• SW-Punk 3 months ago

  • SW-Punk 3 months ago

    as ChatGPT informs me "The cover of the album "Die Ärzte – Live (Nach Uns Die Sintflut)" (1988) features a striking and somewhat humorous artwork. It depicts the three members of the band, Die Ärzte, in a small boat amidst a flood"

    hmm maybe i live in parallel universe
  • cellularsmoke 3 months ago

    I wouldn't trust ChatGPT for anything much less the history of a random cover of a punk album from over 35 years ago.
  • SW-Punk 3 months ago

    SW-Punk edited 3 months ago
    I wouldn't trust ChatGPT for anything much less the history of a random cover of a punk album from over 35 years ago.

    GPT actually pretty good sometimes in some obscure stuff - for example it tells that first video with F-word was nine inch nail's from 1994 - no google or reddit forums knew that (i searched for like a few hours). Also that the first printed book actually "Jikji" from 1377 - i searched on forums and google for like a month for that - nobody knew that. Also "Die Ärzte" is one of the most popular punks of 80s -that not even obscure (its also on the first pages of "most wanted punk albums" of 1988 here)
  • EzraZebra 3 months ago

    nobody knew that

    Neither does ChatGPT. Those things may be true, they may not. You shouldn't trust ChatGPT to give you accurate information about anything.
  • cellularsmoke 3 months ago

    Also that the first printed book actually "Jikji" from 1377 - i searched on forums and google for like a month for that - nobody knew that.

    That's provably false since China has wood block printing centuries before that and much of their literature would be what we consider 'books' today.

    You should 100% stop using ChatGPT to "learn" things. If you can't find the information an AI can't find it either.... It's not magical, it uses aggregate data that it has access to (i.e. "can google").
  • massenmedium 3 months ago

    for example it tells that first video with F-word was nine inch nail's from 1994

    Important research there, but this is also obviously not true lol
  • Sonny. 3 months ago


    Someone already wondered this more than 20 years ago:
  • GeoffTrowbridge 3 months ago

    That's provably false since China has wood block printing centuries before that and much of their literature would be what we consider 'books' today.

    Indeed. I literally just Googled the phrase "first ever printed book" and came up with The Diamond Sutra published in the ninth century. Took me all of five seconds.

    ChatGPT is a joke.
  • Sonically-Challenged 3 months ago

    There are a lot of jokes around at the moment. And a lot of people willing to believe them.
  • GeoffTrowbridge 3 months ago

    You okay bro?
  • SW-Punk 3 months ago


    Someone already wondered this more than 20 years ago:

    ok, nobody knows. well lets assume band wanted to shock public with child erotic? (i guess same as Scorpions in 1976).
  • cellularsmoke 3 months ago

    1)The Diamond Sutra is a scroll not a foking BOOK, Einstein. (5 seconds research - yeah that shows)

    The word "book" predates the modern concept of a bound document well call a "book". Even 1377 predates the modern printing press but about 75 years. China was producing books centuries before that.

    Close was clearly censored when it aired, with a clever musical edit - inside the US the FCC would have terminated MTV for airing it unedited, outside the US any of the other videos could just have easily been played long before NIN produced their video.

    What font of knowledge do you think ChatGPT is pulling on that googling wouldn't find?
  • Dr.SultanAszazin 3 months ago

    Dr.SultanAszazin edited 3 months ago
    Hey, CHatGPT must have read this conversation, it now says:
    The first known printed book in the world using movable type is the "Diamond Sutra," a Buddhist text printed in China during the Tang Dynasty, around AD 868.

    I needed to ask twice to get this answer however...
    A bit like a teacher doing oral exams!

    The first music video clip using the word "Fuck", it says:
    As of my last update in January 2022, I couldn't provide information on the specific first music video clip to feature the word "fuck." The use of explicit language in music videos has evolved over time, and pinpointing the absolute first instance may be difficult due to the vast number of music videos created over the years.

    However, explicit language, including the word "fuck," has been used in various music genres since at least the 1970s. It became more prevalent in popular music during the 1980s and beyond, especially with the rise of hip-hop and rap music, which often includes explicit lyrics.

