DANA PETER SILVER DPM, NPI 1508966862 - Podiatrist in Lebanon, NH

NPI 1508966862
Podiatrist - Foot & Ankle Surgery in Lebanon, NH

Quality Rating: 83.72 out of 100 score

NPI Status: Active since September 25, 2006

Contact Information

ZIP 03766
Phone: (603) 448-0040
Fax: (603) 448-6953

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  • Individual
  • Male
  • Years of Experience 34
  • Podiatrist
  • Foot & Ankle Surgery
  • PECOS Enrolled
  • Accepts Medicare Approved Payment


Dana Silver is a provider established in Lebanon, New Hampshire and his medical specialization is Podiatrist with a focus in foot & ankle surgery with more than 34 years of experience. He graduated from William M. Scholl College Of Podiatric Medicine in 1990. The healthcare provider is registered in the NPI registry with number 1508966862 assigned on September 2006. The practitioner's primary taxonomy code is 213ES0103X with license number PO4316 (FL). The provider is registered as an individual and his NPI record was last updated 3 years ago.

Provider Name
Other Name
Other Name Type
Professional Name (2)
Entity Type
Location Address
Location Phone
(603) 448-0040
Location Fax
(603) 448-6953
Mailing Address
6041 SW 54TH ST STE 200 OCALA, FL 34474
Mailing Phone
(603) 448-0040
Mailing Fax
(603) 448-6953
Medical School Name
Graduation Year
Is Sole Proprietor?
Enumeration Date
Last Update Date
Code Navigator

Dana Silver is registered with Medicare and accepts claims assignment, this means the provider accepts the approved amount for the cost of rendered services as full payment. Participating providers may not charge beneficiaries more than the approved amount for their services. Please keep in mind that beneficiaries still have to pay a coinsurance or copayment amount for a visit or service.

The provider participated in CMS Quality Payment Program under the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and has an overall final score of 83.72, based on four performance areas: quality, improvement activities, promoting interoperability, and cost. The purpose of this information is to help people with Medicare make informed decisions and incentivize doctors and clinicians to maximize performance.

Specialty - Primary Taxonomy

The NPI enumerator requires providers to submit at least one taxonomy code. A taxonomy code is a unique 10-character code that describes the healthcare provider type, classification, and the area of specialization. There could be only one primary taxonomy code per NPI record. For individual NPIs the license data is associated to the taxonomy code.


Podiatrist Foot & Ankle Surgery

Taxonomy Code
Podiatric Medicine & Surgery Service Providers
License No.
License State

Secondary Taxonomies

The provider has reported to the NPI enumerator additional taxonomy codes. Multiple taxonomy codes may represent subspecialties or other areas of specialization the provider maybe licensed to practice.

No. Taxonomy Code Type Classification /
License No. (State)
1213E00000XPodiatric Medicine & Surgery Service Providers


0250 (NH)

Insurance Plans Accepted

According to publicly available information the provider might be accepting the following health plans from these health insurance companies:

  • Florida Blue (BlueCross BlueShield FL)

    • BlueOptions Bronze (HSA) 24J01-10 (Rewards $$$ / $4 Condition Care Rx) - PPO
    • BlueOptions Bronze 24J01-04 ($0 Virtual Visits / 3 PCP Visits for $0 then $40 / Rewards $$$) - PPO
    • BlueOptions Bronze 24J01-06 ($0 Virtual Visits / Rewards $$$) - PPO
    • BlueOptions Bronze 24J01-17 ($0 Virtual Visits / $50 PCP Visits / Rewards $$$) - PPO
    • BlueOptions Bronze 24J01-18S (Multilingual Available / Rewards $$$) - PPO
    • BlueOptions Gold 24J01-09 ($0 Virtual Visits / $20 PCP Visits / $15 Generic Meds / Rewards $$$) - PPO
    • BlueOptions Gold 24J01-12 ($0 Virtual Visits / $20 Labs / Rewards $$$) - PPO
    • BlueOptions Gold 24J01-20S ($30 PCP Visits / Multilingual Available / Rewards $$$) - PPO
    • BlueOptions Platinum 24J01-05 ($0 Virtual Visits / Rewards $$$) - PPO
    • BlueOptions Platinum 24J01-08 ($0 Virtual Visits / Rewards $$$) - PPO
    • BlueOptions Platinum 24J01-21S ($0 Deductible / $10 PCP Visits / $20 Specialist Visits / Multilingual Available / Rewards $$$) - PPO
    • BlueOptions Silver 24J01-03 ($0 Virtual Visits / $0 Labs / Rewards $$$) - PPO
    • BlueOptions Silver 24J01-07 ($0 Virtual Visits / Rewards $$$) - PPO
    • BlueOptions Silver 24J01-19S ($40 PCP Visits / Multilingual Available / Rewards $$$) - PPO
  • Florida Blue HMO (a BlueCross BlueShield FL company)

