
Create custom keyboard shortcuts for
Google Docs

Keysmith makes it easy to create macros for your Mac and the web

Download now macOS Catalina or higher
something here something here something here something here something here something here something here

Watch and learn

Three easy steps

Record yourself

Hit record and Keysmith picks up what you're doing with your mouse and keyboard. Type some text, or click on buttons, menus, Dock items, lists, and more. Keysmith is smart enough to understand it all.

Set a Hotkey

Use a hotkey to trigger the macro from anywhere. Or create hotkeys that are triggered only within a specific app or website.

(Video slowed to 0.25x speed. It's seriously fast.)

Run it

Press the hotkey and watch Keysmith do all the typing, clicking, and browsing. Just like you did, but faster.

Everything you need

Record icon
Smart recording

Keysmith detects buttons, lists, and page loads automatically

Search icon
Run by name

No need to remember every hotkey. Run your macros by name with a Spotlight-like search bar

App icon
App-specific hotkeys

One hotkey can trigger different macros depending on what app is open

Wrench icon
AppleScript support

Add AppleScripts as part of your custom macros, or make macros that just run an AppleScript

Keys icon
Generous free version

Experience all the features with no time limit, up to five macros at a time

Apple logo icon
Made for Mac

Written in Swift, with full support for Dark Mode and Retina displays

See what's possible

Thumbs Up Reactji

⌥Y in Slack

  1. Press ⇧⌘\
  2. Type +1
  3. Press Return
Open in Keysmith

Attach PR

⌃⇧A on Trello

  1. Click GitHub
  2. Click Attach Pull Request...
  3. Click the first item in the list
Open in Keysmith

Highlight selected text

⌥H on Google Docs

  1. Click Highlight color
  2. Click yellow
  3. Press Right
Open in Keysmith

Wow! That is all I can say.

Over the years I've used countless apps that execute macros. I think for simplicity and ease of use Keysmith clearly is the best. It's a true Mac application. It knows what you want to do and how to do it, so you don't have to. I appreciate the tremendous flexibility and power of Keyboard Maestro, but if all you need most of the time is application switching, file opening, menu selection, etc., Keysmith is perfect.

Thanks for all of your hard work creating this application.

- David B. Teplow, Ph.D.

I was curious when I saw your app on Setapp how it would compare with Keyboard Maestro (which I love).

My conclusion is that your app excels where KM would require either AppleScript UI Scripting or “Find Image" trial/error in KM - both of which are very tedious. I was able for example to quickly create a Keysmith Macro in Audacity to export a voice file - a task I have tried for quite some time to perfect in Keyboard Maestro with far more effort than it took with Keysmith.

So that’s a long way of saying I think you have a winner - and I will mention it in various forums when I get a chance.

- Richard K.

I really enjoy Keysmith; I love that it's quick to set up simple workflows by recording, and for more nuanced or complicated stuff I can use AppleScript.

Thanks for making such a great product.

- Prescott

After decades of dependence on QuicKeys, I tried replacing it with other programs like Keyboard Maestro. I couldn't ever warm to them, though. I'm so glad I discovered Keysmith. Elegant, reliable, straightforward, and powerful, it's a macros champ that makes using a computer immeasurably more efficient.

- Seth G.

Some things already have keyboard shortcuts.
For everything else, there's Keysmith.

Download now macOS Catalina required