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Solar panel kits with confidence included:  These solar panels kits have been designed by us, evolving over the last 10 years to deliver optimum performance. Our in-house technical team fit these daily. This means our systems are comprehensively designed and our technical support is readily available by phone or email. All solar panel kits come with a 30 day money back guarantee.

Easy to install: DIY solar kits across all categories use small solar panels and come with everything included.

Still unsure? or don’t see your application? Please contact our technical team and we can help you select the correct options or design a bespoke solar panel kit.

Caravan solar panels, motorhome solar panels, flexible solar kits for boats and campervans.

Solar Panel Kits FAQs

What does a solar panel kit include?
A solar panel kit includes everything you need to generate and use green energy. It includes solar panels, panel mounts, a charge controller to convert DC current into usable AC current, wiring and cables to connect everything together and batteries to store all that generated energy. You’ll also get full installation instructions or access to full fitting by our experienced team.
You do not need a grid connection if you use a solar panel kit. All our kits are fully self-contained and suitable for off-grid solar generation. You can connect to the grid if you like but you certainly don’t need to.
Solar panels generate more energy more of the time than you might think. While they will work at their best in direct sunlight, they can generate energy when it’s cloudy and overcast. The rate at which your panels generate energy will of course reduce as sunlight reduces but you’ll still be generating. The British weather forms part of the calculations we use when specifying your solar panel kit, so you should never run out of energy!
It is relatively easy to install a solar panel kit if you’re comfortable with power tools and can follow instructions. The process is logical and the instructions walk you through everything step by step. However, if you want your solar panel kit installed by professionals, that’s something we can arrange for you.
Yes, you can expand your solar panel kit if required. The kit just gets you started. If you need to generate more energy or want to expand it to sell back to the grid, you can. All kits are modular so you can add panels, change up the inverter and increase battery capacity as you need. Contact one of our team and we’ll be happy to discuss.
In most situations, you do not need planning permission for solar panels. They typically fall under permitted development and require no specific permission. There are exceptions though, including listed buildings, properties in national parks, areas of outstanding natural beauty, conservation areas and newer properties with restrictive covenants. We recommend checking with your council or landowner beforehand, just in case.
No, solar panel kits don’t require much maintenance. The system is designed specifically to be as low maintenance as possible. Depending on the types of batteries you use, you may have to check them once a month and balance them occasionally. Otherwise, the system will largely look after itself. Full maintenance instructions are included with every kit.