Country Star Jimmy Wayne Talks The Talk & Walks The Walk
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Country Star Jimmy Wayne Talks The Talk & Walks The Walk

Country singer-songwriter Jimmy Wayne.
Country singer-songwriter Jimmy Wayne.Kristin Barlowe

Singer-Songwriter and activist Jimmy Wayne grew up in Kings Mountain, North Carolina. His 2002 breakthrough hit "Stay Gone" gained attention from country music fans and critics alike. Other hit singles include "I Love You This Much" and "Paper Angels". The musician's biggest hit to date is the three-week #1 hit single "Do You Believe Me Now?"

Wayne has always spoken out through his music. Songs like "Where You're Going," "Kerosene Kid" and "Paper Angels" speak to issues faced by young children, particularly those from underprivileged backgrounds. But in 2010 Wayne did more than write about it.

In January 2010, he began a 1700-mile walk from Nashville to Phoenix to raise awareness of at risk youth in the Foster Care system who age out at 18, and without any support, often find themselves homeless. Wayne walked though big cities and small towns and joined politicians in capitol cities and the Nation's Capitol to rally Representatives for support. Through this experience he created an organization called Project Meet Me Halfway to help raise funds for foster care programs that help prevent teen homelessness and to keep the message going long after he crossed the finish line.

Ruby's Pet Treats is an online pet treat store formed to help underprivileged children and pets. Ten percent of every product purchase will go to Jimmy Wayne's Project Meet Me Halfway and The Humane Society of Genesee County.

Interview Conducted Via Email By: Giacinta Pace

Q: What is your cause?

Jimmy: My cause is to raise awareness for the 27,000-30,000 at risk foster youth who age out of America's foster care system at 18 years young every year and become homeless. While raising awareness for these youth I'm also helping "foster" animals.

Q: How did you get involved?

Jimmy: I founded Project Meet Me Halfway in 2010 and walked 1,700 miles from Nashville to Phoenix. I began walking on January 01, 2010 and arrived in Phoenix 7 months later on August 01,2010. I grew up in the foster care system, therefore, I've been involved my entire life.

Q: What is the nicest thing someone has done for you?

Jimmy: The nicest "thing" someone has done for me was give me a home when I was 16 years old. I'd migrated out of the foster care system early due to promises my Mother made, however, did not fulfill. By 16 I was on my own, the foster care system wasn't available to me and Mom was no where around. A lady by the name of Beatrice Costner offered me a room in hers and Russell's home where I stayed for 6 years and 4 months. This gave me a chance to go to high school, college then pursue my dream of being a country music song writer and singer.