Ronaldinho stuns Seaman (65) | 100 great World Cup moments

Ronaldinho stuns Seaman (65) | 100 great World Cup moments

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Ronaldinho goal against England | Classic GoalsRonaldinho goal against England | Classic Goals
Watch some of the best goals ever scored in the FIFA World Cup™.Watch some of the best goals ever scored in the FIFA World Cup™.

Our countdown continues with a look back to a much-debated free-kick from 2002.

As we count down to the start of the global showpiece in Qatar on 20 November, FIFA+ is showcasing 100 of the greatest moments in FIFA World Cup history.

Was it brilliance? Or just blind luck? That has been debated ever since Ronaldinho, over 35 yards out and wide on the right, sent a free-kick spinning over a floundering, unprepared David Seaman in 2002. The wrong-footed England goalkeeper could only watch as the ball curled into the top-left corner, taking Brazil through to the semi-finals at the Three Lions’ expense. While it remains one of the FIFA World Cup™’s most memorable goals, opinion has always been split on whether it was one of the best – or most fortuitous. The player himself was adamant at the time. "It was definitely a shot," he insisted. "It was Cafu who advised me beforehand that there was a space and that Seaman was standing in a very advanced position in the penalty area. It seemed only natural to have a go, and there was nothing lucky about it."

The England players, perhaps unsurprisingly, were more sceptical. Sol Campbell described it as "fluky", while Teddy Sheringham insisted it was "mis-hit". "It’s just a shame that a goal like that has sent us out of the tournament,” Sheringham added. “It was freakish."

David Beckham, a man with more than a few free-kick goals to his name, felt the same. "It was not his (Seaman’s) fault,” said the Manchester United star. “The goal was a fluke. It was a cross that ended up being a goal."

"I will never accept that it was intentional,” echoed Danny Mills, England’s right-back. “Rio [Ferdinand] asked Ronaldinho after the game if he meant to shoot and he just gave a shrug and grinned. His sheepishness suggests to me that it was a misguided cross."

In fact, that grin – as Ronaldinho later explained – reflected not that the goal was an intended cross, but rather a less-than-accurate shot. "When I hit the ball I wanted to shoot for goal – but maybe not exactly where the ball ended up,” he said. “If I'm being totally honest, I was aiming for the other side of the net.”

So, was the goal a fluke or not? The final word goes to the scorer himself: “No, no, you can't say that, because I was aware of the keeper's position and went for the shot at goal. The fact that it did not go in exactly as I planned is secondary to the fact that I was having a go.

"What basically happened is that I hit my shot too hard and, as it travelled through the air, it swerved more and ended up looping over Seaman. There was nothing he could do about it and I suppose there was an element of luck involved.”

“But,” he added, “a goal is a goal!"

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