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If you love The Sims 4 but find yourself annoyed that certain features still aren't in the game, then mods can be the answer. The modding community works hard to fill in the gaps offering everything from small quality of life additions to brand new features and functionality.

The best news is that mods aren't as complicated as you may expect and they are completely free to download and use. However, despite the fact that mods are relatively easy to install, the process is more complex than when you are dealing with custom content, which adds create-a-sim or build and buy objects. They are also more likely to cause issues in your game and require more frequent updates.

In this guide, we take a look at where to find mods, what they can do, and how to download and install them. We also look at how to minimize any negative impact on your game experience, especially after patches are released. In short, here's everything you need to know about modding The Sims 4.

Related: The Sims 4: Best Maxis Match CC Creators And Curators

Updated August 9, 2021 By Helen Ashcroft: As The Sims 4 grows some mods have become outdated and others have become more complex. Making sure you correctly install your mods and keep them up to date is vital so we've updated this guide to ensure the information is clear, easy to follow and will help you have a great experience with mods.

What Modding The Sims 4 Adds To Your Game

4 sims from the slice of life mod

A mod is anything that affects the way your game behaves. This can be something as small as mods to change annoying Sim behaviors like washing dishes in the bathroom or calling you at 3 am, through to game-changing features such as the addition of a new hobby, career, or skill.

Mod creators are passionate fans who want to add more to the game they love. They can also often do things that would not be allowed officially, such as NSFW content. The Sims team is very supportive of the modding and cc community, which has led to some amazing creations, and more recently collaborations.

How To Find Mods For The Sims 4

Little Ms Sam's Weather mod showing different weathers in two halves of a corner to corner split image.

Many Mod creators have their own websites but there are also some which allow modders and CC creators to make and maintain profiles and share their work without the need for a separate website.

The main thing to be aware of is that no one should be charging for mods or custom content. It is acceptable for these to be behind a limited-time paywall, such as being offered early-access as a Patreon reward, but they should be publically released after a few weeks. It's also worth steering clear of anything that uses adfly, as this is known to causes issues in some cases.

Related: The Sims 4: Best Mod Creators

If you want to browse through some mods without having to visit and access a tonne of websites then we recommend taking a look at these sites that curate and host mods and custom content :

The Sims Resource hosts thousands of mod and custom content creations. Those who wish to share their creations can add a profile to the site and post all their content. The site runs on ad revenue but also offers a subscription that offers access to an ad-free alternative. The site is well-loved and trusted within the community and many creators who have their own sites also add creations here.

Mod The Sims hosts a huge amount of mods for The Sims 2, 3, and 4. It also offers creators the chance to have a profile to link all their creations together. You'll find not only mods but also tutorials and other advice.

How To Download Mods For The Sims 4

The Sims 4 stove on fire and Sim with mac and cheese plate

The first step is to download your chosen mod by using the download links on the site of your choice. Most will come with instructions but the process is pretty much the same.

If you are worried about viruses then the following simple steps will help you stay safe:

  • Download from large and trusted sites recommended by the community.
  • Don't download anything with an Ad-Fly link.
  • Keep your anti-virus software turned on and up to date.

What are Script Mods And Do I Need To Unzip Them?

This is Eden Hills' Town Square, with many of its community lots (plus, some beautiful rural scenery)
via arniesfarmmod

Important Info About Script ModsScript mods are usually downloaded in the form of zip files due to their size but should NOT be unzipped. Any other mods will likely be a .ts4script or .package file. If you aren't sure if a mod should be unzipped then double click the zipped file and check the extension of the file inside.

If it is a .pyc file this means it is a script mod and you should leave it zipped.

Note: Any mods that are .pyo files are now out of date and will not work.

How To Install Mods In the Sims 4

Sims 4 Armaggedon Mod With Superhero Sims

Once you have the mod file downloaded it should be copied into the mods folder. You can have subfolders inside the mods folder if you wish to organize the content you download. The mod folder will usually be found under:

  • Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods

Once you've copied your mods into the folder, you'll then need to adjust the in-game options.

the in game menu for the sims 4 game options for mods.

The Sims 4 now requires players to enable mods in their game. To do this you need to go to the options menu and find the Other option as shown above. There are two boxes to check here.

  • "Enable Custom Content and Mods" - This enables all custom content and non-script mods.
  • "Script Mods Allowed" - Since script mods affect more of the game's code these are turned on separately here.

Updating And Resolving Issues With Sims 4 Mods After Patches

MCCC shown on a sims 4 pc.

Every time a new patch is released it can break your mods and cause issues since mods alter the game code in the same way patches do. Due to this, it's recommended that you frequently copy your Mods folder to another location as a backup. We also advise backing up your Saves folder, so you don't lose your save data, and the Tray folder, which holds the lots and families in your game that aren't saved to the gallery.

When you first start The Sims 4 after a patch make sure you have a blank Mods folder and check the stability before adding any external content back into the game.

Note: After every patch a large number of players have issues caused by mods or cc they have forgotten to remove. Make sure you've backed up and entirely removed everything before you start the game after a patch. This allows you to check the stability of the patch before you start altering your game code.

When you do add content back in, CC is less likely to cause issues so we advise re-adding this first. Before adding mods you need to check for updates.

Often modders will test their own work and post on socials or their website about pending updates or any issues. However, bear in mind that some older mods will no longer be supported, and modders in general have lives and usually other jobs, so fixing issues can take time. Respect their time and their hard work by not pestering for update news the second a patch drops.

Related: Sims 4: Essential MM (Maxis Match) CC

The best way to ensure your mods are up to date is to check the page you got the mod from and look for either an update or confirmation that the mod is fine. Some modders also post on social media when their mods break and are updated.

Once a new mod is confirmed to work or updated, replace it if necessary and then start your game. However, before you do, make sure that you retick the boxes to enable both mods and CC, as patches often uncheck these.

You can either add your mods in one at a time to test stability or add them all in then either remove one at a time or start again adding in one at a time only if you have issues.

For those who want an easier solution, there are other options, including Raxdiam's Mod Manager, which allows drag and drop installs.

The Risks Of Modding The Sims 4

The Sims 4 Sim on fire standing inside house

There are always rumors that mods will break your game, give you viruses, etc but this is very unlikely to happen. In order to ensure you are safe, we recommend the following:

  • Download from trusted sites
  • Listen to community members' experiences on social media or forums
  • Avoid anything that uses Adfly
  • Keep any anti-virus software you have up to date.

You can use an ad-blocker if you wish but this will prevent hosting sites like TSR or creators themselves from receiving ad revenue that could go towards paying for their website costs and time.

Most modders will offer information and support on their websites or through their social channels if you come across any issues with their mods. Just remember that you are dealing with people who are doing this as a hobby for the most part. As such replies can take time. Deal with modders politely and they'll be more inclined to help you out. After all, they are offering their skills and time for free and that should always be respected.

Happy modding!

Next: EA Is Destroying The Sims 4 With Terrible Collaborations