Family song for kindergarten – Teaching English Games

Family song for kindergarten

Hello there, on this page is a family song for preschool children learning English or any kindergarten kids for that matter! It’s catchy and repetitive so that second language learners can pick up the words quickly.  Teach family members with Father Frog and co. This song matches my fun preschool story, The Frog Family. Enjoy!

Song lyrics

Hello father frog, hello father frog, jump into, jump into the pond. It’s hot in the sun; it’s hot in the sun, so jump into the pond and swim in the cool water.

Repeat with mother, brother, and sister frog. The story for this song also has a baby frog, with flashcards provided for grandma and grandpa.

Family song activities

Children love jumping in and out of the pond as they pretend to be mother, father, brother, or sister frogs. It’s easy to make a pond; simply velcro some blue material to the carpet, or tape a circle of blue card to the floor. Fixing the pond to the floor is necessary to avoid slipping.

During the ‘cool water’ part of this family song, children can pretend to swim about the room and enjoy being cool having sat in the hot sun.

Kindergarten songs

If you enjoy this family song, you may want to hear all 15 songs on Teaching English Songs 2 Album. Listen here!  These songs match Preschool Stories 11-20, specially created for young English language learners.

Need any help?

My teaching kits can help kindergarten teachers give fun interactive lessons and have their young learners enjoy English. In addition, they are an essential time-saving resource for busy teachers who care about making their teaching fun and effective.

Please feel free to email anytime if you have a question, now or in the future. I’m always glad to help.

All the best,

Shelley Ann Vernon

3 thoughts on “Family song for kindergarten”

    1. Shelley Ann Vernon

      Hello Marinda, Thanks for your comment. I’ve sent you a couple of free ones – Hetty and the Lion, plus this Frog Family. If you need more you can buy the sets. They are incredibly good value.

      How old are your pupils? Preschool, or primary school age?

      Kind regards
      Shelley Ann Vernon

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