Ray Panthaki
© Lefteris Primos

Ray Panthaki, 43, stars in the 2021 film Boiling Point. It was co-produced by his production company Urban Way, whose other productions include the Bafta-winning 2013 comedy Convenience. He has acted in the TV series Marcella and Away, and his directorial debut, the short film Life Sentence, won an East End Film Festival award.

Private school or state school? University or straight into work?
State. My dad moved us to a slightly more affluent area to get us into a better school. We couldn’t afford it. He worked all the hours God sent. I failed my A levels — it was just too academic — and started a university course that would take my qualifications. I was saved by getting an acting role that would have meant missing so much of the course, so I broke free to pursue what I loved.

What was your childhood or earliest ambition?
I was an incredibly shy, quiet child. When I was 11 or 12, there was a boy in my class who was an actor. An element of me wanted that attention. My parents said “What? You don’t even talk to anyone!” But when I went to the local drama school, acting absolutely engaged me.

Who was or still is your mentor?
I never really had one.

How politically committed are you?
Probably less than I should be because I’m just so bone-weary of politics at the moment.

How physically fit are you?
Right now, I’m OK. The fittest I’ve ever been was back in 2019. The producers dropped on me that in five weeks there was a scene where I had to go topless. Nothing feeds commitment more than vanity.

Ambition or talent: which matters more to success?
Definitely ambition. I wish it was talent, or an element of both, but the arts is not a meritocracy. I had to fight to be seen. The phone wouldn’t have rung without that.

What would you like to own that you don’t currently possess?
A time machine, so I could attend the Last Supper, have a pint with Nikola Tesla and go to Woodstock.

In what place are you happiest?
Los Angeles. When I get there, my shoulders drop, I feel free. I can be on the beach, in the mountains, in the desert within a couple of hours. And it has great sushi.

What’s your biggest extravagance?
I recently bought my first home in London. I’m most happy when I’m living with just one bag. I’ve spent my whole life avoiding financial commitments that would make me prioritise money over art.

What ambitions do you still have?
It’s always been to make important films — as an actor and a director.

What drives you on?
My family and friends: making them proud, showing that the commitment was worth it. In terms of a deeper calling, it’s something I can’t shake off — I need to continue making films. I don’t know why.

What is the greatest achievement of your life so far?
It’s one that never was. I was cast in a film that went on to be a Hollywood juggernaut. There was a visa delay and the role had to be recast: the achievement was getting the part and also picking myself up after that disappointment. And to be nominated for a British Independent Film Award for Boiling Point.

What do you find most irritating in other people?
Rudeness and bullying.

If your 20-year-old self could see you now, what would he think?
He would see there was treasure in all those scars I had. They ended up being things that made me grow.

Which object that you’ve lost do you wish you still had?
A book about Zoroastrianism, the religion I was born into. On my own personal spiritual journey, I’d like to see how it aligns to where I am.

What is the greatest challenge of our time?
Governments getting into Big Tech and how that’s leading to our loss of freedom.

Do you believe in an afterlife?
I’ve had one too many experiences not to believe there is something more magical out there.

If you had to rate your satisfaction with your life so far, out of 10, what would you score?
Seven. There’s still so much more to do.

Ray Panthaki stars in ‘Boiling Point’, available to stream on major platforms now

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