no sientas pena - English translation – Linguee

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En ese caso, no sentiremos pena por las fotograf�as de conejos con los ojos enrojecidos, sino por las fotograf�as [...]
de mujeres del
tercer mundo desfiguradas por las alergias.
So, then, it will not be pictures of rabbits with sore eyes that you could be feeling sorry about; it will [...]
be pictures of women in
the third world who are disfigured as a result of allergies.
Los santos no sienten pena ni felicidad, est�n [...]
siempre en eterna beatitud.
The saints do not feel sorrow or happiness, they [...]
are always in bliss.
No sientan pena por aquello que no ha sido realizado, [...]
que no ha sido finalizado, esos sue�os sin abrir, u oportunidades realizadas a medias.
Do not regret that which has not been completed, [...]
that which was undone, that dream not unfolded, or the opportunity half completed.
No sienta pena de hablar acerca [...]
de su s sentimientos con alguien.
Don't be embarrassed to talk about [...]
your feelings with someone.
No sent� ninguna pena cuando Hiraba [...]
I felt no sorrow when Hiraba passed away.
De la manera en que lo dijo, daba la
[...] impresi�n de que no sent�a sino pena por los que no se [...]
quedaban mucho tiempo.
And the way she said it implied she
[...] had nothing but pity for those who did not stick around.
Lo que sin duda no quieren son personas que sienten pena por ellos y el [...]
tipo de ayuda que hace que pasen a depender de la ayuda tambi�n en el futuro.
What they definitely do not want are people who feel sorry for them and [...]
the kind of aid that leads to their becoming dependent on help in the future too.
Algunas veces uno se
[...] desanima, pero no permanezca asni sienta pena por usted mismo.
[...] you get down, but don't stay down and feel sorry for yourself.
No te sientas presionada si el periodista no dispone de tiempo [...]
para el reportaje y quiere hablar contigo de inmediato.
If the reporter is on a tight deadline and wants to talk to [...]
you immediately, don't feel pressured.
Tal vez te sientas culpable al recordar alguna vez en que no te portaste bien [...]
con tu mascota.
Maybe you feel guilty when you remember one time when you were mean to your pet.
Si no has hecho esto antes, quiz�s te sientas vacilante en cuanto a acercarte [...]
a la familia y las amistades de la v�ctima
debido a la intensidad de su dolor.
If you haven't done this before, you may very well feel hesitant about [...]
approaching the victim's family and friends because
of the intensity of their grief.
De todos modos,
[...] es posible que al principio no sientas nada.
For a while, though, you may not feel anything at all.
Aunque por lo general no existe el momento justo, debes decirlo cuando sientas que est�s preparada [...]
o cuando la ley te lo exija.
[...] there is generally no one right time, you should tell when you feel ready or when you [...]
are legally required to do so.
Aunque tengas una
[...] buena dieta y te sientas bien, puede que no est�s recibiendo [...]
suficientes vitaminas, minerales y antioxidantes de alg�n tipo.
Even if you have a
[...] good diet and feel fine, you may not be getting enough [...]
of certain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
Tambi�n est� bien que te sientas triste, aun cuando no vivieras en una [...]
de las zonas afectadas.
It's also OK to feel sad, even though you don't live in one [...]
of the damaged areas.
Por lo tanto, no importa c�mo te sientas: busca el conocimiento [...]
de lo alto y encuentra la libertad que se experimenta en Cristo Jes�s.
So, in spite of how you might feel, seek knowledge which is [...]
from above and be set free to experience life in Christ Jesus.
No importa como te sientas con respeto al aborto, [...]
en realidad las restricciones sobre el aborto no cambian las razones por
las cuales las mujeres los tienen.
No matter how you feel about abortion, the [...]
truth of the matter is that restrictions on abortion don't change the reasons women have them.
Por lo general, aunque no siempre, el cuerpo te la comunicar� haciendo que sientas sed.
Usually - but not always - your body will tell you this, by making you feel thirsty.
Tratan de que sientas que vales la pena y que eres �til".
And someone else has made a life for themselves.
�l experiment� momentos, como
[...] cuando Mara sent�a pena e infelicidad, y como dice el viejo refr�n: "si mam no es feliz, nadie [...]
es feliz".
he experienced times when Mary was sorrowful and unhappy, and as the old saying goes, "if momma [...]
ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.
Y el �rbol siente pena por el ave que no encuentra a su amado y que, [...]
en su angustia, clama, sintiendo que se abrasa en dulce llama.
And the tree feels sorrow for the bird that cannot find her lover [...]
and that, in her anguish, shouts, feeling herself burning in sweet flame.
Si los clientes potenciales rechazan las ofertas de
los cazadores con bastante frecuencia, �stos
[...] comprender�n que capturar animales en peligro de extincin no merece la pena.
If hunters are rejected often enough by potential customers, they
[...] will eventually realize that endangered apes are not worth capturing.
El mensaje final es que es necesario tener una filosof�a propia, porque
[...] una vida sin sentido no merece la pena (o por lo menos [...]
es mucho m�s dura).
The real message is that it is necessary to have your own philosophy,
[...] because the unexamined life is not worth living (or [...]
a least a lot harder,).
As� pues, la
[...] duraci�n de la pena no var�a, pero �sta [...]
se cumple de manera variable.
The length of the sentence remains unchanged, [...]
but it is served in different ways.
Para empezar, no sientas que tus esfuerzos [...]
por recabarlas deben ser perfectos o apegarse exactamente a las descripciones que aqu� damos.
To start with, don't feel that your efforts [...]
to gather evidence have to be perfect, or that they have to conform to exactly the outlines given here.
Aunque no te sientas bien o est�s confundida [...]
o asustada, intenta continuar yendo a la escuela.
Even if you are not feeling well or are confused [...]
or afraid, try to continue going to school.
Es mejor decir,
[...] "lamento que no te sientas bien, yo estoy [...]
aqu�," aunque no hacer nada es dif�cil.
It's better to say,
[...] "I'm sorry you don't feel good, I'm here," even [...]
though doing nothing is difficult.
As� que no sientas timidez o bochorno [...]
por voltearte a hablar con tu abogado/a tantas veces como sientas que es necesario
a lo largo de toda la audiencia judicial sobre tu caso.
So don't be shy or embarrassed at all about [...]
turning to communicate with your attorney as many times as you feel you need
to throughout the court hearing on your case.
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