11 Shirley Temple Nutrition Facts - Facts.net
Darell Vigil

Written by Darell Vigil

Modified & Updated: 13 May 2024

Sherman Smith

Reviewed by Sherman Smith

Source: Yummymummykitchen.com

When it comes to iconic and beloved beverages, the Shirley Temple holds a special place in the hearts of many. This classic mocktail, named after the famous child actress, is a refreshing and delightful drink that has been enjoyed by both kids and adults for decades. But aside from being a delicious treat, have you ever wondered about the nutritional value of a Shirley Temple? In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Shirley Temple nutrition facts and explore the key components that make up this delightful drink. From the calorie count to the sugar content and more, we’ll uncover the facts behind this iconic beverage. So, grab your glass and join us on this tasty journey into the nutrition of the beloved Shirley Temple!

Key Takeaways:

  • The Shirley Temple is a guilt-free, low-calorie mocktail with zero fat and a moderate amount of sugar. It’s a hydrating, vitamin C-boosting beverage that’s perfect for kids and celebrations.
  • This iconic drink is versatile, allergen-free, and a classic favorite at parties. With its signature cherry garnish and mixology potential, the Shirley Temple is a delightful, nostalgic treat for all ages.
Table of Contents

Low Calorie Delight

The Shirley Temple, known for its refreshing taste and vibrant appearance, is also a guilt-free treat. With just around 90 calories per serving, this beloved mocktail won’t derail your healthy eating habits.

Zero Fat Content

Indulging in a Shirley Temple won’t add any unwanted fat to your diet. This iconic beverage is completely fat-free, making it a suitable choice for those watching their fat intake.

Sugar Rush

While the Shirley Temple is a sweet delight, it does contain a moderate amount of sugar. Generally, a single serving of this mocktail contains around 20-25 grams of sugar, so it’s best enjoyed in moderation.

Vitamin C Boost

Thanks to the addition of grenadine and citrus flavors, the Shirley Temple provides a small dose of vitamin C. While it’s not a significant source, every little bit helps to support a healthy immune system.

Hydrating Beverage

The Shirley Temple is primarily made with sparkling water or lemon-lime soda, which means it can help keep you hydrated. Enjoy a glass of this delightful drink on a hot day to quench your thirst.

A Splash of Beverage Variety

The beauty of the Shirley Temple lies in its versatility. You can customize the mocktail by adding different fruit juices or swapping out ingredients to suit your taste preferences.

Kid-Friendly Favorite

Originally created for the famous child actress Shirley Temple, this non-alcoholic concoction quickly became a go-to beverage for kids at parties and events. Its sweet flavor and colorful presentation make it a hit among the younger audience.

Allergen-Free Option

For individuals with alcohol sensitivities or allergies, the Shirley Temple offers a fun and delicious alternative to alcoholic cocktails. You can still enjoy a flavorful drink without worrying about adverse reactions.

Classic Choice for Celebrations

Whether it’s a birthday party, wedding reception, or any special occasion, the Shirley Temple has stood the test of time as a classic celebratory beverage. Its cheerful appearance and delightful taste make it a staple at festive gatherings.

Iconic Garnish

No Shirley Temple is complete without its signature maraschino cherry garnish. This vibrant and tasty addition adds a touch of elegance to the drink, making it visually appealing and even more enjoyable to sip on.

Mocktail Mixology

With its simple recipe and availability of ingredients, the Shirley Temple lends itself well to home experimentation. Feel free to get creative and add your own twist by experimenting with different fruit juices, garnishes, or even adding a splash of soda water for extra fizz.


In conclusion, the Shirley Temple drink is a popular and beloved beverage that offers a delightful combination of flavors. While it may not be the healthiest choice due to its high sugar content, it can certainly be enjoyed in moderation as an occasional treat. Remember to consider your dietary needs and goals when consuming any drink, and always make sure to balance your indulgences with a well-rounded, nutritious diet. Whether you’re sipping on a Shirley Temple at a party or making it at home, this classic drink is sure to bring a smile to your face.


1. What are the main ingredients in a Shirley Temple?

The main ingredients in a Shirley Temple are ginger ale or lemon-lime soda, grenadine syrup, and a garnish of maraschino cherry.

2. Is a Shirley Temple drink suitable for children?

Yes, the Shirley Temple drink is a popular choice for children at parties or special occasions. However, it is important to monitor their sugar intake and limit their consumption of sugary drinks.

3. Are Shirley Temple drinks alcoholic?

No, traditionally, Shirley Temple drinks are non-alcoholic. They are often served as mocktails or enjoyed by those who prefer to avoid alcohol.

4. How many calories are in a Shirley Temple?

The number of calories in a Shirley Temple can vary depending on the size of the drink and the specific ingredients used. On average, a standard serving may contain around 120-160 calories.

5. Can I make a Shirley Temple at home?

Absolutely! Making a Shirley Temple at home is easy. Simply mix ginger ale or lemon-lime soda with grenadine syrup, add ice, and garnish with a maraschino cherry. You can even get creative and add a splash of orange juice or a fresh squeeze of lime for a twist.

6. Are there any variations of the Shirley Temple drink?

Yes, there are several variations of the Shirley Temple drink. Some popular ones include the Roy Rogers (a Shirley Temple with a splash of cola) and the Dirty Shirley (a Shirley Temple with a hint of vodka).

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