When most people think about Kenan Thompson, the main thing that comes to mind is all of the most popular characters the talented performer has brought to life on Saturday Night Live. However, in recent years, Thompson has become one of the many SNL actors who’ve got a show of their own to star in. As a result, many of Thomson’s fans have become to see him in a new light.

As the star of the sitcom Kenan, the much-beloved actor Kenan Thompson portrays a family man. Of course, Kenan isn’t autobiographical in a lot of ways. After all, it is a sitcom and it has to be noted that in reality, Thompson has a loving wife. That said, the show does reflect the actor’s life in one notable way, his world revolves around his two daughters. As it turns out, not only does he do a lot of the things for his kids, Kenan Thomson has said that the birth of his daughter Georgia Marie Thompson changed him in a hilarious way.

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Kenan Thompson's Fascinating Career Before Having Georgia Marie Thompson

The same year that Kenan Thompson turned 16 years old, he suddenly seemed to take the entertainment industry by storm. After all, in 1994, Thompson showed up in the movie D2: The Mighty Ducks and the Nickelodeon show Kenan starred in, All That, debuted that same year. Of course, there are millions of Mighty Ducks fans who want to know more about the popular entertainment franchise.

After first attaining a certain level of fame based on supporting roles, Kenan Thompson took his career to a new level in 1996. After all, when Kenan & Kel began airing, Thompson became a comedy leading man for the first time. If an adult who had never seen Kenan & Kel went back to watch the show today, they would be unlikely to enjoy it. However, the show wasn’t produced for them and the youngsters who tuned into the show at the time loved it. In fact, Kenan & Kel became so popular that the show’s titular stars were given the chance to headline their own movie, Good Burger.

After continuing to bounce around Hollywood during the late-90s and early-2000s, Kenan Thompson earned the opportunity of a lifetime when he made his Saturday Night Live debut in 2003. Since then, Thompson has gone on to become the longest-tenured SNL star in the show’s nearly 50-year history. More importantly, Kenan’s SNL staying power is directly connected to his continuing ability to make the masses laugh at every turn. With that in mind, it seems entirely possible that Thompson’s SNL tenure could continue for several more years.

Related: Kenan Thompson Talks Leaving SNL And His New Comedy, 'Kenan' On Episode of 'Hot Ones'

Georgia Marie Thompson's Influence On Kenan Thompson's Life

As anyone who has been a parent should be able to attest, having children changes you in a myriad of different ways. For example, the most obvious way that parenthood changes a person is that their priorities in life suddenly dramatically change since doing your best to raise your kids properly becomes all-important.

Aside from the most important ways that becoming a parent should change a person, there are some much more nebulous that having kids tends to alter most people. Unsurprisingly, when he took part in an AppleTV documentary called Dads, Kenan Thompson described those changes in a hilarious way that most parents can relate to easily.

“One day you're not a dad and then the next moment you are. You're just a dad from that point on. And definitely, my coolness just got sucked right out of me. I didn't know... I didn't even feel it, but I just immediately started wearing black socks and shorts and just being really corny at stores and over-asking questions about items that are super obvious and in my face.” Even though Kenan has two daughters, it seems clear that he went through the change that quote describes when Georgia Marie Thomson was born. After all, Georgia is Kenan’s eldest child.

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Of course, even though being a parent can be a whole lot of fun, it certainly can be a struggle as well. During the aforementioned documentary, Kenan Thompson dropped his typical sense of humor long enough to describe how stressful having kids can be.

“The constant worry though, is learning how to calm down and to see how resilient kids are — learning what the real warning signs are, as opposed to just being worried about every little slip and fall.” Since most parents will be able to recall freaking out the first time their kid fell only to later learn that in a lot of cases that is no big deal, Thomson’s words hit the mark.

Next: Kenan Thompson Breaks During His Sketch While Singing R Kelly’s 'Ignition (Remix)'