Sustainability Strategies | Sustainability | Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited

“Three Steps” Development Path

Sustainability Strategies

“Three Steps” Development Path

Integrate sustainability in our long-term development strategy

We put sustainability and high-quality development at the core of our future growth. Through the three “Five-Year Plans”, we have formulated a comprehensive and systematic blueprint for sustainable development, and lays a solid foundation for becoming a green and sustainable bank.

Our Sustainability Plan sets out a number of action plans to be progressively implemented.

“Three Steps” Development Path

The 1st Five-Year Plan
2021 – 2025
Solidify & Grow: Advancing toward a New Era of High-quality and Sustainable Development
The 2nd Five-Year Plan
2026 – 2030
Developing the sustainable bank rapidly and showing the advantages of low-carbon economy
The 3rd Five-Year Plan
2031 – 2035
Promoting balanced regional economic development and collaborating to build community well-being

The 2021-2025 Sustainability Plan

Goal: Solidify & Grow: Advancing toward a New Era of High-quality and Sustainable Development


Promoting Green and High-quality Development

Driving low-carbon
transition of business portfolio
Achieving green and
low-carbon operations


Building a mutually beneficial society

Further developing inclusive
finance to expand positive impact
Fulfilling corporate social responsibilities by caring for employees and those in need in society


Strengthening efficient and transparent governance

Enhancing efficiency and standardization of
corporate governance
Improving ESG

The Sustainability Plan sets out several quantitative and qualitative development goals and implementation targets, covering areas such as serving corporates, personal customers, and the financial market, strengthening environmental (including climate risk) and social risk management, developing low-carbon banking, improving the quality and transparency of information disclosure, and cultivating corporate culture and nurturing talent.

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