The Meaning Behind The Song: Oh Shenandoah by Terry Scott Taylor - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Oh Shenandoah by Terry Scott Taylor


The Meaning Behind The Song: Oh Shenandoah by Terry Scott Taylor

Title Artist Writer/Composer Album Release Date Genre Producer
Oh Shenandoah Terry Scott Taylor Traditional Bedroom Demos, Vol 18 (2018) September 8, 2018 Folk Terry Scott Taylor

The Song Lyrics

[Verse 1]
Oh Shenandoah
I long to see you
Away, you rolling river
Oh Shenandoah
I long to see you
Away, I’m bound away
‘Cross the wide Missouri

[Verse 2]
Oh Shenandoah
I love your daughter
Away, you rolling river
For her I’d cross your water
Away, I’m bound away
‘Cross the wide Missouri

[Verse 3]
‘Tis seven long years
Since last I’ve seen you
Away, you rolling river
‘Tis seven long years
Since last I’ve seen you
Away, I’m bound away
‘Cross the wide Missouri

[Verse 4]
Oh Shenandoah
I long to hear you
Far away, you rolling river
Oh Shenandoah
Just to be near you
Far away, far away
‘Cross the wide Missouri
I long to see you
Oh Shenandoah
I long to see you

The Meaning Behind the Song

Oh Shenandoah by Terry Scott Taylor is a beautifully haunting rendition of the traditional folk song. The lyrics speak of longing and yearning for the Shenandoah River, a symbol of home and a place of deep emotional connection. The rolling river represents both the physical and emotional distance between the singer and their beloved Shenandoah.

The song captures the essence of homesickness, a feeling that many people can relate to. It expresses a longing to be reunited with a loved one or a cherished place. The repetition of the phrase “I long to see you” emphasizes the intensity of this longing. The singer’s desire to cross the wide Missouri to be with Shenandoah showcases their determination to bridge the gap and return to what they hold dear.

As the verses progress, the lyrics reveal a deeper layer of the singer’s emotions. In the second verse, the mention of loving Shenandoah’s daughter adds a touch of romance and personal connection to the song. It suggests that the singer has a personal bond with the river and its surroundings, making the longing even more profound.

The passage of time is also significant in the song. The seven long years since last seeing Shenandoah highlight the pain of separation and the ache that comes from missing someone or something deeply. This theme of time further emphasizes the depth of the singer’s emotions and the enduring nature of their love for Shenandoah.

Personal Connection to the Song

As I listen to Oh Shenandoah, I am transported to my own experiences of longing and homesickness. The evocative melody and heartfelt lyrics resonate deeply with me. The song reminds me of a time when I was far away from my family and friends, studying abroad in a foreign country.

During those months away, I often found myself longing for the familiar sights and sounds of home. The song captures the bittersweet emotions I felt, the simultaneous joy of new experiences and the ache for the comforts of the familiar. The rolling river in the song became a symbol of all that I had left behind, and the desire to be reunited with my loved ones was palpable.

Oh Shenandoah served as a source of comfort during those challenging times. It reminded me that longing for home and the people we hold dear is a universal experience. It provided solace and a connection to something beyond myself, a reminder that I was not alone in my yearning.

The beauty of Oh Shenandoah lies not only in its melodic composition but also in its ability to capture the essence of longing and homesickness. Terry Scott Taylor’s rendition infuses the traditional folk song with a raw emotional depth, making it an unforgettable piece that speaks to the heart.

To this day, whenever I hear Oh Shenandoah, I am transported back to those moments of longing and reflection. It serves as a reminder of the power of music to evoke emotions and foster a sense of connection. It is a timeless song that continues to resonate with anyone who has experienced the pangs of homesickness and the desire to be reunited with their loved ones.

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