What is Blood Red Sky on Netflix about?

What is Blood Red Sky on Netflix about?

BLOOD RED SKY - Courtesy of Netflix
BLOOD RED SKY - Courtesy of Netflix /

The Netflix original horror film Blood Red Sky was released last week and already sits at the number one spot on the Netflix Top 10 list. Critics have stated that this film has its flaws but agree that it is a fun action-horror worth watching.

The film falls into the Snakes on a Plane or Train to Busbain vibe that keeps true to its own storyline. Nadja (Peri Baumeister) and her son, Elias (Carl Anton Koch), are traveling to New York as she seeks help for a mysterious illness. The plane is hijacked, and her maternal instincts kick in as she proceeds to what she has to do to protect her son.

While the film is set on the plane during the hijacking, parts of the story are told via flashbacks that play out how the mother contracted her illness.

Blood Red Sky plot synopsis

Shortly after the hijacking occurs, Nadja’s secret is revealed. She isn’t sick from cancer or any illness of that sort. She is a vampire who has been able to keep her secret for quite some time. When her son’s life is at risk, she can’t help but use her strength as a vampire to ward off any threat to him.

Netflix’s official synopsis reads:

"A woman with a mysterious illness is forced into action when a group of terrorists attempt to hijack a transatlantic overnight flight. In order to protect her son she will have to reveal a dark secret, and unleash the vampire within that she fought to hide."

Blood Red Sky trailer

It seems that many trailers reveal a bit too much, and this official trailer does that, in my opinion. So, if you want some surprises, I would avoid watching the trailer ahead of viewing the film.

Many reviewers and critics have pointed out the nod to Count Orlok in the 1922 film Nosferatu, which is also a German film. Nadja’s vampire look resembles that that of Orlok in that film with her smooth features and pointed ears. If you are going to pay homage to something, it might as well be an original horror that paved the way for many other films.

Will you be watching Blood Red Sky on Netflix?

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