22 Best Indonesian Drama Film Recommendations that Should Not Be Missed, from Family Stories - Tragic Romance
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22 Best Indonesian Drama Film Recommendations that Should Not Be Missed, from Family Stories - Tragic Romance

22 Best Indonesian Drama Film Recommendations that Should Not Be Missed, from Family Stories - Tragic Romance Indonesian Drama Film Recommendations (Credit: imdb.com)

Kapanlagi.com - Indonesia actually has no shortage of drama films to be used as entertainment. There are many quality Indonesian drama film recommendations that feature interesting ideas.

From young love stories, complex family issues, to happy marriages, they can all be turned into interesting entertainment. You can find these stories in Indonesian drama film recommendations that you can watch.

Now, if you're curious about popular film titles in Indonesian drama, check out these Indonesian drama film recommendations that you should not miss below.



1. Recommendations for Indonesian Drama Films


A COPY OF MY MIND is a recommendation for Indonesian drama film by one of the most prolific directors, Joko Anwar. This film can be considered as one of Joko Anwar's simple films, not succeeding in the non-mainstream path and competing in international film festivals, even before being well-known in Indonesia. It's only natural that you're curious after hearing the title of this film.


The next recommendation for Indonesian drama film on Netflix is titled LAYLA MAJNUN. As seen in the title, this romantic film directed by Monty Tiwa is inspired by the legendary story of Layla and Majnun. The film portrays a love story hindered by tradition. It is told that Layla is a beautiful and smart lecturer who successfully fulfills her dream of teaching abroad, specifically in Azerbaijan.

Before leaving, Layla is already engaged to a wealthy man named Ibnu. Ibnu has helped a lot in paying off his uncle's debts. Layla accepted the proposal on the condition that she would still go to Azerbaijan. In Indonesia, Ibnu prepared for their wedding. However, it turns out that their long-distance relationship did not go smoothly. Layla fell in love with one of her students named Samir, and vice versa.


Do you still remember the soap opera titled TERSANJUNG? Well, the film directed by Hanung Bramantyo and Pandhu Adjisurya is the result of the adaptation of the soap opera. TERSANJUNG THE MOVIE tells the story of a character named Yura who lives with her stepmother since losing her mother at the age of two.

Her family's life is often plagued by problems. Yura's father is a musician whose career is in decline, while her stepmother treats Yura badly. Despite this, Yura is close to her stepsister, Nisa, who she considers as her own sister. If you are curious about the whole story, just search for this movie on Netflix.


For those of you who grew up in the 90s, you must be familiar with the movie titled KELUARGA CEMARA. This is because the movie KELUARGA CEMARA is an adaptation of the soap opera that was popular at that time. This film tells the story of a harmonious family whose life suddenly changes drastically after the father is deceived. In order to continue their lives, the small family then decides to move to the village. However, the move to the village becomes a new chapter in their lives that ultimately makes their lives more meaningful.



2. Best Indonesian Drama Film Recommendations


LOVE FOR SALE is a film about the life of Richard Achmad (Gading Marten), a chronic bachelor who is challenged by his friends to bring a girlfriend to a party. This pushes him to find a woman on a paid dating app. Due to an administrative error, Richard, who actually only needs a woman for one day, is forced to let her stay in his house for 45 days.

The beautiful woman's name is Arini (Della Dartyan). Over time, Richard falls in love with Arini, a feeling he hasn't felt for years. What is the end of their love limited to this contract? Watch it for yourself on Netflix.


The next recommended Indonesian drama film on Netflix is ​​titled GEEZ & ANN. This film is based on a novel by Nadhifa Allya Tsana, also known by the pen name Rintik Sedu, with the same title. This film tells the story of Geez and Ann's journey of love.

The character Ann is an independent woman who wants a long-term relationship. Ann falls in love with Geez, a man with a mysterious nature. Their love story seems to never be smooth sailing. Geez continues his studies abroad and that forces him to maintain a long-distance relationship. When watching, you will be presented with various problems that test sincerity and loyalty.


The next recommended Indonesian drama film that you should not miss is ​​#TEMANTAPIMENIKAH. This film is based on the true story of Ayudia Bing Slamet and Ditto Percussion. The character Ayu is played by Vanesha Prescillia and Ditto by Adipati Dolken. As the title suggests, their love story began when they met and became classmates in school.

Their friendship grew closer and before they knew it, it had already been 11 years. The feeling of love finally surfaced when Ayu announced that she was getting married. At that moment, Ditto found the courage to express his feelings and start a married life with his friend.


The next recommended Indonesian drama film on Netflix could be a favorite among teenagers. The film is DILAN starring Iqbaal Ramadhan and Vanesha Prescilla. Since its release, this film has captured the attention of many teenagers and has made them emotional. The teenage love story during high school is also divided into two series, DILAN 1990 and DILAN 1991. Both are equally exciting and can be watched as a marathon on Netflix.



3. Indonesian Drama Film Recommendations on Netflix


If you are a 90s generation familiar with the character of Si Doel, this drama film should not be missed. As implied by the title, this film contains the end of Si Doel's love story. Who will he choose, Sarah or Zaenab? To get the answer, you can watch this film on Netflix.


NANTI KITA CERITA TENTANG HARI INI (NKCTHI) is a film adapted from the novel by Marchella FP with the same title. Directed by Angga Dwimas Sasongko, this film is unique because it is based on a novel full of wise quotes. On Netflix, you can find this film under the title ONE DAY WE'LL TALK ABOUT TODAY.