    • BlueCare Bronze (HSA) 24K01-09 (Rewards $$$ / $4 Condition Care Rx) - POS
    • BlueCare Bronze 24K01-03 ($0 Virtual Visits / 3 PCP Visits for $0 then $40 / Rewards $$$) - POS
    • BlueCare Bronze 24K01-05 ($0 Virtual Visits / Rewards $$$) - POS
    • BlueCare Bronze 24K01-25 ($0 Virtual Visits / $50 PCP Visit / $30 Generic Meds / Rewards $$$) - POS
    • BlueCare Bronze 24K01-31S (Multilingual Available / Rewards $$$) - POS
    • BlueCare Bronze 24K02-17 ($0 Virtual Visits / 3 PCP Visits for $0 then $40 / Rewards $$$) - POS
    • BlueCare Bronze 24K02-18 ($0 Virtual Visits / Rewards $$$) - POS
    • BlueCare Bronze 24K02-23 ($0 Virtual Visits / $50 PCP Visit / $30 Generic Meds / Rewards $$$) - POS
    • BlueCare Bronze 24K02-26S (Multilingual Available / Rewards $$$) - POS
    • BlueCare Gold 24K01-08 ($0 Virtual Visits / $20 PCP Visit / $15 Generic Meds / Rewards $$$) - POS
    • BlueCare Gold 24K01-10 ($0 Virtual Visits / $20 Labs / Rewards $$$) - POS
    • BlueCare Gold 24K01-33S ($30 PCP Visit / Multilingual Available/ Rewards $$$) - POS
    • BlueCare Gold 24K02-20 ($0 Virtual Visits / $20 PCP Visit / $15 Generic Meds / Rewards $$$) - POS
    • BlueCare Gold 24K02-28S ($30 PCP Visits / Multilingual Available/ Rewards $$$) - POS
    • BlueCare Platinum 24K01-04 ($0 Virtual Visits / Rewards $$$) - POS
  • Medicare

  • Medicaid

*Please verify directly with this provider to make sure your insurance plan is currently accepted.

Additional Identifiers

The NPI Enumerator encourages providers to submit additional identifiers with their NPI application although the submission of this information is optional. The additional identifier(s) section includes other numbers or codes currently or formerly used as an identifier for the provider by other public healthcare entities. The identifiers may include UPIN, NSC, OSCAR, DEA, Medicaid State or PIN identification numbers.

Identifier Type / Code Identifier State Identifier Issuer
0001820MEDICAID (05)VT 
80001820MEDICAID (05)NH 

PECOS Enrollment and Medicare Participation Status

Dana Silver is enrolled in PECOS and is eligible to order or refer health care services for Medicare patients. The provider is eligible to order or refer: Part B Clinical Laboratory and Imaging, Durable Medical Equipment (DME) and a Home Health Agency (HHA).

What is PECOS?
PECOS is the online Medicare enrollment management system or Provider, Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System. The PECOS system is a database of providers who have registered with CMS as providers or suppliers. PECOS is the primary source of information about verified Medicare professionals. Providers that want to participate in this program need to enroll in PECOS with their NPI number to avoid denied claims.

  • Is the provider registered in PECOS? Yes

  • PECOS PAC ID: 5294753539

    What is the PECOS Associate Control ID?
    A PAC ID is a unique 10-digit number assigned to an individual or organization healthcare provider in PECOS. The PAC ID is used to link together all the provider information, like tax identification numbers and organizational names. A PAC ID can be connected to multiple Enrollment IDs if an individual or organization has enrolled in PECOS more than once.

  • PECOS Enrollment ID: I20210820000831

    What is the Provider Enrollment ID?
    The Enrollment ID is a unique alphanumeric 15-digit code assigned to each new provider's PECOS enrollment application. The Enrollment ID is used to link together all the provider enrollment information like enrollment type, state, provider specialty, and reassignment of benefits.

  • Accepts Medicare Assignment? Yes

    What does it mean "accepts medicare assignment"?
    When a provider accepts Medicare assignment, the provider agrees to be paid directly by Medicare and to accept the payment amount approved by Medicare. Additionally, the provider agrees to not bill patients for more than the Medicare deductible and coinsurance amounts.
    A provider who doesn't accept assignment may charge you up to 15% over the Medicare-approved amount. This is known as the limiting charge. You may have to pay this amount, or it may be covered by another insurer.

  • Eligible to Order or Refer Part B Clinical Laboratory and Imaging: Yes

  • Eligible to Order or Refer Durable Medical Equipment (DMEPOS): Yes

  • Eligible to Order or Refer a Home Health Agency (HHA): Yes

  • Eligible to Order or Refer Power Mobility Devices: No

Overall MIPS Quality Performance

The Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) is a way providers could use to participate in CMS Quality Payment Program (QPP). The MIPS program affects clinician reimbursement for Part B covered professional services and also rewards them for improving the quality of patient care and outcomes.

  • Final Score: 83.72 out of 100

    The MIPS program evaluates providers across multiple categories with a specific weight for each category resulting a in a MIPS final score that ranges from 0 to 100 points. The MIPS Final Score determines whether providers receive a negative, neutral or positive MIPS payment adjustment.