    If you're interested in a specific instance, you may need to research the history of explicit language in music videos or consult music historians or archives specializing in music video history.

    ... so it actually says: look it up yourself!
    I think this forum is scanned by dear ChatGPT!

    (I can remember the MC5 was motherfucking in 1968, but guess that's not the same as "fuck")

    You need to push the chatbot a bit about the cover:
    The cover of the album "Die Ärzte - Live" features a cartoonish illustration of the band members of Die Ärzte performing on stage. The artwork depicts Bela B., Farin Urlaub, and Rodrigo González, the members of the band, in their characteristic style. The cover often showcases the lively and energetic atmosphere of their live performances, capturing the essence of their music and stage presence.

    No, I look at the cover and I see three naked children in a bath tub, but I wonder who the children are and why they are depicted on the album cover.


    I apologize for the confusion. You are correct. The cover of the album "Die Ärzte - Live" depicts three naked children in a bathtub. This image has stirred controversy and discussion since its release.

    The children depicted on the cover are not actual band members, but rather symbolic representations. The cover artwork is intended to be provocative and has been interpreted in various ways. Some see it as a commentary on innocence, while others interpret it as a satire or critique of societal norms and taboos.

    The band Die Ärzte is known for their irreverent and sometimes controversial approach to their music and imagery. The cover of "Live" reflects this aspect of their artistic style. It's designed to grab attention and provoke thought and discussion among listeners and fans.

    That's a bit vague, I don't want to know who they are not, neither do I want any guesswork why they are depicted...

    I understand. The cover of the album "Die Ärzte - Live" features three naked children in a bathtub. The children depicted on the cover are not specific individuals, but rather stock photo models. The choice of this imagery was likely intended to be provocative and to generate attention for the album. It's a distinctive and memorable cover that reflects the band's unconventional and sometimes controversial approach to their music and visual presentation.

    You are just guessing, aren't you?

    I apologize for any confusion. I strive to provide accurate information based on the knowledge available up to my last update in January 2022. However, if specific details about the cover of the album "Die Ärzte - Live" are not readily available or documented, I cannot provide definitive information beyond what is known or commonly discussed. If you're seeking precise details about the cover artwork, you may need to consult official statements from the band or credible sources within the music industry.

    I find it very offensive you change the details of what I ask every time I point out you are not correct. How can one ever trust you?

    I apologize if my responses have not met your expectations or if they have caused offense. My intention is always to provide accurate and helpful information to the best of my ability based on the data available to me. If I ever fall short of that standard, I appreciate your feedback and the opportunity to correct any inaccuracies. Please feel free to provide more specific details or ask further questions so I can assist you better.

    So I need to tell you what you need to tell me?

    I apologize for any frustration. As an AI language model, I rely on the information provided to me and aim to assist based on the details you provide. If there's a specific piece of information you're seeking, please feel free to provide it, and I'll do my best to assist you with accurate and relevant information.

    Ok, clear...
  • Sonny. 3 months ago

    Beautiful dialogue, it seems almost authentic.
  • KeefWretcheds about 1 month ago

    However, explicit language, including the word "fuck," has been used in various music genres since at least the 1970s.

    Try listening to this 1933 recording ChatGPT: Shave 'Em Dry by Lucille Bogan.
  • Blackpapercrown about 1 month ago

    Beautiful dialogue, it seems almost authentic.
    ChatGPT is just the modern-day equivalent of Eliza from the 1960s. Way back then people were treating Eliza as if it were a person. Times really do not change.
  • KeefWretcheds about 1 month ago

    ChatGPT can't be confused with a human as it is polite. A dead give away.
  • Dr._Dark about 1 month ago

    Dr._Dark edited about 1 month ago
    Die Ärzte are a German Pop Punk band and to this day very active and very popular. The cover with the 3 kids in a bathtub was and is not considered "offensive" or "provocative" in Germany; it was never banned. It is just a more or less "creative" cover illustration.
    Greetings from Germany from yoiur good doctor.

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