Christopher William Atwood, (1991 - 2013) - Online Memorials ForeverMissed
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To keep Chris' legacy of helping others alive, we ask that you consider making a donation to The Chris Atwood Foundation at or P.O. Box 9282, Reston, Virginia 20195. 

TheCAF is a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit dedicating to educating the public about addiciton, supporting famillies with an addicted family member, and battling the stigma that prevents so many people from reaching out for help.

This memorial site is a place to celebrate the incredible and unforgetable life of Chris Atwood.  Words alone cannot do his dynamic personality justice so please add photos, videos, verses, poems, and literally anything that you think he would like. 

Above all, let the light that he gave to this world live on by remembering him often.  Through both his triumphs and his struggles, he left all of us with something to hold on to, something to make us better people, to make us laugh, cry, and most importantly - spread a little bit more love to the people of this world.

Thank you!

June 24, 2023
June 24, 2023
Your family needs you now more than ever, Christopher. Missing you so much, as always. Forever loved by your Mama. 
I have a spectacular redbud tree I planted 8 years ago in my yard in memory of you. The one I planted in your honor when you were toddler is massive, just shy of setting records in Virginia. Wish you were here to enjoy them. Also wish you were here giving your great massages and partnering with me in the wellness business. Always in my heart and on my mind.
July 3, 2021
July 3, 2021
Happy 30th Birthday to my baby boy, Boo. You are a part of me forever and always.
December 15, 2018
December 15, 2018
Christmasing with you in my heart as I've done for way too many years. Such a bittersweet time. You gave the best gifts because you cared the most.  I still have my slippers, the heart ring and the lip balm. Comfort gifts, of course, because making others feel better is what you were all about. Love, Mom
April 1, 2018
April 1, 2018
Just heard on the radio that massage therapy is a better alternative to opioids for pain management -- duh, we got that a long time ago. That's why you chose to become a phenomenally successful massage therapist for a few short months after graduation just before your death. You nailed it Boo and I'm so sorry the rest of the world didn't get it. Love and hugs forever from my shattered heart.
February 23, 2018
February 23, 2018
Miss you every single day. You filled my life with a soulfulness beyond compare. I get a few hugs now, but nothing like your bone-crushing embrace. Life now is pretty empty by comparison. This world could use a little Christopher right about now. Love you forever. Forever in my heart.
August 15, 2017
August 15, 2017
Hey Boo, I wish you were here to see your buddy Spencer finish hiking the entire Appalachian Trail in memory of you and so many others who have lost their battle with a substance use disorder. Sadly, the opioid epidemic grows virtually unabated. Wish you were here with your intense compassion toward others to help your sister make a difference in this hurting world. Love Always, Mama
February 16, 2017
February 16, 2017
My dear Christopher, I think you have come back here as a squirrel, at least for now. We both saved baby squirrels, cj (aka Chris Junior or cracker jack) and my Baby Blue (you were so pleased with my recovery efforts even on a dismal golf course). How fitting that when I had to call in a "wildlife biologist" at my new home in Herndon, Patrick managed to free the squirrels from my cramped attic to the wilds of Runnymede Park with not so much as a scratch to their exquisite bodies. My favorite squirrel managed to set off all of the traps and run free, just like you are now my precious and priceless son. Free.
July 3, 2016
July 3, 2016
Happy heavenly 25th birthday Boo. Give Shingo a fist bump for me. I love you both. This holiday has forever become a memorial for you and now Shingo. Your suffering is gone but you both are missed terribly. Our beautiful, caring, soulful young men. Love always, Mom/Auntie Anne
February 23, 2016
February 23, 2016
You are ALWAYS in my heart, a Mama's boy for over half of your short life. I'll always remember your beautiful golden, curly hair and your deep tenderness for all things, no matter how small. Three tortuous years have gone by and this life sentence still defines me. But as they say, "Life goes on." And so it does. I love one of your favorite poets, Langston Hughes, "Well, son, I'll tell you: Life for me ain't been no crystal stair." Love you forever.
February 23, 2016
February 23, 2016
Christopher, it sometimes seems only a short time that you have been away; then other times, it seems an eternity. It is somehow fitting that my chosen goal for Lent is to recapture the joy in doing all of my mundane chores---you were a Master of Joy!! You still bring it today in all of our precious memories. Here at home in Clements, Maryland, one of my best memories is of you playing with my sheltie Moses. You must have been about 11 or 12. Moses decided he wanted to lick you on your face and ears, and he was usually rebuffed by his victims, but you just laid down on the floor and giggled. Pretty soon we were all laughing hysterically at the ridiculous scene. Love you so much, dear nephew! I live in hope that we will all be together, laughing again, one day soon.
October 4, 2015
October 4, 2015
I still have trouble believing that you're gone. You are so missed. I can see it lighting up your face. The fact that so many people are being helped by your friends and family. I know we weren't very close the last couple years and that's a shame. I'm sorry and I love you. Save us all a great seat up there for whatever shinanigans you're up to.
September 9, 2015
September 9, 2015
Missing you more than ever. BEST man EVER!
April 20, 2015
April 20, 2015
The Rosebud tree I had planted in my front yard reminds me each day of your love for Nana and me. We love you and miss you but know your are in a wonderful place. The tree is so beautiful at this time of the year. It also reminds me of Jesus love for us and what he did on Calvary that made it possible to live with him throughout eternity. Heaven is more real to me today than it has ever been. Will seen you soon. Love Pappy.
February 12, 2015
February 12, 2015
"When you have swam in the sea, a lake will no longer do; everyone else was always a pond but the ocean was always you."
January 17, 2015
January 17, 2015
hey man its almost been 2 years now since you've passed i just wanted to say that i miss you man! i just lost another friend 2 days ago and its crazy because everyone keeps dying man everyone i grew up with it makes me wonder when its my turn... but i try to keep a positive attitude everyday man. im glad you and i talked after we had that one problem im sorry i was a shitty friend at that point in my life. but dude you were my first friend when i came to reston my best friend actually we used to hang out every day man and we got into a lot of trouble haha but you were always there for me man youre my brother and i hope youre still looking after me wherever you are. i love you man rest easy -- Ryan 1/8/15
January 10, 2015
January 10, 2015


