Write the characteristics property of matter responsible for:(a) Smell of perfume spreads in the room. (b) Water takes the shape of the container in which it is kept.
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Write the characteristics property of matter responsible for:
(a) Smell of perfume spreads in the room.
(b) Water takes the shape of the container in which it is kept.

Last updated date: 23rd May 2024
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Hint: We know that matters are classified into three states , they are solid , liquid and gas. The perfume in the air is in a gaseous state . The water is in a liquid state . Solids have fixed shape and size. Liquids do not have fixed shape.

Complete answer:
(a) As in daily life we observe that whenever we spray the perfume in the air, the smell of perfume spreads in the room. The main characteristic behind this phenomenon is diffusion. Whenever the compressed chemical perfume in the bottle is spread in the air , it gets converted into gas and the particles try to mix up with the air particles due to which it gets circulated in the whole room quickly. It is a very important characteristic of the gases to quickly occupy the volume or void that is called the diffusion. The molecules of the perfume are compressed in the bottle and when the molecules become loosely bonded in air , they try to move in all directions because of the increase in randomness among the perfume particles. So the main characteristic property responsible for the perfume smell spreading in the whole room is diffusion.

(b) As we know that the water takes the shape of the container in which it is kept . Water is in a liquid state. This happens because the interatomic force of attraction between the molecules of water in liquid state is less than that of solid states. When the interatomic force of attraction between the molecules are weak, the molecules try to vibrate and move in all the directions. For this reason the water tries to flow and try to occupy the volume and shape of the container it is kept in. The gases have the weakest intermolecular force of attraction. So from the above it is clear to us that the main characteristic responsible for water taking the shape of the container in which it is kept is the weak intermolecular force of attraction and the ability to flow.
Additional information: We know that the kinetic energy of the molecules in the solid state is the lowest and the kinetic energy of the molecules in gaseous state is the highest. Solids are present in very dense form but the density of the gases is the least.

Note: Always remember that diffusion rate in solids is the lowest and diffusion rate of gases is the highest . Solids have definite shape and volume. Liquids have definite volume but not fixed shape. Gases do not have fixed volume and shape.
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