of Montreal – “Polyaneurism” Video

of Montreal – “Polyaneurism” Video

of Montreal – “Polyaneurism” Video

Next year, Kevin Barnes’ long-running glam-pop project of Montreal will return with UR FUN, a new album inspired by Barnes’ relationship with Locate S,1’s Christina Schneider. We’ve already posted first single “Peace To All Freaks,” and today, Barnes has shared another one.

The punnily titled “Polyaneurism” — like polyamory but also aneurisms, you get it — is the second song on the new album; it shows up right after “Peace To All Freaks.” It’s a bright, bouncy pop song that absolutely refuses to become background music. On the song, Barnes sings about meeting a special someone — “Went to her art show, ‘Hello,’ ‘Hello,’ ‘Yeah, sis, I know your name’ / Little starstruck because I knew about her Insta-fame” — but then finding out that she’s already in an open relationship with someone else. Sample lyric: “Is that she needs variety? / I can’t keep up with the girl / Are we just the quarry in her sex safari?”

The song’s video, which band member Clayton Rychlik directed, does its best to tell the lyrics’ story with only dog actors. All we see in the video are dogs: Dogs at an art show, dogs sitting around a pool, dogs in a canoe while another dog watches them through opera glasses. Watch it below.

UR FUN is out 1/17 on Polyvinyl.

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