Miss u man ......

I picked up an 18 month chip tonight in front of like 200 people

Shit was rockin

Who woulda thought.....

All the drugs we used to do...haaaaa...

But man it's really good here it's like heaven on earth

Yo Chris will you say hi to my brother for me? Alex Dean Srebnick.

Sigh I don't know how long I have on this earth, Christopher. But let me tell you this man. I vow to live everyday in rememberence of fallen addicts and their families everywhere. To recovery as BEST I can and to help others in their own walks.

The better I get the more I am able to enter others lives. I know if you were here and sober you'd be doing big I'm doin em for you man

I love you bro.


Can't wait to see you man :)

Really looking forward to that introduction to the flesh....with a fuckin fist bump hell yeah

Later gator
November 22, 2014
November 22, 2014
So Boo, I spend a lot of days now sharing with your community -- those trying to stay clean and reclaim their lives -- extraordinarily beautiful people. A precious young friend of mine, 23 days clean, asked me if I think of you every day still. I said "constantly". You are with me forever and always. Love, Mom
August 29, 2014
August 29, 2014
A candle is burning next to your ashes today in memory of Carolyn, my friend's niece in Cleveland, who at 22 just lost this horrific battle. September is Recovery month and my schedule is full. The only thing missing is you by my side. Christopher, you would have been an incredible leader in this fight against the stigma. You are the anti-stigma! Every second in my heart, love you. Mama
June 25, 2014
June 25, 2014
Going to BK tomorrow with your big sissy, 'inny'. We're gonna get the junior whopper. If you were with us, we'd get you a quadruple stacker custom made, just like the good old days. Love you Boo, Mama
June 6, 2014
June 6, 2014
Another desperate workout to your iPod Boo. Thank you for your awesome music. Mama loves you. "Chop Suey!" by System of a Down.
April 20, 2014
April 20, 2014
FB post from Evan Davis on 3/25/14:

