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The sad realism of Rick’s suicide attempt in Season 2 Episode 3

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Rewatched the episode recently. Just got to thinking about how accurate it actually is, especially after experiencing something very similar.

Rick, obviously being hurt about Unity leaving him, goes into the garage. His family stares at him, knowing something’s up, but don’t follow him to the garage. He then attempts suicide and passes out before he succeeds. Days go by. Nobody checks on him. Jerry starts weed eating his yard. Life just goes on. People suffer in silence. Feel like they’re drowning. Feel like the walls are closing in. And everywhere around you, life just goes on. People around you carry on with their everyday lives. And many times nobody even realizes your suffering or the extent of how bad your suffering.

To add to it, Unity and Rick’s suicide attempt are never brought up in the show again. Once again showing how life just goes on and how so many people’s feelings are just shoved away and never talked about or brought up.

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Hi, just wanted to say that I understand where you’re coming from, definitely hit me hard when I first watched the episode, But after years of wanting to die and suffering, I’ve finally found peace because I kept on dancing. Keep moving forward bud, i know it sucks now, and it may not sound true but it does get better. Take it from me who tried about 5 times leaving this earth, and now I’m engaged and ready to marry my wife and surrounded by 4 cats. So much pussy.

u/Zizekbro avatar

Don’t stop dancing

Oh I wont! No matter how weird I look at concerts or in every day life, I dance my feelings away, that’s my way of handling my emotions, everyone has their own way I suggest finding something that you love to do and apply it every time you feel low. Like riding your bike or reading a book! Just do something you enjoy at least 30 mins a day and it will slowly improve your outlook. (Btw I LOVE the callback to Sarah lynn’s ‘don’t stop dancing’ but that’s not what i was trying to say with my message lol I love bojack horseman, view from halfway down saved my life.)

u/Zizekbro avatar

I assumed as much, but just wanted to make the reference.

It’s a good reference! Thank you for that, I always appreciate bojack horseman references

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I desperately want to upvote your comment, but that'll ruin the funny number.

Ahhh dammit I missed the funny number !

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Suicide is a funny thing, not in a laughing way but in a way wbere its unexplainable but explainable at the same time.

The most dangerous part of is, you can be severely happy, havint the greatest day with your loved ones, then an hour later hang yourself.

Ifs fucking wild how ptsd works

I can be in the best mood, and then I will tell my fiance idl why, but I just have 0 motivation for anything anymore, and life is useless and meaningless, and what's the point. Then I take a nap or wander around like a ghost a bit, and eventually, the feeling sort of passes. It never really goes away. I'm alright, though. I understand it's feelings and if I need to have a cry, I do. can't bottle that shit up.

The most dangerous part of is, you can be severely happy, havint the greatest day with your loved ones, then an hour later hang yourself.

Chris Cornell

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Are you ok?

Things are kinda rough at the moment. Still kicking though.

Keep kicking. Always a chance for a better day if you do.

u/TribeOnAQuest avatar

I’ve always like the Tyrion Lannister quote “Death is so final, but life…ah, life is full of possibilities”.

I’ve been down bad a few years ago, saw no chance at graduating college, thought I let down all my friends and family, only about $200 and a beaten up car to my name. Finally had a great chat with a friend that convinced me to attend community college, which allowed me to transfer to a healthier college for me, allowed me to graduate and move to a new city with so many possibilities. You can do it my friend!! Have faith!

u/thisendup76 avatar

If you find solace in moments like this from shows... I HIGHLY recommend watching Bojack Horseman on Netflix.

The show has some real kick-you-in-the-gut moments, but covers depression extremely well. While I was watching it made me realize I am not alone in some of my thoughts, which was comforting.

If you make it to the final season, there is a huge payoff with (what I personally think is) one of the best episodes of television ever written. It contains a poem about suicide that chokes me up every time I read it or rewatch that episode. Many people have said the poem has stopped them from committing suicide.

There are also a ton of funny moments and amazing voice acting, and general writing.

The first season takes some getting used to, but it's well worth pushing through because it's an incredibly powerful show. I wish I could rewatch it again for the first time.

Hope you push though OP

Sounds interesting, I might watch that. Thank you for the kind words.

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What do you need to be okay, brother?

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I have a screen grab from the scene as my wallpaper. The beautiful stars in the sky overhead. Life still has beauty even when our eyes are clouded.semicolon solidarity.

I hated how much that scene resonated with me I've decided to be kinder to myself I hope we all can

u/UrbosasLittleFury avatar

Anna Karenina is like this too. I found comfort in that when I was suicidal. If you're hurting, I hope you hang on and I hope help comes. Thinking and rooting for you OP

Do you feel it, do you feel it?

