The Meaning Behind The Song: Running On Faith by Eric Clapton - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Running On Faith by Eric Clapton

The Meaning Behind The Song: Running On Faith by Eric Clapton

Running On Faith is a heartfelt ballad by legendary musician Eric Clapton. Released in 1989, this song has touched the hearts of many with its introspective lyrics and soul-stirring melody. Clapton, known for his soulful tunes and emotional performances, wrote Running On Faith during a period of personal struggle and reflection. The song resonates with listeners as it delves into themes of self-discovery, hope, and finding strength amid life’s hardships.

In Running On Faith, Clapton explores the journey of self-realization and the search for inner peace. The song portrays a deep longing for something greater than oneself, often referred to as a spiritual awakening. Clapton invites listeners to join him on this introspective voyage as he navigates through the challenges and uncertainties of life. Through his soulful delivery, Clapton conveys a sense of vulnerability and a yearning for solace, which makes the song relatable to anyone who has experienced their own share of trials and tribulations.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. What inspired Eric Clapton to write Running On Faith?

Running On Faith was written during a particularly difficult time in Clapton’s life. He was grappling with various personal issues and searching for a sense of purpose and meaning. This introspective state led him to pen the heartfelt lyrics of the song, which captures his quest for inner peace and faith.

2. Is Running On Faith a religious song?

While Running On Faith touches upon themes of spirituality and faith, it is not strictly a religious song. Clapton’s intention was to explore a more universal sense of searching for meaning in life. The song can resonate with individuals of various beliefs and backgrounds.

3. What does Clapton mean by “running on faith”?

In the context of the song, “running on faith” symbolizes relying on something greater than oneself to overcome challenges and find inner strength. It speaks to the idea of surrendering to a higher power or force, whether it be spiritual or personal, in times of struggle.

4. What is the significance of the lyrics “Lately I’ve been running on faith, what else can a poor boy do?”

These lyrics portray Clapton’s vulnerability and his acknowledgement that faith is sometimes the only thing one can cling to when faced with adversity. It conveys a sense of surrender and acceptance of circumstances beyond one’s control.

5. Has Eric Clapton ever spoken about the meaning of Running On Faith?

While Clapton has not openly discussed the song’s meaning in great detail, he has mentioned that it was written during a challenging period in his life. He has expressed his belief in the power of music to heal and connect with others, implying that Running On Faith may represent personal healing and growth for him.

6. Did Running On Faith receive critical acclaim?

Running On Faith was well-received by both critics and fans. Its heartfelt lyrics and Clapton’s soulful delivery struck a chord with listeners, earning it a place of significance among his vast body of work.

7. Has Running On Faith been performed live by Eric Clapton?

Yes, Clapton has performed Running On Faith live on numerous occasions. Its moving melody and emotionally charged lyrics make it a favorite among his fans. Its live renditions often afford Clapton the opportunity to showcase his extraordinary guitar skills while captivating audiences with his heartfelt performance.

8. Did Running On Faith achieve commercial success?

Although Running On Faith did not achieve significant commercial success as a single, it has become a beloved track among Clapton’s devoted fan base. Its enduring popularity is a testament to its emotional impact and resonance with listeners.

9. Can you provide some notable lyrics from Running On Faith?

Certainly! Here are a few memorable lines from the song:
– “Lately, I’ve been running on faith / What else can a poor boy do?”
– “But through my tears, I still can see / Down the road is where I’ll be”
– “Nobody knows the higher power / Moving at such a speed”
– “Sunrise still looking for my little girl / I’ve just been a-feeling me”

10. Is Running On Faith considered one of Eric Clapton’s signature songs?

While Clapton has many signature songs throughout his illustrious career, Running On Faith holds a special place among his fans. Its poignant lyrics and soulful delivery exemplify the powerful emotions that Clapton often brings to his music.

11. Has Running On Faith been covered by other artists?

Yes, Running On Faith has been covered by various artists over the years. Its emotional depth and universal themes have made it an appealing choice for musicians looking to interpret Clapton’s iconic song.

12. Are there any specific live performances of Running On Faith worth mentioning?

Clapton’s live performances of Running On Faith often showcase his exceptional guitar skills and the raw emotions imbued in the song. Notable live renditions include his performances at the Royal Albert Hall in 1990 and 2013, where he captivated audiences with his heartfelt delivery and soulful playing.

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