Chris, it's weird that now when I post this there won't be an awesomely quirky response from you. I didn't even know you had passed until today and I've been living in D.C. for over two years now. It's been an age since I last saw you in the desert of Utah, but I recall all we struggled and triumphed through. I remember your smile and laugh that brightened many people's day. I wish I could hang out with you again. I'm gonna miss you buddy. There's a deep rift in the world where you once were. Love you brother.
April 5, 2014
April 5, 2014
10,000 VISITS to this site (half of them by your mama), a tribute to my son who was so-o-o very deeply loved and cherished. Boo, you are everywhere I go, meandering through the trails of Reston, working out to your music cranked up at full volume and aiding your Pappy and gauging his health by how ornery he is. LUVBOO. Mom xoxo
March 23, 2014
March 23, 2014
Rest in peace Chris~~~I am so thankful that you came into our lives and for being there for Luke while you both went through the personal growth and education at DRA [St. George, UT]. The stories and the laughter will forever be etched in our memories.
We will never forget you.
God bless you, your family and my Luke.
We loved you Sugar Boy.  Julie Ford 2/24/13
March 22, 2014
March 22, 2014
Hey Boo, I get through my endless days by working out to your iPod music. Your music moves me, motivates me and makes me incredibly angry/sad all at the same time. Listening to your N Sync's 'I Want You Back'. "I know I'm crazy without you." I'm so sorry you had so much pain, I get it, I really do. Love from the very deepest part of what is left of this mama's heart.
March 2, 2014
March 2, 2014
A heart wrenching tribute to you, my precious son, from your Auntie Beth on Facebook: "They stopped whatever they had planned for that bitterly cold Saturday, and they came to mourn and to celebrate a young life that had profoundly changed theirs." See full tribute from my sister Beth under the Stories tab. xoxo
February 24, 2014
February 24, 2014
A life so young released to heaven, left on Earth we wonder why but some are sent among us briefly 'Some have Spirits meant to fly.'
Chris, I'm thinking of you today with a smile and a prayer.
February 23, 2014
February 23, 2014
Always with me, in my heart, love you forever my precious son Christopher. I spent an hour yesterday evening with your fellow addicts, feeling your pain and theirs, seeing the tremendously difficult work that you and they have to do moment by moment, day by day. As a mother all I can say is - Please forgive yourselves and let go of the past. You are here in the present and that is a GIFT to the world. Love, Mama A
February 16, 2014
February 16, 2014
From Lauren C.: "I met Chris in AA. It was always an interesting time when we hung out…he was always so perceptive. He really cared about each and every person and he was taken from us way too soon. I know he struggled, just as many of us do - with depression, addiction, and so on - but now he doesn't have to anymore. I will always treasure my time spent with Chris, and I know it's the same for anyone who's ever gotten to know him. He will be missed."
December 26, 2013
December 26, 2013
I saw this quote and it made me think of you.

“That's how you know you love someone, I guess, when you can't experience anything without wishing the other person were there to see it, too.”
December 16, 2013
December 16, 2013
From Heidi at AA: Chris, I'm almost positive there was never time spent with you that didn't result in you making an extremely inappropriate comment or joke. I would gasp and say "You're so horrible," invariably followed by mutual laughter. You have a beautiful soul, and you're leaving behind a beautiful memory. You will be missed. You've inspired me to try and touch the people in this world with kindness and compassion the same way you did. Love, Heidi
December 2, 2013
December 2, 2013
I went to the local artists' showcase at Jammin' Java to feel closer to you and as one of the artists in recovery said, "The evening was magical." I complemented a rapper and received several hugs from him -- he thinks I'm a music exec or something! I admired another's paintings and she cried when she realized that I was the mother of her friend, Chris. More hugs, tears, love, acceptance...your magic lives.
October 27, 2013
October 27, 2013
Boo, you would have loved the craziness of today's Marine Corps Marathon. I saw and felt you everywhere, from the homeless man playing his saxophone at the Rosslyn Metro to the indomitable spirit of the runners! Team Chris combined ran over 100 miles for you today! We love you forever and ever. Mama A
October 20, 2013
October 20, 2013
T-minus 1 week until Team Chris runs the marathon in your honor, I can imagine your face now as you think "4 girls ran 26.2 miles for me, I must be pretty damn sexy." I am so unbelievably amazed by how much your family and friends have done to make sure no one ever has to lose a "Chris" again. I love you oh so very much and miss you terribly, can you hurry up and haunt me already?
September 27, 2013
September 27, 2013
Boo, just wanted to let you know that your phenomenal first girlfriend, Ashley Taylor, has joined Team Chris to support through the Marine Corps Marathon 2013. I, too, lost my first boyfriend (loved him since I was 4), Grant Haddix, when we were 30 yrs old. Ashley, your support speaks volumes to how much Christopher will ALWAYS be loved! See Ashley's story.
September 22, 2013
September 22, 2013
I loved you so much back at Langston Hughes, ...

