Diplo on Katy's Sex Ranking: ''I Don't Even Remember Having Sex''

Diplo Responds to Katy Perry's Sex Ranking: ''I Don't Even Remember Having Sex''

DJ disses his former fling after she

By Kendall Fisher Jun 13, 2017 5:51 PMTags
Watch: Diplo Responds to Katy Perry's Sex Ranking

Diplo is throwing shade Katy Perry's way.

In case you missed it, James Corden appeared as a special guest on Perry's four-day "Witness World Wide" YouTube live stream (in promotion of her new album) during which he proceeded to play a Truth or Dare-like game with the singer.

Corden asked Perry to rank three ex-lovers by how good they are in bed, from worst to best. She ranked Diplo—who she dated for several months in 2014—as the worst followed by Orlando Bloom—her most recent boyfriend who she dated for about 10 months until earlier this year—and finally John Mayer—who she dated for three years until 2015—came out on top (no pun intended) as the best.

Katy Perry's Romantic History

However, Perry was visibly cringing over the question and noted, "They're all amazing lovers, and I would have sex with all of them when I get out of this place!"

Still, the news traveled pretty fast, and not to Diplo's enjoyment.

Vice's music channel, Thump, tweeted out about the ranking to which Diplo responded in the most Diplo way possible.


"I don't even remember having sex," he quipped, before sharing a photo of himself climbing on a pole above a crowd and adding, "I won the bronze metal in sex Olympics."

Well, this is probably proof why Katy also didn't deem him "the one who got away." In fact, that title went to Josh Groban, who she casually dated in 2009.

"People are like, who's the one who got away? That's Groban," Perry told Corden. "He's one of my good friends. I love him so much. He's the best."

Meanwhile, Katy opened up quite a bit during the live stream about various personal subjects (other than her sex life), including her battle between Katy Perry and Katheryn Hudson (her real name).

"People talk about my hair, right, and they don't like it, or they wish that it was longer," she said. "I so badly want to be Katheryn Hudson that I don't even want to look like Katy Perry anymore sometimes, and that is a little bit of why I cut my hair."

She continued, "I'm a bit more nerdy than everybody thinks I am. I'm a big goofball. The fantasy of Katheryn went into Katy and made this bigger than life personality."