GARISH Definition & Meaning |



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[ gair-ish, gar- ]


  1. crudely or tastelessly colorful, showy, or elaborate, as clothes or decoration.

    Synonyms: tawdry, loud

  2. excessively ornate or elaborate, as buildings or writings.
  3. dressed in or ornamented with bright colors.
  4. excessively bright; glaring.


/ ˈɡɛərɪʃ /


  1. gay or colourful in a crude or vulgar manner; gaudy

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Derived Forms

  • ˈgarishly, adverb
  • ˈgarishness, noun

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Other Words From

  • garish·ly adverb
  • garish·ness noun

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Word History and Origins

Origin of garish1

1535–45; earlier gaurish, perhaps equivalent to obsolete gaure “to stare” ( Middle English gauren, from Old Norse ) + -ish 1

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Word History and Origins

Origin of garish1

C16: from earlier gaure to stare + -ish

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Synonym Study

See gaudy 1.

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Example Sentences

The entire structure has been newly painted in a variety of garish colors.

It was like Halloween for a decade, and the colors were garish, and the style was just phenomenal for us to look back on.

Named after the British actress Jane Birkin, the handbag has no garish logos.

The value of these terms lies in their baroqueness, in the way they pile up upon each other like garish baubles.

The extensive wood carvings inside and outside will be painted in garish colors, like this family room shown in a finished home.

Two more years have yet to run before that garish and hideous date, prophetic of all that is bright and new and abominably raw.

It had a garish blue tunic reaching well below the hips and a black skirt bordered with blue.

He could not bear the noise, the garish light, the continued rumble and movement of the street.

Damask curtains of old rose and pale green, falling over a widow-shade of yellow lace, softened the garish light of day.

Usually, all was silent within its walls when the darkness fell; but this night a garish light flickered under the door.