Kevin Matthew
2/24 Facebook post
(see STORIES for Kevin's full tribute)
September 5, 2013
September 5, 2013
Because of you, my beloved son, THIS girl's on fire. On my mind 24/7.
August 12, 2013
August 12, 2013
My dear Boo, I wish you could see how hard your family and friends are working to make this world a better place for those struggling with addiction. You are our inspiration and you are here with us in spirit. Your sister and her friends are incredible:
August 6, 2013
August 6, 2013
My first memory of Chris was when we met at glory days grill. We were all eating our wings. He had sauce all over his hand, and used my hair as a "towellete" as he said. I didn't even care about my saucy hair, it was so funny as the time! He brightened my mood any day, and took me on my very first date, which he had me laughing the whole time. What a funny, kind, sassy, goofy spirit
August 6, 2013
August 6, 2013
I'm so sorry I didn't hear about this earlier, and I leave my love with the Atwood family.
July 31, 2013
July 31, 2013
Chris, I am sitting here trying to make my fundraising page for CAF and MCM, and of course I end up just crying and coming to this page to visit you. I end up crying and laughing and crying and laughing because I'm so sad but you left so much light for us to enjoy. Losing you was such an incredible loss. But knowing you was such an incredible blessing.
July 27, 2013
July 27, 2013
From Reza Hashemi, shared the week after Christopher's death: 

"Chris, You were ...the guy who saved my life."

See Reza's full tribute under the Stories tab.
July 20, 2013
July 20, 2013
I remember after preschool you would come to my house and we would watch Disney movies. You recently told me that Pocahontas was your favorite to watch with me. I know we weren't super close as we got older, but we grew up together in God's faith, and I know that I will see you again. I hope you are having a great time up there..
July 19, 2013
July 19, 2013
I miss you a lot and will always wish things could be different and that you would be here.
July 16, 2013
July 16, 2013
Leon, Thank you for sharing. It is indeed a tribute to my son that he was so memorable, and always trying to live life to the fullest, whether making his own unique recipe in the kitchen, rescuing a baby squirrel or spreading love and laughter wherever he went.
July 15, 2013
July 15, 2013
Man, odd that I found myself here surfing the web. Can't say we were close during the last few years or even during high school, but I remember the times in elementary school. I can't say that most people are that memorable. I remember playing king of the hill in the snow with you, Adrian, and my brother. I wish you and your family peace.
July 8, 2013
July 8, 2013
From Amanda Thoburn (cousin): "Christopher, Boo - I know you are up there looking down on us having a party in heaven. Being the youngest in my family I feel like I adopted you as my younger brother. Maybe I did that so I could boss you around but mostly it was because I loved you. You will forever live on in all of our hearts. You will greatly be missed."
July 3, 2013
July 3, 2013
Today is your 22nd Birthday, Baby Boo! You are everywhere and in my heart forever...Turned on the radio this morning and heard the same song back to back. "Like A Drum, My heart never stops beating for you...I'll love you long after you are gone." I still love your virtual bear hugs. xoxo Mama
July 3, 2013
July 3, 2013
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS!!! We all miss you so much, it seems odd not to be out celebrating. But I bet you're livin' it up in ways we can't possibly fathom-- love youuuu (and don't forget it).
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Recent Tributes
June 24, 2023
June 24, 2023
Your family needs you now more than ever, Christopher. Missing you so much, as always. Forever loved by your Mama. 
I have a spectacular redbud tree I planted 8 years ago in my yard in memory of you. The one I planted in your honor when you were toddler is massive, just shy of setting records in Virginia. Wish you were here to enjoy them. Also wish you were here giving your great massages and partnering with me in the wellness business. Always in my heart and on my mind.
July 3, 2021
July 3, 2021
Happy 30th Birthday to my baby boy, Boo. You are a part of me forever and always.
December 15, 2018
December 15, 2018
Christmasing with you in my heart as I've done for way too many years. Such a bittersweet time. You gave the best gifts because you cared the most.  I still have my slippers, the heart ring and the lip balm. Comfort gifts, of course, because making others feel better is what you were all about. Love, Mom
Recent stories

