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Air Gear

18MatureSub | Dub
30 Reviews
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Ikki rules his school, but when he’s defeated by Storm Riders, he’s introduced to the world of Air Trecks—motor-powered inline skates.

Kodansha Ltd.
Japanese, English
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(1 review)18 March 2023
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Great anime with a great plot and potential that somehow just never continued.

I remember growing up watching this looking for the elusive episode 26 wonder how could it just end like that surely there is more?? There was.. Unfortunately its all in manga and was never made into a second season and boy is it a great manga/anime. I loved watching every second of it and wish there was a second season. At the time when it came out was one of a kind.

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(1 review)18 March 2023
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A hidden gem that had so much potential

This anime had one of the most unique concepts in the business. And still to this day has one of the best soundtracks in anime. it fits the theme of the show so well. I wasn't much a fan of the ecchi in the show but everything else was amazing. I highly recommend this 100% just for the soundtrack alone. also the manga is good read as well, I love the art style.

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(1 review)18 March 2023
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Awesome anime

Watch this in university many moons ago and loved it. Was so sad a second season never came out but was happy that there was a movie or an ost that extended the universe a bit more. Hopefully maybe crunchyroll will see the popularity and find a studio to revitalize it!

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(1 review)16 April 2023
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Has the potential one of the greatest of all time

The plot, the world, the music, and the characters all great and inspirational. 1 million out of 10. Watched this years ago and continue to rewatch and read it. Please crunchryroll, pick this show up, remaster it and continue it. you won't be disappointed.

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(1 review)19 March 2023
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Killer show!!

its a must watch show that I highly recommend people to watch... and if it leaves you wanting more the manga is great long but great its cracks me up funny well thought out show.