High School - École des Roches - Lycée - private school -

High School

"Of Turkish nationality, I grew up in Istanbul until I was 15. Coming from a very Francophile family, I was enrolled from nursery school at the Pierre Loti High School in Istanbul, a member of the AEFE (Agency for French Education Abroad). I liked French culture so much that, in ninth grade, I insisted to my parents to go and study in Paris. After a long period of research and hesitation, my father suggested Les Roches. At first I was very hesitant about the boarding school concept, but my father told me that he had a lot of confidence in this school. So we went to visit it, and I enrolled for the beginning of my second year. I did my entire high school at this school. The Ecole des Roches allowed me to build a future in France, and a future of excellence. It is thanks to this school that I had the opportunity to apply and be accepted in my various dream courses. Les Roches has therefore opened for me the necessary doors to make my dreams come true. Not to mention the unique experience I had studying near the most beautiful city in the world and with my friends who became my family. So I thank very much first my father and then Les Roches for giving me the opportunity to surpass myself."

Lidya, Graduate 2020,
Sciences Po Paris


French Baccalaureate

Intensive preparation for the French Diploma is the cornerstone of this unique international school in Normandy, France.

We are proud to say that at École des Roches, our pupils have an exceptional success rate of more than 97 percent for the French Baccalaureate, putting us amongst the very best high schools in France.

The French Diploma itself is a comprehensive and extremely well thought of qualification that prepares students for the demands of higher education, and is accepted by prestigious colleges and universities in France and all over the world.

To prepare all our students for these rigorous exams, we offer regular and progressive training for high school seniors, which includes:

  • 3 mock exams sat under formal examination conditions (written and oral)
  • Dozens of oral tests on all subjects throughout the academic year
  • 1 written test per week on the core subjects


Anticipated French Test (AFT) :

In the 11th grade, our students sit 5 oral tests and 5 written tests, including the preparation sessions in February and at Easter.

Mathematics target: In each session the student completes a mathematical puzzle that has been ongoing since the 10th grade.

Philosophy target: The teacher reviews and examines the essay and commentary methodology in groups of 4.

Theatre and visual arts: 11th and 12th grade students can choose to study theatre and visual arts as part of the International Baccalaureate curriculum. The École des Roches is an official examination centre for the IB.

The goals of our international school in Normandy, France, are to :
  • Prepare students for the Anticipated French Tests
  • Achieve success rates of 93 to 96.5% at the International Baccalaureate Diploma
  • Receive examination distinctions
  • Prepare our students for University by raising their awareness of the Higher education requirements
  • Provide vocational guidance and assistance
We achieve this through :
  • Intensive work
  • Balanced school time, regular class examinations, mock tests, daily studies and personal follow-ups for each student
  • The personal discovery of new chapters before classes
  • Mastering writing techniques
  • Regular and progressive training for Baccalaureate exams
  • Intellectual competitions

    On the scientific side, our science coordinating teacher has set up two modules to help students, depending on their objectives (click on the names of the modules below for more information):
  • "AIDE" module: to help students in science subjects
  •  "PREPA" module: for a better preparation for higher scientific studies.
What makes us different?

The Olympiads proposed in history, geography mathematics, biology and Russian; and inter-houses contest, chess tournaments and more…

Personnal follow-up
  • The identification of our students' strengths, weaknesses and skills. A contract of engagement is drawn up for students who require closer monitoring
  • Learning Foreign languages is the added value
  • Use of new technologies.