges they face in maintaining their humanity.

  • Awards and Nominations

    Fury received critical acclaim and was nominated for various awards, including the Academy Awards and the British Academy Film Awards. It was praised for its performances, storytelling, and technical aspects.

  • The Tank’s Nickname

    The tank in the movie Fury is nicknamed “Fury.” This name symbolizes the strength, resilience, and ferocity of the tank and its crew.

  • War Is Hell

    Fury depicts the harsh realities of war, showcasing the brutality and devastation caused by armed conflicts. It serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by soldiers and the human cost of war.

  • Historical Significance

    The Battle of Cologne, depicted in Fury, was a crucial turning point in World War II. The film pays tribute to the brave soldiers who fought in this battle and their contributions to the Allied victory.

  • Filming Locations

    Fury was primarily filmed in England and offers stunning visuals of the British countryside. The locations were chosen to resemble the war-torn landscapes of Germany during World War II.

  • Realism in Action

    The action sequences in Fury were meticulously choreographed to create a sense of realism. The cast worked closely with stunt coordinators to execute the intense and high-stakes battle scenes.

  • Collaborative Efforts

    Fury brought together a talented team of filmmakers, including the director, cinematographer, and production designers. Their collaborative efforts resulted in a visually stunning and emotionally impactful film.

  • Box Office Success

    Fury was a box office success, grossing over $200 million worldwide. Its compelling story, stellar performances, and engaging action sequences resonated with audiences around the globe.

  • David Ayer’s Vision

    Writer and director David Ayer had a clear vision for Fury, aiming to create a gritty, realistic, and character-driven war film. His dedication and commitment to his vision shine through in every frame.

  • Haunting Score

    The film’s score, composed by Steven Price, adds to the emotional impact of Fury. The music enhances the tension, drama, and intensity of the film, evoking a haunting and unforgettable atmosphere.

  • Cinematic References

    Fury pays homage to classic war films, such as Saving Private Ryan and The Thin Red Line. It incorporates visual and thematic elements that fans of the genre will appreciate.

  • The Emotional Toll of War

    The film explores the emotional toll that war takes on its characters, highlighting the internal struggles and conflicts they face. It delves into themes of trauma, grief, and the fragile nature of the human psyche.

  • Critically Acclaimed Performances

    The performances in Fury received widespread acclaim. Brad Pitt’s portrayal of the hardened and complex tank commander garnered particular praise, as did the performances of the supporting cast.

  • Gritty Aesthetic

    The film’s visual aesthetic reflects the grittiness and brutality of war. The cinematography, production design, and costume choices create a sense of realism and immerse the audience in the World War II era.

  • True Heroes

    Fury pays tribute to the men and women who served and sacrificed during World War II. The film honors their bravery, resilience, and enduring spirit in the face of unimaginable adversity.

  • Lasting Impact

    Fury has left a lasting impact on the war film genre. Its raw storytelling, realistic portrayal of combat, and powerful performances have cemented its place among the most memorable war films of all time.

  • The movie Fury, directed by David Ayer, is an intense and gripping war film set during World War II. It follows the journey of a five-man tank crew as they navigate the dangers and horrors of war. Led by the hardened and experienced Sergeant Don ‘Wardaddy’ Collier, played by Brad Pitt, the crew finds themselves in the heart of the Battle of Cologne in 1945.

    The film offers an intimate and visceral portrayal of life inside a tank during combat. Fury explores the camaraderie and bonds formed between the crew members, their struggles to maintain their humanity in the face of unimaginable violence, and the sacrifices they make to protect each other.

    One of the standout features of Fury is its attention to historical accuracy. The filmmakers went to great lengths to recreate the time period, from meticulously restoring and modifying an authentic German Tiger I tank, to recreating the military uniforms and equipment used during World War II. The result is a visually stunning and immersive experience that transports the audience back to the war-torn landscapes of Germany.

    The performances in Fury are outstanding, with Brad Pitt delivering a powerful and nuanced portrayal of Sergeant Don Collier. His commanding presence and complex character make him the heart and soul of the film. The supporting cast, including Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Michael Peña, and Jon Bernthal, also deliver strong performances, bringing depth and authenticity to their respective roles.

    The action sequences in Fury are intense and realistic, showcasing the power and destruction of armored warfare. The tank battles are carefully choreographed and executed, immersing the audience in the chaos and danger faced by the crew. The sound design further enhances the visceral experience, with explosions, gunfire, and tank engines roaring in the background.

    Fury received critical acclaim for its gripping storytelling, compelling performances, and technical excellence. It was nominated for various awards, including the Academy Awards and the British Academy Film Awards, highlighting its impact on both critics and audiences alike.

    In conclusion, Fury is a must-watch war film that offers a raw and authentic portrayal of the challenges faced by soldiers during World War II. Its attention to historical accuracy, powerful performances, and visceral action sequences make it a standout entry in the war film genre. Brace yourself for a gripping and emotionally charged cinematic experience.


    Fury is a gripping war film that showcases the harsh realities of combat during World War II. With its intense action sequences, stellar performances, and attention to detail, it has captivated audiences worldwide. The movie offers a unique perspective on the war from the confines of a tank crew, portraying their struggles and camaraderie amidst the chaos of the battlefield.

    From its historical accuracy to its powerful storytelling, Fury stands as a testament to the horrors of war and the bravery of those who fought. Whether you’re a history buff or a movie enthusiast, this film is sure to leave a lasting impact.


    Q: Is Fury based on a true story?

    A: While Fury is a fictional story, it draws inspiration from real-life accounts and events that took place during World War II.

    Q: Who directed Fury?

    A: Fury was directed by David Ayer, known for his work on other notable films such as Training Day and Suicide Squad.

    Q: Who stars in the movie?

    A: Fury features a talented cast, including Brad Pitt, Shia LaBeouf, Logan Lerman, Michael Peña, and Jon Bernthal.

    Q: When was Fury released?

    A: Fury was released in 2014, receiving critical acclaim for its realistic portrayal of war and gripping performances.

    Q: What is the significance of the tank in the movie?

    A: The tank, known as “Fury,” acts as a central character in the film, symbolizing both the horrors of war and the bond between the crew members.

    Q: How accurate is Fury in depicting World War II?

    A: While Fury takes some creative liberties, it is praised for its attention to detail and realistic portrayal of the era, garnering recognition from war veterans for its authenticity.

    Q: Is Fury a must-watch for war movie enthusiasts?

    A: Absolutely! Fury has become a favorite among war movie enthusiasts for its immersive storytelling, nail-biting action, and compelling performances. It is highly recommended for those who appreciate the genre.

    If you're captivated by the gritty realism and emotional depth of Fury, why not explore other cinematic gems? Delve into the poignant historical drama of The Passion of Joan of Arc, uncover fascinating World War II facts that shed light on the conflict's global impact, or discover intriguing details about Brad Pitt's life and career. Each of these topics offers a unique perspective on the power of storytelling and the enduring influence of remarkable individuals.

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