Disinheritance, Family Feuds, and How Lincoln Was Nearly Not President - Owlcation Skip to main content

Disinheritance, Family Feuds, and How Lincoln Was Nearly Not President

A bust of Abraham Lincoln

A bust of Abraham Lincoln

A Little Bit About Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States. He was born on 12 February 1809 near Hodgenville in Kentucky, in a small wood cabin. Although he came from humble beginnings, he grew up to be one of the most powerful men in America. He died in Washington on 15 April 1865.

Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, he was in office from 1861 to 1865. His mother passed away when he was nine years old, an event that affected him greatly. He resented his father due to his lack of education and tardiness. Lincoln was a clever man and self-taught himself law. He issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, freeing slaves forever.

He married Mary Todd and, between them, had four children, although only one lived to adulthood. Lincoln is undoubtedly regarded as one of the greatest leaders in United States history.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln


Whatever you are, be a good one.

— Abraham Lincoln

Hingham, in Norfolk, England

Hingham is a market town in South Norfolk, England. With a population of 2367 people (recorded in 2011), it is quite a small market town, but it is rich in history. One such piece of history that Hingham is proud of is the connection with the former President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln.

I was born in Hingham and have been inside St. Andrew's Church many times. Although I have looked at the bust of Abraham Lincoln on numerous visits to the church, I never really realized how important this is in a historical context.

St Andrew's Church is located in the heart of Hingham and is a 14th-century medieval church. As you can see from the photograph, there is a bust of Abraham Lincoln inside. This is situated in the north aisle. The bust of President Lincoln was unveiled in 1919 by the American Ambassador, John Davis.

St Andrew's Church in Hingham, Norfolk

St Andrew's Church in Hingham, Norfolk

Lincoln's Connections With Hingham, Norfolk

Samuel Lincoln was an apprentice weaver in Norwich when he moved to the USA. Ironically, he moved to Hingham in Massachusetts. Richard Lincoln was Abraham's great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather. Richard's son from his first marriage, Edward, expected to get his inheritance when his Father passed away. But, on the death of Richard, he left it all to his son from his fourth marriage. As you can imagine, Edward was none too pleased about this. At the time, Edward had a cottage in Hingham, Norfolk. Samuel spent his early days here before moving to America.

Samuel is Edwards's son. And some historians say that if Edward had inherited the money, they might never have moved to America. Of course, this would have changed the path of history, and Abraham would never have become President of the USA.

Samuel was born in 1622 and left Norfolk for America when he was 15. Samuel and his wife, Martha, had 11 children; however, three died when they were young. Abraham is a descendant of his fourth child, Mordecai. Samuel was baptized in St. Andrew's Church.

Inscription on Abraham Lincoln's Bust

In this parish for many generations
Lived the Lincolns
ancestors of the American Abraham Lincoln
To him greatest of lineage
many citizens of the United States
have erected this memorial
in the hope that for all ages
between that land and
this land and all lands
there shall be
malice towards none
with charity to all

Quote from Abraham Lincoln

With Malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds.

— Abraham Lincoln

My Own Connection

Although, as I say, I come from Hingham, I paid little attention to the relevance of how Abraham Lincoln is connected to both Hingham in Norfolk and Hingham in Massachusetts. It wasn't till I grew up that I started paying more attention to this and doing some research and looking into it.

I now feel proud that I was born in such a small village (as it was when I was born in the 60s) that has such a connection with one of the most powerful men in America. I knew little about the background as to why Abraham had a connection with Hingham, but I am glad that I come from somewhere with such a strong connection.

This is the house that Richard Lincoln lived in, the grandfather of Samuel Lincoln.

This is the house that Richard Lincoln lived in, the grandfather of Samuel Lincoln.

More on Abraham Lincoln

Sources of Information

© 2017 Louise Powles


Mona Sabalones Gonzalez from Philippines on July 19, 2020:

This is a very interesting article about Lincoln's roots in the UK, and the irony that because his ancestor lost his inheritance, the situation led to his moving to the US and for his descendent to be one of the best presidents that the United States ever had.

Patricia Scott from North Central Florida on November 20, 2019:

That is so very fascinating. It reaffirms how small our world really is. And, as you say, without the cards falling just as they did, we may have never had a President Lincoln. Pretty thought-provoking. thank you for sharing your homeland and your connection with our country. Angels once again are headed your way ps

Tim Truzy from U.S.A. on April 01, 2019:

Hi, Louise, It's Tim, as in Tiny Tim. lol

Louise Powles (author) from Norfolk, England on April 01, 2019:

Thankyou very much, Tom, for your kind words. History is very interesting, I think. I love learning about the past.

Tim Truzy from U.S.A. on March 31, 2019:

Loved it, Louise. Informative and full of interesting details. Yes, Lincoln is one of our most cherished presidents, for his speeches as well as his moral fortitude. I've always read he was industrious from an early age, and he was always the most intelligent boy around the area he came from during his time. He did lead this country through the American Civil War with courage.

The connection with Great Britain is not surprising because we all came from somewhere. However, I wonder since his ancestors came from a nation that had already abolished slavery: Did that influence his moral development as a leader. Possibly.

Thanks for a great article.


Louise Powles (author) from Norfolk, England on August 20, 2018:

Oh really? That's interesting to know. It is a lovely village. I don't know of the Tower family, but hope you are able to do more research into your family history.

Virginia Allain from Central Florida on August 19, 2018:

I have ancestors who came from Hingham. It was the Tower family.

RTalloni on January 29, 2018:

One decision by a father and the course of history was set in motion. It is always interesting to read of such facts. Thank you for sharing your research with us.