LANDLINE PHONE - Tradução em português -
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Qual é a tradução de "landline phone" em Português?


"landline phone" em português

landline phone

English Exemplos contextuais de "landline phone" em Inglês

Essas frases provêm de fontes externas e podem ser imprecisas. não é responsável por esse conteúdo.

Isn't it funny or ironic that people will whisper into a
landline phone
, yet shout at the top of their lungs into a cellphone?
Twenty years ago, everyone interacted with a
landline phone
Two months later, he called on a
landline phone
-- the only one in the neighbourhood.
Could car ownership go the way of the
landline phone
She has switched off my mobile phones and allowing only limited access to the
landline phone
The pub serves food seven nights a week and has not only lost internet services but also the
landline phone
The winning bidder would not be required to offer
landline phone
service or television, but it's likely that they would.
Yup, use your high tech smartphone to tone dial through any old pulse dial
landline phone
landline phone
came in 2008, but only 5-6 families have fully working connections.
The threat was also made over the office
landline phone

Traduções parecidas para landline phone em Português

landline substantivo
phone substantivo
phone verbo
mobile phone substantivo
cell phone substantivo
cellular phone substantivo
camera phone substantivo
Internet phone substantivo
car phone substantivo
pay phone substantivo
talk on the phone verbo
WAP phone substantivo