Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management

Department of Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management

Study & Teaching

Study with us in the field of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management to benefit from leading research, interactive courses, and inspiring lectures. Insights into emerging topics such as the psychology of entrepreneurship and the importance of authenticity are explored, as well as expanding global perspectives in entrepreneurship through participation in international programs.

Research & Projects

Discover how the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management is shaping the future of entrepreneurship and sustainable innovation on a global scale. Join us on a journey of excellence in research and education projects that empowers the next generation of leaders and politics.

Companies and Alumni

Alumni, professionals, and organizations are invited to contribute to the vibrant learning environment through various collaborative activities—guest lectures, expertise exchange, project impulses, partnerships, shared research etc.


Demo Day! Tanzania - 15.05.2024

We are proud to share that 10 teams were selected from the accelerator program in this EIM cooperation project to particpate in the grand finale at the ClimAccelerator Demo Day. Five teams with promising solutions to support climate change adaption and resilience were awarded with seed funding to continue their entrepreneurial journeys and kick-start their startups!

Department Director

Prof. Dr.

Jan Kratzer

Office H 76
Room H 7179
Address Straße des 17. Juni 135
10623 Berlin


  • Marker  EIM


Office H 76
Room H 7167
Address Straße des 17. Juni 135
10623 Berlin