I want it, I want it real, are you afraid of me now?

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Not trying to divide by gender, but I think makes experience this more often, it's why you see more awareness for men's mental health. Cause really, people will care about practical problems, it's the emotional one they'll say they're here for you but immediately ignore as you start talking about it.

I feel every word you said, and to make it worse the episode, particularly the ending, was playing when i found out my world, as I knew it, was going to end. Found out that Ohio's custody laws pretty much hate unwed fathers. They're also just as dumb as corporations with resumes, key words are all they want screw the truth.

Personally, this advise is dangerously stupid but is morally and ethically the best way to avoid a selfish spiral. --"After your basics needs are met, find something outside yourself to live for"-- Don't live for another person, unless it's your child (or adopted), so avoid codependent scenarios otherwise if they leave then your back where you started. Causes are low risk, especially if it's fundamentally just.

If you live for just yourself, every low will hurt. If you live for something more than yourself, then failures are always just setbacks.

If you or anyone else ever feels trapped, DM me. I'm not an expert but i promise maximum effort and sincerity.

u/DavidAdamsAuthor avatar

Not trying to divide by gender, but I think makes experience this more often, it's why you see more awareness for men's mental health.

This episode hit me hard too.

Custody laws are one area that are just fucked. There's no other word to describe it. It's just fucked. I don't want to tell you what you already know, but... yeah. It is messed up how blatantly unfair these rules are to men.

There's actually strong scientific evidence for bias in this in related areas. When men report abuse from women, the abuse is seen as much less serious even when described identically to abuse from a man to a woman. Even clinical psychologists, people who should be keenly aware of their biases and this bias in particular, have been found to have it. I'm sure this kind of bias reaches into custody laws. The resistance there is likely rooted in the same issue; nobody cares if a man is suffering. Women's suffering is seen as a high priority to prevent, but for men... we are expected by all and sundry to just suck it up.

This is what happened to me. I reported a year-long gaslighting campaign from a woman in a position of authority over me. When I say gaslighting, I mean that she was lying to me directly about something I cared about, and dismissing every suspicion I had as imagined, or the product of misunderstanding, or "pattern recognition gone wild". I cared very deeply about this as it related to a dead child of mine.

It turns out I was right, she was 100% lying to me the whole time. I reported it to her superiors, including why I cared about it and why it had hurt me so much. They didn't care, even though their group constitution prohibited all forms of intentional deceit. It was clearly against the rules.

The mind-blowing thing was just that I was able to prove it pretty easily. They even admitted that she "withheld the truth" from me about this. But that didn't matter to them. It wasn't a matter of evidence or proving it or whatever. That wasn't the issue. They simply did not see this level of careful, deliberate deception for a year as a big problem, even given the subject matter which the person involved was well aware of.

I had all the evidence in the world. They just simply... didn't care.

And just like the world going on in that episode, with everyone just keeping on their daily lives as though nothing had happened. She's still in that position of authority. Still in charge of people.

Hell, that year, the people involved gave her a good conduct award.

What can I say, man?

Regardless of ones gender, noone should suffer in silence.

That's sounds fuck up though, yet i believe all of it.

u/DavidAdamsAuthor avatar

Thanks mate. I appreciate it.

For you too. I'm sorry that happened. It mustn't have been easy.

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We need more of this. Especially unconditional.

This was the moment I fell in love with Rick & Morty and knew I’d watch until it ends. I’d never been moved by something that felt so honest and real from a show before seeing that scene.

Ok you need someone to talk to... I am here just text me

I've had a small number of people in my life commit suicide and I've also just had unfortunately early losses. I'd lost both a child and a parent before I was 25.

The world keeps going, but inside the people grieving, we still miss the person who left us. I wonder how things could have turned out for the people who took their lives too soon.

You matter to someone, always. Even if the the interaction is insignificant to you, it may stay with them forever.

I had a neighbor growing up who was such a nice person and always had candy for me when I saw him. He killed himself well over 20 years ago and I still think about him, even if his face is blurry now. I still remember the flashing lights outside his house and the empty space in the neighborhood his lack of presence brought. There was no more friendly man with candy, just a sad empty trailer.

Yeah. This episode gets me good every time. Years back, I used to feel a similar way. Drinking to the point of no return, wanting to end it but being too drunk to attempt it or succeed.

Thankfully I'm in an infinitely better place now, but I try to avoid that episode. Heartbreak man. It'll get you good.

u/abaram avatar

That sequence had me crying my eyes out when I first watched it. I was in a very dark place struggling to put myself back together after a traumatic breakup with my ex gf whom I dated for 6 years.

