Pisces Horoscope 2021: Key Yearly Predictions

Pisces Horoscope 2021: Key Yearly Predictions

By Denise on 2020-03-24, 21524 views

All through 2021, Pisces natives need to pay close attention to their own words and avoid gossiping, especially at work. In other words, if they can’t say something nice about someone, they’d better not say anything whatsoever.

When it comes to what’s going to go well for them, that is romance. What will challenge the most will be their need to realign themselves with their life’s purpose. It’s very likely that they have worked hard to establish their own priorities, so 2021 will move them into cycles in which they need to cross some boundaries in order to achieve success.

The more self-confident and optimistic about their future they will be, the more their road to achieving their goals will bring them many satisfactions. Pluto will ingress into the sign of Sagittarius, which is very important for them, seeing this cycle will be one of self-discovery for the next 100 years.

In 2021 Pisces natives are going to unravel the factors that are inhibiting their freedom and self-expression, not to mention they’ll be more insightful when it comes to what their role in this world is.

Their relationship with their parents and other members of their family may also change, as they will be able to let go of negative connections. Furthermore, they will be more self-accepting and tolerant about what makes them different from others.

They will discover mysteries about their own Self and feel like they’re going through rebirth. Jupiter’s transit through Capricorn puts an emphasis on their solar 11th House and marks a cycle in which they’re more involved in community or group activities.

Friends may be extremely helpful for Pisceans in 2021, and they’ll be supportive themselves. What’s also incredible about this cycle is that they’ll be more able to envision their own future, whereas the goals they will set for themselves will contribute to the realization of their biggest dreams.

They will have more confidence in their own abilities while being very attracted to those who see their real potential and want to do them good. More than this, they’ll be of great help to others and encouraging, which means many will come to them when wanting to receive confirmation for their abilities.

If they have high and strong ideals no matter what they may be doing, they can turn into others’ inspiration and make real changes in the world. When it comes to what they will receive, this is only the results of what they have sown.

In case they’re not happy with the results of their actions, in 2021 Pisceses should make a change in their attitude, especially if they feel like they have been selfish. The Universe is encouraging them to use their talents in order to help others and to share their love.

What to keep in mind

The cycle of planet Saturn through your second house is going to last for the next two years, time period in which, as a Pisces, you’ll be very aware how your using your own resources in order to achieve what you most desire.

The values of Pisces people may change, so they should do their best in order to work on them one by one, as this cycle gets them to be more in touch with their attitude towards the materialistic side of life.

The eclipses happening in 2021 will put an emphasis on challenges, not to mention that if they aren’t responsible, some Pisces may experience serious financial trouble. What they should do is build a strong foundation for their future development and keep their integrity no matter what.

Their relationships may go through crisis situations, especially if they haven’t paid attention to what their loved ones need or have denied the realities in front of them.

They should see things for what they actually are and never lie to themselves. If they will heal wounds from the past, they will make their present easier. Holding on to the past would only bring them sorrow and fears.

Their every problem should be addressed directly, not to mention they should try as much as possible not to become their own worst enemy by embracing themselves for who they are and sharing their love.

This will have them feeling whole into their own life and bring about positive developments on every aspect. 2021 will be lucky for Pisces because Jupiter will be in their sign, something that happens only every 12 years and brings about optimism and good luck.

By being luckier, their life will see significant advance. Jupiter is the ruler of expansion, which means it can also indicate that good things can sometimes be too much too. This applies to them in terms of dieting and being lazy, so they should exercise regularly and eat less.

At the same time, they’ll have to think in perspective, seeing Jupiter usually promises more than it can deliver. This planet transiting their sign also indicates the start of a new cycle of personal development.

All they will learn about who they are in 2021 will serve them for the next 11 years. They should identify what defines them from a personal point of view and use it in order to have a successful career and to shine at work.

Pisces love horoscope 2021

Pisces won’t necessarily benefit from a powerful house of marriage and love in 2021. This may be due to the fact that they had a very active social life in 2020, so now they need to rest.

They will no longer be drawn to going out and interacting. Since Jupiter will move through their 8th House, they will be more about passion when it comes to their love life.

Those of them who are single will have a very active 5th house of affairs during the first four months of 2021. This means they will be playful and more curious about one-night stands than about commitments.

Their affairs will bring a lot of instability into their life, but at least they will have a passionate, pleasurable, exciting and intense period, even if their feelings may be all over the place and misunderstood most of the time.

Things will change until April, and they’ll be happy this has happened because they’ll start paying attention to other priorities once again. Mercury will have three periods of retrograde, periods in which they’ll have to be more patient with their loved ones.

They may feel like they’re getting nowhere with their partner either, but they’d only be getting tested. It’s important they pay attention to the way they communicate during retrogrades too, as miscommunication could have the bad situations in their life turning worst.

They shouldn’t start relationships or enter a marriage either. Instead, they should try to perfect what they may already have with a partner. The planetary influence is negative as far as commitments go, so they should wait for Mercury to become direct again if they want to get married.

On June 24th, Mars will enter their house of marriage and love, making them more aggressive when it comes to romance, also prone to falling in live at first sight. They will also have more ardent desires, which means they will jump into relationships out of impulse.

Starting with August 23rd and until September 23rd, Pisceans will have a great period for love and sociability, as Mercury and the Sun will move through their 7th house. Those of them who are single will have love opportunities coming their way, not to mention they’ll be more fun and sociable.

On September 22nd, Venus will enter their 7th house. They may have the opportunity to date a neighbour or business partner. After Mercury gets together with Jupiter on September 11th and until October 1st, they may develop a romantic connection with someone powerful and rich, also it’s very likely that they’ll have a profitable business association forming.

Pisces career horoscope 2021

2021 will be a good one for Pisces as far career goes. While Jupiter will enter the 7th house, they’re supposed to make great advancement in business. They may start a new project and get help from the best experts in the field.

Their success at work will also increase, not to mention they’ll go through transformation as far as their career goes. After September, things will get even better.

When it comes to money, the beginning of the year will be great for them because Jupiter and Saturn will have their income flowing.

After April 6th, some unplanned expenses may appear because Jupiter will move into the 12th house. They may need to spend a lot for family functions, but they’ll be repaid after the middle of September, when they may gain unexpectedly.

Pisces health in 2021

Pisces natives will start 2021 being very healthy, both physically and mentally. In case they don’t happen to suffer from any chronic disease, they should be just fine.

However, they need to take good care of themselves. In case they contact a weather-related disease, they’ll recover from it very fast. The April 6th – September 14th period may have them at a greater risk of feeling unwell, but after September, they’ll be back on their feet.

About the author

Denise, Founder and Editor in Chief

Denise, Founder and Editor in Chief

Denise shows her take on subjects she is passionate about as the Founder and Editor in Chief of TheHoroscope.co and other online projects she is involved in. See profile