CINTA PERTAMA, KEDUA & KETIGA is a relatively new Indonesian drama film recommendation. The story is quite complex and interesting to follow. This story tells about the characters named Raja (Angga Yunanda) and Asia (Putri Marino). They both have the responsibility to take care of their respective parents.

One day, their parents accidentally met at the hospital during a check-up. Love emerged. Raja and Asia initially supported their parents' decision. However, as the familiarity grew, they both fell in love with each other.


THE SINKING OF VAN DER WIJCK is a romantic film adapted from the novel by Hamka with the same title. This Indonesian drama film recommendation on Netflix tells the story of Zainuddin (Herjunot Ali) who sailed back to his father's hometown in Batipuh, Padang Panjang. In his hometown, Zainuddin has a crush named Hayati. Unfortunately, their love story collided with strong customs.



4. Most Exciting Indonesian Drama Film Recommendations on Netflix


ALI & THE QUEENS is the next film on the list of other Indonesian drama film recommendations. This film raises the theme of family. In this film, a young man named Ali who has been separated from his mother for a long time.

As an adult, Ali decided to search for his mother alone in New York City. In New York, Ali actually found a sad reality. However, not only sadness, in New York, Ali also found happiness and a new family when he met middle-aged women who called themselves Queens.


LETTERS FROM PRAGUE is also one of the Indonesian drama film recommendations on Netflix that you shouldn't miss. This touching story film is about Larasati who has to go to Prague to fulfill her mother's will. There, Larasti must deliver a box and a letter to a man named Jaya. However, it turns out that Larasati and Jaya have a deep bond. Their meeting finally revealed many veils, including the story of the past between Jaya and his mother who were separated due to political conditions in Indonesia in the past.


POSESIF is a film that tells about an unhealthy or toxic relationship. The main character in this film is Lala, a synchronized swimmer. Lala has a boyfriend named Yudhis who is a new student. However, it turns out that Yudhis is a figure who influences Lala. Yudhis is not hesitant to commit violence and hinder Lala's life as an athlete.


This drama film tells the story of Stella, a high school student in Jakarta who is rich and has everything, but she is not happy. This is because her parents work as successful entrepreneurs and politicians. As a result, they are rarely at home, which is why Stella falls into free association, causing her to lose her virginity.



5. Indonesian Drama Film Recommendations for 2022


The next drama film is titled STEALING RADEN SALEH. The biggest theft of the century is counting down to its execution date. The gang is complete and ready to carry out the mission of stealing the masterpiece painting of Raden Saleh, titled The Arrest of Diponegoro. Forgery, hacking, fighting, and manipulation occur in the planned theft carried out by a group of amateur young people.


Dodo Rozak just wants to be a good father to his daughter, Kartika. In reality, it is Kartika who more often takes care of and cares for her father, and they live happily. Kartika is proud of her father who sells balloons every day. Until one day an event happened that separated her from Dodo. She was arrested on charges of raping and killing a little girl named Melati. Dodo, with his natural limitations, has difficulty explaining what really happened and ends up in prison. He was placed in cell number seven, which was inhabited by several inmates. After various events experienced by Dodo in prison, Dodo befriended the inmates in cell number seven and got help to smuggle Kartika into his cell.

The inmates in cell number seven saw the closeness between Dodo and Kartika, which also spread happiness to the other inmates and guards in the prison. Seeing that closeness, everyone was unsure whether Dodo would be willing to rape and kill a little girl like Melati. And the movie MIRACLE IN CELL NO. 7 became a very popular drama film in Indonesia.


This drama film tells the story of three siblings who have never been in agreement and are forced to compete for an inheritance in the form of a guest house owned by Dahlan, their father. Adam, the eldest son who blames his father's tough attitude for his life failures. Laras, the middle child who is independent and idealistic. And Dicky, the youngest son who is his father's favorite and has been pampered since childhood and grew up as a rebellious young man. Who will be the chosen heir?


This drama film is actually the third sequel to the movie DEAR NATHAN. The success of the previous movie DEAR NATHAN made this movie return in 2022 with the title DEAR NATHAN: THANK YOU SALMA. This movie tells the continuation of Nathan and Salma's relationship.

After their love story began in high school, Nathan and Salma faced increasingly complicated and uncertain relationships. Especially since their relationship was also tested with the arrival of a new person in their lives who made them confused.


The movie RED DOT OF MARRIAGE is also included in the next drama film. After eleven years of marriage and having Bagas and Ayu, Ambar and Gilang's relationship began to enter a period of disappointment due to various things in their marriage. Especially after a big fight due to the interference of their parents.


The movie BALADA SI ROY tells the story of a young man named Roy who likes to search for his identity. Roy has a hobby of mountain climbing and has a friendly, independent, and easy-to-mingle personality with his surroundings. After his father passed away, Roy only lived with his mother and had to move from Bandung to Serang due to economic reasons.

When he moved to his new school in Serang, Roy met new friends named Andi and Toni who eventually became close friends. Roy also met Ani, a sweet and friendly girl who made Roy fall in love. A new problem arose when there was a gang named Borsalino in the new school, with a leader named Dullah.

This Dullah character was feared by all students because he felt that his father had power in the city of Serang. So, Dullah often oppressed and humiliated others as he pleased. This made Roy angry, because Roy believed that everyone was equal and no one deserved to be humiliated. Finally, Roy formed his own gang called RAT which aimed to oppose the actions of Borsalino.

Well, KLovers, those are a series of Indonesian drama film recommendations that you can watch when you need entertainment. This drama film not only has a good plot, but it is also very popular.




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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