KISS's PAUL STANLEY Pays Tribute To ERIC CARR On 29th Anniversary Of Drummer's Death - BLABBERMOUTH.NET

KISS's PAUL STANLEY Pays Tribute To ERIC CARR On 29th Anniversary Of Drummer's Death

November 24, 2020

KISS frontman Paul Stanley has paid tribute to the band's late drummer Eric Carr, calling him "a gentle soul" who "never spoke badly of anyone."

Carr replaced Peter Criss in KISS in 1980 and made his recording debut with the band on 1981's "Music From 'The Elder'" album. His final recording with KISS was "God Gave Rock And Roll To You II". His last public appearance before his death was at the MTV Video Music Awards in September 1991.

Earlier today, Stanley took to his Twitter to write: "Eric was a major force both musically and spiritually while in KISS. His battle with cancer seemed all the more cruel because of his kindness and his never speaking badly of anyone. A gentle soul and I honor him on this day he left his friends, fans and family 29 years ago today."

Carr contributed his talent to the bands many gold and platinum albums during his tenure, and can be heard on the band's many hit songs from the 1980s, including "Lick It Up", "Heaven's On Fire", "Crazy Nights", "Tears Are Falling" and "Forever", to name a few. In addition to his musical contributions, Carr was equally known for his inviting personality and genuine love for the fans. From the time he joined the band to this very day, Carr remains one of the most beloved members of the KISS family.

Carr died on November 24, 1991 of a rare heart cancer. He was 41.

Back in 2011, on the 20th anniversary of Eric's passing, Stanley stated about Carr: "At a time when KISS was in the midst of upheaval and turmoil, Eric brought calm and an optimism that refocused our priorities so we could move forward. I can't overstate his contribution to our rebirth. His dedication to his music was only matched by his dedication to his fans. He was a kind soul who couldn't say an unkind word about anyone and I think of him all the time."

Added KISS bassist/vocalist Gene Simmons: "I never knew anyone more humble in my life. Eric Carr was a kind soul who never said anything bad about anybody. He was also a double threat on drums, and vocals. I miss him."

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