Carthew Neal | NZ On Screen
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Carthew Neal


Carthew Neal's producing career includes an Oscar nomination for Jojo Rabbit, Kiwi box office champ Hunt for the Wilderpeople, oddball documentary Tickled and Madeleine Sami in many roles series Super City. Neal runs Auckland company Fumes, and Piki Films. In 2007 he created environmental info series Wa$ted, which screened or was remade in 20+ countries. An early pioneer in interactive web storytelling (2002’s 5 Minute Call), Neal went on to produce web comedy Aroha Bridge and interactive documentary I Spy (with My 5 Eyes). He also manages musical acts — including Aroha Bridge creator, Coco Solid.

I want to maximize the potential of creative talent and ideas to create entertainment audiences will love. Carthew Neal, on the Fumes website