  • Quality Score: 80.84

    The Quality category assesses providers performance on clinical practices and patient outcomes under the traditional MIPS program. The quality measures help identify the quality of healthcare processes, outcomes, and patient experiences. The Quality measure category compromises 40% providers final MPIS scores.

    There are six collection types for MIPS quality measures: Electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs), MIPS Clinical Quality Measures (CQMs), Qualified Clinical Data Registry (QCDR) Measures, Medicare Part B claims measures, CMS Web Interface measures and The Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) for MIPS Survey.

  • Promoting Interoperability Score: N/A

    The Interoperability category measures the providers ability to use technology to exchange and make use of healthcare information in a way that is less burdensome and improves outcomes. The Interoperability measure category compromises 25% providers final MPIS scores.

    The MIPS Interoperability measure focuses on the use of certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT) to improve patient access health information, the exchange of information between clinicians and pharmacies and the systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of healthcare data.

  • Improvement Activities Score: 40

    The Improvement Activities performance category evaluates the providers participation in clinical activities that support the improvement of clinical practice, care delivery, and outcomes. Providers have the option to choose 2 to 4 activities from an inventory of over 100 improvement activities. Providers typically choose the activities that best fit their needs. The improvement activities measure category compromises 15% providers final MPIS scores.

    The Improvement measures aim to better patient engagement, patient safety and other areas of patient care. The Improvement Activities category compromises 15% of providers final MPIS scores.

  • Cost Score: N/A

    The Cost performance category asses the amount and types of services provided and how clinicians coordinate care and seek improvement of health outcomes by ensuring patients receive the appropriate services.

    Although providers don't determine the price of healthcare services they are important in delivering high-quality care at a reasonable cost. The Cost measures category compromises 20% of providers final MPIS scores.

  • Cost Score: N/A

    The Cost performance category asses the amount and types of services provided and how clinicians coordinate care and seek improvement of health outcomes by ensuring patients receive the appropriate services.

    Although providers don't determine the price of healthcare services they are important in delivering high-quality care at a reasonable cost. The Cost measures category compromises 20% of providers final MPIS scores.

Clinician Services

The following Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes were publicly reported as the top services rendered by this provider under the Medicare program for the year 2020. The reported codes are based on the top 5 codes for each available specialty, excluding evaluation and management codes.

  • 1374

    Removal of tissue from 6 or more finger or toe nails (HCPCS:11721)

  • 505

    Removal of 2 to 4 thickened skin growths (HCPCS:11056)

  • 52

    Removal of tissue from wounds per session (HCPCS:97597)

  • 38

    Removal of single thickened skin growth (HCPCS:11055)

  • 27

    Removal of tissue from 1 to 5 finger or toe nails (HCPCS:11720)


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NPI Validation Check Digit Calculation

The following table explains the step by step NPI number validation process using the ISO standard Luhn algorithm.

Start with the original NPI number, the last digit is the check digit and is not used in the calculation.
Step 1: Double the value of the alternate digits, beginning with the rightmost digit.
Step 2: Add all the doubled and unaffected individual digits from step 1 plus the constant number 24.
2 + 5 + 0 + 8 + 1 + 8 + 6 + 1 + 2 + 8 + 1 + 2 + 24 = 68
Step 3: Subtract the total obtained in step 2 from the next higher number ending in zero, the result is the check digit.
70 - 68 = 22

The NPI number 1508966862 is valid because the calculated check digit 2 using the Luhn validation algorithm matches the last digit of the original NPI number.

Frequently Asked Questions

The NPI number assigned to this healthcare provider is 1508966862, enumerated in the NPI registry as an "individual" on September 25, 2006

The provider is located at 129 D Mascoma Street Lebanon, Nh 03766 and the phone number is (603) 448-0040

The provider's speciality is Podiatrist with taxonomy code 213ES0103X with a focus in Foot & Ankle Surgery

The provider has more than 34 years of experience. He graduated from William M. Scholl College Of Podiatric Medicine in 1990.

The provider might be accepting Accepts: Florida Blue (BlueCross BlueShield FL), Florida. Please consult your insurance carrier or call the provider to make sure your health plan is currently accepted.

Yes, as of May 21, 2024 the provider is registered in PECOS and is eligible to order health care services or supplies for Medicare patients. If you are a beneficiary the provider is eligible to order or refer: Part B Clinical Laboratory and Imaging, Durable Medical Equipment (DME) and a Home Health Agency (HHA).

The provider has an overall high rating in the following quality measures: quality clinical practices and patient outcomes and experiences.

The most common procedures or services performed by this practitioner are: Removal of tissue from 6 or more finger or toe nails, Removal of 2 to 4 thickened skin growths, Removal of tissue from wounds per session, Removal of single thickened skin growth and Removal of tissue from 1 to 5 finger or toe nails.

This NPI record was last updated on September 25, 2006. To officially update your NPI information contact the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) at 1-800-465-3203 (NPI Toll-Free) or by email at [email protected].
NPI Profile data is regularly updated with the latest NPI registry information, if you would like to update or remove your NPI Profile in this website please contact us.