Life goes on, time does not wait for you. In my experience, it’s also not right for you to expect someone to help you through it because it is your baggage. This particular episode really hit it home with how hidden in plain sight those struggles are and I’ve since become more attentive to others, in hopes that nobody else would get so close to darkness like I have.

Landscape with the fall of Icarus (the painting and then the poem about the painting)

I really appreciate people like you who makes posts like this. I feel you for, and I thank you at the same time because you are able to take what I'm trying to word in my head right, and lay it out there for me. Keep pushing. No matter what you do, even when you get to the point of being happy, you will still have days, weeks, etc.. of feeling exactly how Rick felt in this episode. I don't mean to sound like I'm speaking for the majority, but I know exactly what you are saying in this post. Much love. Take a step back when you need to.

this episode and s3 e1 were some of the deepest ones imo. s3 e1 never fails to bring tears to my eyes

u/OverlordPacer avatar

Trust me on this, as somebody who knows pain… GET BACK TO THE GYM! Get into working out, feeling strong, and making strides forward! Things only get better when your foundation gets better. Build your foundation up, and things get better. Mind, body, spirit. You got this

I know a lot of people who hate to hear this for some reason. But it’s really life changing advice hahaha. Changed my life that’s for sure. I’ve lost 37kgs so far in roughly 3 months. I feel so much healthier,happier and purpose driven. It’s just a shame that people don’t see it as actual advice, rather just pushing an agenda


I know a lot of people who hate to hear this for some reason. But it’s really life changing advice hahaha.

Because people act like it's one size fits all, and for someone this doesn't work with, people try and shove it down our throats like a miracle cure... it isn't.

I developed my depression as an elite athlete. I had an active job that had me constantly moving, in great physical health, and in great shape. At some point, I have to accept that just "going to the gym" not only isn't a solution for me personally, but it's actually just an avenue to make myself more miserable.

If you aren't moving at all, there is no better solution than getting out there and moving your body... but when you are so adept to moving you body that you train others in it, moving your body isn't the solution.

There is another piece of the puzzle that individual is missing, and being told I need to "go to the gym" is actually the opposite what I really need, and it's such bad advice for me personally, it makes the person telling it to me seem disingenuous, like they can't really be bothered to hear my problem, they just want it to fit their solution...

When I hear "Go to the gym" I essentially hear someone who has applied their life to mine... at which point I have to remind them, I never stopped improving my body. I never let things slip in the first place.


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So TLDR: you already work out and feel sad

No, I am not sad, I still have depression.

and yes, I am well aware of many of these other options, and could share quite a bit on it, but my point was replying to "I know a lot of people who hate to hear this for some reason. But it’s really life changing advice hahaha." and I gave a detailed explanation of why it isn't and why I don't like hearing it.

If you are forcing that particular solution down my throat, you obviously don't know me, nor are you really willing to know me. That is why I don't like hearing that.

I can't say why others don't like hearing that solution, but that is kinda my point, I have to actually hear what they say and what is specific to them, not just suggest the thing that might help most people.

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Life is full of obstacles and things we can’t control. Going to the gym and working out is one thing that can give someone a sense of control in this crazy world. Also, after a month or two of constant control of working out it’s likely you’ll start to control other factors such as a diet. This then leads to control over your clothing and appearance as you start to love how you look. The feeling of control over your life will become more intoxicating and you will want to work more on yourself. Going to the gym can be the first step in gaining that control.

100 percent agree with that perspective!!

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I think people hate to hear this because it’s useless advice, not because it won’t work, but because if someone has motivation to do that, then they can not kill themselves as well.

In a way is just like saying “don’t be sad, be happy instead”

But yes, brains are chemical machines and hitting the gym, or other things like managing to organize your room, can fix the stuff that’s wrong in the brain and jumpstart you.

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u/InsaneThisGuysTaint avatar


Papa Swolio?

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Haha dude it's a show about burps and farts made by a wife beater. Go sanitise your fedora.

Go touch some grass and let other people have feelings.

Go touch some grass

The irony is palpable...

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So because it’s a comedy show it can’t have sad/emotional moments? What kind of brain dead thinking is that?

A puddle has water in it just like the ocean, just don't go looking for depth.

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Life's a garden...dig it

Sometimes comedy his the most real.

u/brian_kking avatar

Interesting. I looked at it as it's not up to anyone else to make you happy. We all live life in the same world and no matter what our circumstances are, suffer beyond what others can see. So it would be ridiculous to assume you are special enough for others to try and pull you out of your own hole.

Sidenote: I don't mean you as in YOU specifically but in general, referring to any individual.