Dear Mom from UT 4/28/2008

February 8, 2017

Dear Mom,

What's up.  Sorry I haven't been writing much but it's a hassle to find time and send it out on the right day with our busy body schedule.  I'll try harder.  The past weeks moved by kinda slow but I noticed yesterday is my one month.  It's funny how bad I thought one month at caron was when I had all these awesome things like a cafeteria, shower, clean clothes, etc.  My clothes are filth and I reek.  I shower with a bucket of water once a week.  Some guy ben just came from adult program, told us his story and played guitar for us -- the first music I've heard.  I really like the last letter you sent especially the pic of dudley and Ginny wearing matching sweaters.  Do you think you could send pics of me?  I haven't seen my face in a month and I could use a funny pic to brighten my day.  Oops I gotta go so write back, love and miss you.  - Christopher

"One summer night" by Jenny Zhan

December 23, 2015

Written by my son's friend, Jenny, February 23, 2014:

"One summer night, I received a call from Chris - he was hanging out somewhere in my neighborhood and was wondering what I was up to.  I told him that I was kind of sick and didn't feel like going out, but that he was welcome to come over.  An hour later, I opened the door to him holding a bag filled with soups, tea, candy, and bubbles - one of the nicest gestures any one has ever done for me, especially since I had not seen him in a while.  Over a midnight feast, we recollected all the good times we had shared, talked about where we were on our journey, the obstacles we had overcome, the visions we had for ourselves.  We expressed our appreciation for each other and the friendship that had sustained us through all the years ever since seventh grade when we were in the same Spanish class.  The depth of our conversation was, naturally, also laced with many laughs and jokes...I revisit this night many times in my mind, as it is my last memory with him.

     I've had a myriad of great times with Chris; anything and everything was an unpredictable adventure with him, from daily walks to the shopping center, parties and outings, gettting food, and visits from him at UVA.  Never was there a dull moment.  There are countless stories that I could attempt to share through words, but language is so limiting and there is nothing, as I am sure many others would agree, in the world that could do Chris' spirit, energy, and heart any justice.  He could make me laugh until every muscle in my body would hurt, until I was begging him to stop being so goddamn funny because I couldn't breathe.  But of course, I never actually wanted him to stop.  His humor is unparalleled, unmatched, and everlasting, as reminiscing about my time spent with him will forever bring me laughter and joy.  My being overflows with gratitude for having become good friends with Chris.  The way he effortlessly lit up a room, a face, a life by simply being himself, is truly inspirational."

My Eulogy to my son

March 8, 2015

Hi – I’m Anne and I’m the mother of an addict, an amazing, incredible addict.  If you think people in recovery are lazy, dumb, worthless criminals, then think again.  Wake up every day and say to yourself, “ One day at a time.  I can survive this intense craving.  I will not give in.  I will dig myself out of this hole.  I will attend a meeting.  I will find a friend to support me. How can I avoid the many triggers that will light up my brain to use? When will my brain ever feel “normal” again?  Why has my brain turned against me? I’m so tired of fighting this constantly.  I just feel like giving up.  Nobody really cares anyway.”

Dealing with addiction is like trying to outrun demons. The faster you run away from them the faster they run toward you.  If you’ve managed to stay clean, the demons are doing push-ups and waiting, waiting.  Christopher was exhausted outrunning the demons every minute of his day.  His own body was at war with him.  He could be at home anywhere in the world, but not in his own mind.  Life is at its hardest when the mind is at war with itself. 

