Cebuano words or phrases that keeps us going | Cebu Daily News
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Cebuano words or phrases that keeps us going


CEBU CITY, Philippines— Cebuanos are known to be achievers.

Not just plain achievers, but people who shine bright in their own chosen fields in life all over the world.

This may be because of the support system we all have in the form of our families and friends.

But their support wouldn’t be complete without encouraging Cebuano words to get us by.

Here are some of them:

Padayon (Keep going)

This is a simple word that can turn your gloomy days into brighter ones. This simply means you keep doing what you do and in no time you will be rewarded the fruits of your labor.

Puhon (Soon)

Soon, you’ll be able to achieve whatever it is that your heart desires. This word teaches us to be patient and to trust the process’s success.

Dasig lang (Believe)

Believe that, good things will happen eventually, keep that faith in everything you do. Believe that one day everything will go the way you hoped and prayed for.

Paglaom (Hope)

 Always remember that hope is our mind’s engine to function and be better. Hope is what keeps us moving forward even if times are hard and uncertain.

Pangandoy (Dreams and aspirations)

If not for our dreams and aspiration in life, we don’t know where to start in making our lives better.

Mahuman ra ni (This too shall pass)

No matter the situation hold on tight because things will change their course eventually and lead to somewhere special.

Cebuanos are known to be strong but we wouldn’t be this strong now if not for some words to get us by.


Read: Daily inspirations that keep us going

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