Go away with … Dinah Manoff – Chicago Tribune Skip to content
Actress and author Dinah Manoff said Tokyo is at the top of her travel bucket list.  (Kynlee Beau Photography/TCA)
Kynlee Beau Photography
Actress and author Dinah Manoff said Tokyo is at the top of her travel bucket list. (Kynlee Beau Photography/TCA)

Dinah Manoff won a best actress Tony Award for Neil Simon’s “I Ought to Be in Pictures,” starred in the iconic TV shows “Soap” and “Empty Nest,” and will always be remembered as a Pink Lady in the film “Grease.” She’s also an author, who recently released an audiobook of her novel “The Real True Hollywood Story of Jackie Gold.” “There’s a whole section in the novel that takes place in Kauai,” Manoff said. “I’ve been going there since I was very young and in those days the island didn’t have nearly as much private property or development, so I had access to amazing places that are now gated off. The North Shore is still my favorite place in the world. My husband Arthur and I got married on Hanalei Beach.”

Q: I’m curious if you wrote any of “The Real True Hollywood Story of Jackie Gold” while you were traveling.

A: I wish I was a writer who wrote when I traveled. I always intend to, but then I end up watching a movie. I have a little office in back of my garage. That’s where I write.

Q: Are any portions of your novel autobiographical?

A: I loved using my upbringing in Malibu Colony in the backstory. It was so evocative for me. Malibu was very, very different in the ’60s and ’70s. And, well, they say write what you know. The only life I’d known until leaving Los Angeles 19 years ago was show business. I couldn’t exactly write about, say, Kentucky.

Q: Where do you reside now?

A: I live on an island a short ferry ride from Seattle. I left Los Angeles 19 years ago and moved with my husband and three [then] little boys. I love living in the Northwest, except in January, February and March. Then I just have to get out and find some sun.

Q: Can you share a memory of what it was like working on “Grease”?

A: We filmed that on a soundstage at the Paramount lot in Hollywood. My favorite memory of working with [the late] Olivia [Newton-John] was definitely during the slumber party scene. Olivia in real life really was a “good girl” and in those days we Pink Ladies were actually sort of “bad girls.” So we had a riot getting her drunk, piercing her ears and then singing “Look At Me, I’m Sandra Dee.” Olivia was a great sport throughout filming, but she was especially fun during that scene.

Q: What was the most ludicrous thing you’ve read about yourself?

A: Ha! Good question. When I was on “Empty Nest,” the National Enquirer ran a story saying I dyed my hair to match Dreyfuss’ fur – that was the dog in our show. Really. It was like a whole article.

Q: Where are your favorite weekend getaways?

A: Well, our boys go to school in Bellingham, Washington. It’s a great town, right near the Canadian border, so we spend quite a few weekends there. Lovely hotels, great bookstore! I did a reading up there. Only four people showed up, but you know, they were extra nice and attentive.

Q: Do you speak any foreign languages?

A: My first husband was from France. We were very young and when we met I spoke no French and he spoke no English. We married pretty quickly and he learned English and I learned to speak French. Unfortunately, once we could communicate, we didn’t have all that much in common. I still speak a little French though.

Q: What are your five favorite cities?

A: Paris, London, Edinburgh, Savannah, New York.

Q: What is your best vacation memory?

A: Hiking the Fairy Pools in Isle of Skye. It was so beautiful I wept.

Q: What kind of research do you do before you go away on a trip?

A: Way less than I should. But I did watch “Outlander” before I went to Scotland. Probably not what you meant by research.

Q: When you go away, what are some of your must-have items?

A: Eye drops and instant coffee just in case. If I have room, I bring my own pillow.

Q: If you could only pick one place to eat, would you prefer a food truck or fine dining?

A: Honestly my favorite place to eat is at home. Just me and my husband, at the kitchen counter.

Q: What is your guilty pleasure when you’re on the road?

A: Eating whatever I want. I had haggis in Scotland [and it was] actually quite tasty – and sticky toffee pudding. Then when I get home, I make a big pot of vegetable soup for penance.

(Jae-Ha Kim is a New York Times bestselling author and travel writer. You can respond to this column by visiting her website at www.jaehakim.com. You may also follow “Go Away With…” on Twitter at @GoAwayWithJae where Jae-Ha Kim welcomes your questions and comments.)

(c)2023 Jae-Ha Kim. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.