How does addiction start and why do drugs grab some so fiercely that they crave it like water on a hot August day?  In my adolescent son’s case, it was a mixture of a brain hardwired for drugs and depression, a lack of sufficient dopamine to promote wellness, combined with risk-taking peers, an immature brain and a lack of support during his darkest times. His depression was a tough one to deal with because he needed to take medicine to correct the chemical imbalance in his brain.  So it was a constant pull of take drugs to treat clinical depression, but don’t take the drugs that will kill you but take you out of your depression.  I don’t think any other disease is quite like that.  He found heroin before anti-depressants found him.  He thought he’d hit the jackpot, but he was just opening Pandora’s box to years of suffering leading to his death.

How do you deal with your addiction?  First and foremost, please forgive yourself.  After forgiveness, learn to love yourself, proudly be you.  Don’t conform to someone else’s idea of who you should be.  Follow your heart’s calling.  I used to give Christopher pep talks on how gifted and special he was.  His response was, “You’re my mom so you have to say that.”  But really, he was.  He had more compassion and ability to reach other human beings than anyone else I’ve ever met.

After forgiveness, help others.  Christopher was the master of reaching out to anyone, anytime, for any reason.  Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “It is one of the beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.” My Boo, as I called Christopher since he was a toddler, had such a desire to reach out to others.   At the beginning of his adulthood, he was building a successful massage therapy career with his beautiful, healing hands and his tender heart.  Even in the hospital, hooked up to too many useless machines, his hands were perfect.    

To further build your strength to fight addiction, you must also accept responsibility – own up to your mistakes – Christopher understood this and sought to reassure us that fighting addiction was his problem and no one else was to blame.  That is a great life lesson for all of us – take 100% responsibility.

Seek out and study mindfulness and meditation.  These are two powerful tools that can help you to take it “One Day at a Time” and bring clarity to your thoughts.  When I was around 13, I put a quote on my dry-erase board that I kept for years as part of my meditation as a teenager. It read, “Don’t pray for an easy life, pray to be a strong person.”  I never imagined how that would be put to the test. 

When a child is suffering, Mama is suffering too.  For over six long years we struggled together with so many visits to doctors and administrators, so many visits from the police, so many times watching the physical pain ravish your brain, deceptions, attacks and rehabs.  I have listened to Mary J. Blige over and over as she sings, “I’m so tired. No more drama in my life, I’m not going to hurt again.”  My only peace is knowing that you are no longer suffering.

I hang on to the moments when we could feel fully free.  Just the two of us riding 4–wheelers in the desert of Southern Utah or driving through the rain forest of Puerto Rico with the top down, singing Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody, bobbing our heads violently. Or the brief freedom we felt, along with Ginny, on our trip to Key West, driving our rented convertible from Miami over the 40+ bridges of the Florida Keys, exhilarated by the healing water and sky all around us. 

After your stay in Utah, I arranged to get the pug puppy that I promised you. You, Ginny, Ty and I piled into my Pathfinder on a glorious Saturday to meet a simple, old country man much like your Pappy in the parking lot of a McDonald’s just outside of Front Royal.  He opened the back of his little hatchback and there was an adorable litter of pug puppies – heaven!  You chose the healthiest and cutest one in the bunch and insisted on naming him “Manly”.  I paid for him in cash and we headed for home.  As you sat in the passenger seat, riding shotgun next to me and snuggling your new puppy, you remarked, “That was sketchy!”   

My last visit with you was just a few weeks before your death at a group family therapy session.  As I was getting ready to leave, I hugged you and you gave me one of your best big bear hugs.  I said, “I love you” and you said, “I love you too.”   We both knew the pain you were feeling.  Life felt so incredibly fragile.

For now, the greatest comfort for me is just to be, no words needed.  The American poet, Philip Levine, expressed the idea of silence in one of his poems, “He Would Never Use One Word Where None Would Do”.

At the end of it, he writes:

Fact is, silence is the perfect water:
unlike rain it falls from no clouds
to wash our minds, to ease our tired eyes,
to give heart to the thin blades of grass
fighting through the concrete for even air
dirtied by our endless stream of words.

My last thought comes from my dear friend Onalie Arts, a massage therapist in Massachusetts who practiced at one time in Great Falls, Virginia.  She shared this with me in a letter:

“Today may there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others. May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every one of us."

I think this is what Christopher, my precious son, would have wanted for this world.

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