Mirror images online for free | Canva
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Mirror images online for free

Put a creative spin on your photos with mirror imaging. Mirror your images vertically or horizontally, then use them as social media content or printed designs.

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How to mirror an image

Mirror images with ease

Flip or mirror your images

Say goodbye to flat, boring photos, and hello to unique, offbeat snaps. Mirroring an image is more than just editing a photo, but adding a creative reflection effect. Mirror your image horizontally to create a twin-like portrait, or mirror vertically to produce a mesmerizing mirrored landscape. Easily do it all on Canva with just a few quick clicks.

Glam up every side

Try different image filters

Add more creative touches to your mirror flip image with our beginner-friendly online editor. Intensify the colors by adjusting the contrast and saturation sliders. Try different filters and photo effects(opens in a new tab or window). Soften the overall look by fading out the corners. With Canva, do more than just mirror an image online. Create breathtaking imagery that will elevate your movie posters, album covers, photo books(opens in a new tab or window), and other design projects.

Look at a mirrored masterpiece

Add your image to your portfolio

Use your enhanced mirror image for any purpose. Upload it as your Twitter or LinkedIn banner photo, add it to your artistic portfolio, or even print it on mugs and t-shirts. Canva’s mirror imaging tool makes it easy to create insanely dramatic photos that will make viewers do a double-take, literally. How’s that for a wow factor?

How to mirror an image

How to mirror an image

Open Canva to access our online photo editor. Select your image from your device or drag and drop it onto the page.

Create a duplicate photo by right-clicking, then selecting Copy and Paste. Alternatively, you can upload the same photo using the Uploads tab.

Place the duplicate photo side by side with your original image. Then, select the duplicate and click Flip. Choose between Flip horizontal or Flip vertical depending on your needs.

Take advantage of Canva’s editing tools to enhance your image. Resize, crop, try different filters, or add other design elements.

Save your mirror flip image in high-quality JPG or PNG format, or share it directly via email or social media apps.

Frequently Asked Questions

Head over to the App Store or Google Play Store and download our iOS or Android app. Upload your desired image by clicking the purple + icon on the bottom navigation bar. Copy your image, then tap Flip. Choose between Flip horizontal or Flip vertical. Once done, tap anywhere on the layout to save your mirror image.

You can use mirror imaging for aesthetic purposes or to hit your design goals. A mirror effect often gives photos a surreal look and feel that instantly draws in viewers. It transforms any drab photo into something far more interesting and eye-catching. Learn how to mirror images with our photo editor and add them to your online and print design projects.

In photography, a mirror image is a duplicate image flipped horizontally or vertically. The duplicate image is placed parallel to the original image, creating a “reflection” or mirror-like effect. Mirror imaging is a unique way of presenting pictures meant for those wanting something striking and unconventional.
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@canva is an incredible app for designing pretty much anything you need! A huge selection of templates, fonts and colours; endless choices at the tip of your fingers; easy editing and sending/sharing. Best app I’ve used for a long time. If you haven’t tried it... try it!


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