Please see our statutory policies for schools page for our latest Curriculum Policy

Our curriculum has a strong academic core rooted in high expectations whilst offering flexibility to cater for individual needs. Students at Gillingham School have equal access to a curriculum which is rich, ambitious and well-sequenced, designed to offer breadth, balance and relevance.  We think and plan in terms of a ‘five-year curriculum’ (with Year 9 being a transition year between Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4) and individual subject curricula reflect this.

In Years 7 and 8 students study all National Curriculum subjects, whilst in Year 9 students study five option subjects alongside their Core subjects and Religious Studies. The aim is to offer some element of choice whilst maintaining a broad and balanced curriculum for each student, leading to informed choices for Years 10 and 11.  The element of choice for Year 9 gives subjects the opportunity to go deeper into content and plan broader learning than just exam specifications and spend longer developing the knowledge and skills needed to be successful at KS4 and beyond. 

Alongside the core subjects, there are a wide range of traditional GCSEs, a variety of BTEC qualifications and we are able to offer the students the opportunity to study new subjects such as Business Studies, Digital Applications, Media Studies and Psychology.

We are committed to the principles behind the EBacc and when making option choices, most students are expected to choose at least one Modern Foreign Language (French, German or Spanish), as well as Geography or History (or both) unless we feel it is in their best interests not to do so.

In addition, processes are in place to ensure that each student’s option choices are approved as broad, balanced and in their best interests.