Six Days of Justice - Season 1 - IMDb
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Episode List


Season 1

10 Apr. 1972
Lorna Brown battles with her husband Anthony for a separation and for custody of their children. Suspicions of his infidelity with the live-in housekeeper, and of her drunkenness don't bode well for either of them.
17 Apr. 1972
Suddenly... You're in It
Learner driver Beryl, tutored by her husband one dark, rainy night, accidentally strikes a pedestrian. They jointly face a dangerous driving charge, but Beryl is more distressed by news of an unexpected tragic side-effect of the accident.
24 Apr. 1972
A Private Nuisance
The Magistrates hear a private summons alleging assault brought by a publican's wife. The accused claims as mitigation, the provocative conduct of racism, poor service and bad tempers, on the part of both the publican and his wife.
1 May 1972
Who Cares?
Teenage runaway Karen seems determined to manage her own life - her recently remarried mother certainly seems not to care at all. The magistrates have to decide if Karen is in "moral danger" and so needs to be put into care.
8 May 1972
With Intent to Deceive
Wiccan clairvoyant Molly obliges Mrs. Trafford's request to find a missing ring. Later, the Trafford couple mount a fraudulent charge, claiming that despite paying Molly for her services, the ring remains lost. But is it?
15 May 1972
Open House
Squatters in a decrepit house are deemed tenants and sued for failing to pay rates. They insist on being outside and independent of society, but does that mean they can still use community services completely free of all charges?

 Season 1  Season 2  »

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