Hidden object games just don't get as much love as they deserve. Too many games are microtransaction-filled nightmares that use the same images over and over again. While the genre once had its heyday, it clearly isn't being taken seriously as of late. Still, there are plenty of hidden (pun intended) gems out there.

10 Hidden Object Games For Android

There's a lot to find on such a small screen.

While there are plenty of great hidden object games available for the PC and consoles, they tend to cost money. The majority of free hidden object games are for mobile devices, and all of the entries on this list are available for Android and ioS. So, to save you the trouble of searching, here are some of the best free hidden object games worth your time.

8 Find N Seek

No fuss, no frills. No story to worry about. What does Find N Seek have to offer? What else but one of the largest treasure troves of hidden object levels in the app store? Find N Seek is a pretty basic hidden object game, but quantity is part of its quality. There's something to be said about simplicity here.

It's not just that Find N Seek's library is especially large, either. There's something for everyone in its expansive repertoire of levels, with a variety of different difficulty levels and art styles represented. This is the game for you if you don't care about story and just want a bite-sized hidden object game to keep you entertained for short sessions.

7 Letters From Nowhere

Letters from Nowhere is a game with solid hidden object fun to be had, but what makes it really shine is the story. Here, you'll find yourself saving your town from a looming supernatural threat. If you're a fan of shows like Charmed and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, you might want to give this game a try.

There's a few additional minigames sprinkled in to keep you on your toes, but the bulk of the gameplay revolves around solving different hidden object levels. Letters from Nowhere is a great game to download if you want something cozy and witchy to go along with your hidden object escapades.

6 June's Journey

If you've been on the internet at all in the past few years, you've probably heard about this game through sponsored ads from your favorite YouTubers and podcasters. It's well worth the hype. June's Journey combines an engaging story, great art, and a diverse cast with the familiar hidden object gameplay we've all come to know and love.

The Best Mobile Games You Can Play For Free

If you're looking for a way to pass the time on the go, these free mobile games are the perfect choices!

The story starts out fairly similarly to other games in the cozy mystery genre, with protagonist June out to solve the murders of her sister and brother-in-law. That being said, the 1920s setting adds a dose of character, and the writing is top-notch. June's Journey is one of the most popular hidden object games out there for all the right reasons, and has a large and growing community of fans.

5 Coastal Hill: Dark Legends

At first, we weren't going to give this game the time of day. It seemed like your standard 'solve puzzles while renovating an old spooky mansion' game, and those are a dime a dozen on the app store. Then we found out about Coastal Hill's surprisingly large community of fans.

In addition to thrilling hidden object gameplay and a surprisingly in-depth avatar customization system, Coastal Hill buries one hell of a lede. The game's page on the app store doesn't mention this, but you can use the power of hidden object investigations to fight Lovecraftian monsters menacing the sleepy New England town. We think that warrants giving it some more attention.

4 Love Is In Small Things

While most hidden object games on this list use the simplicity of the gameplay to contrast a murder mystery plot or intense supernatural happenings, a few lean into the casual nature of the genre. Such is the way with Love is in Small Things, a hidden object game that's more therapeutic than thrilling.

You can find all the hidden objects in each scene at your own pace, and enjoy a sweet, domestic romance while you do it. To keep up the variety, there's also a few minigames for you to play, although hidden objects are still the bulk of the gameplay here. We can't imagine a better way to relax.

3 Murder In The Alps

Rounding out our trio of mystery-themed games on this list is Murder in the Alps. The plot is pretty much exactly what it says on the tin, but unlike other mobile games in the genre, Murder in the Alps doesn't pull punches when it comes to its writing. The narrative is every bit as dark and bone-chilling as a murder mystery thriller should be, even if it's not straight up horror.

10 Scariest Hidden Object Games

These games might leave you too scared to find what you need to escape.

Most of the gameplay is hidden-object themed, but Murder in the Alps keeps you on your toes by incorporating other gameplay elements as well. It's a bit like your standard hidden object games took cues from both old-school point-and-click adventure games and the Zero Escape series. If that sounds like it's up your alley, give this game a try.

2 Find It Out

If you loved Highlights for Children or Where's Waldo as a kid, then Find It Out is for you. This charming mobile game presents a variety of different scenes for you to peruse through, trying to find all of a particular person or object. There's always some sort of theme, usually dependent on whatever scene you're playing through.

The best part of this game by far has to be the art style, which is one of the most nostalgic things we've ever seen. It's easy to get lost for hours studying all the small details and funny background events in each scene, even if that takes away from the precious time you could spend finding hidden objects.

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