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Am I the only one who finds Prince Louis annoying?


Since the coronation here in the UK, it seems like global social media platforms are awash with videos and pictures of Prince Louis and people saying how cute or funny he is. Personally, I think he looks like a really irritating kid and a prime example of a fantastic reason to not have kids. Am I the only one?

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People treat him the way they treated his uncle Harry, as the "spare" son who gets to be more wild and bratty while the elder son is groomed early to be sober and responsible. The daughter is apparently the official hand-holder.

He's in danger of following the same trajectory as Harry too. Immense wealth and privilege, but not kept on the same short leash as his brother. Everybody will be gassing him up and encouraging his 'antics', until suddenly he crosses the line of what the media and public deem acceptable, at which point they will viciously turn on him.

Yup. And Andrew followed that trajectory, too.

Go back another generation, and people were shocked at a photo of Princess Margaret on the back of a motorcycle.

You mean Andrew the rapist and sex pest? Andrew the pedophile? Just trying to ensure I know which Andrew we’re talking about here, whether it’s known sex pest and rapist, friend of Jeffrey Epstein, Andrew, He Who Does Not Sweat, or some other Andrew.

Yes, I meant the pedophile Andrew. The one who is a sex pest and rapist. That one. The pedophile Andrew who lives in a giant house and attends all royal events.

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u/Responsible_Oil_5811 avatar

Andrew isn’t a pedophile. A pedophile is attracted to pre-pubescent children; Andrew allegedly had sex with a 17 year old.

Lmao at this comment

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u/CassandraArianaBlack avatar

The daughter is the elder of the two younger siblings. She is being groomed as the spare, and likely was even more likely being hand trained by Queen Elizabeth and her lifetime to become the next queen heir apparent. Queen Elizabeth even made a special ruling to ensure the princess Charlotte would become Queen if something happened to her brother.

Poor thing is the first female in a long time, and is probably going to be stuck learning how to act like a fashionable lady.

u/CassandraArianaBlack avatar

Poor thing? The girl is a princess, do you expect her to be allowed to muck around with stable boys? I mean she'll have everything handed to her on a golden platter and Crystal with diamonds and sapphires, and you called her a poor thing? Nah. She was born into the right family, that's for sure.

I feel sorry for any child growing up with cameras in their faces, adult expectations, and every moment scheduled. The lack of freedom isn't worth the diamonds and sapphires. So yeah, I pity all of them.

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u/gytherin avatar

Like Princess Anne did.

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George is older than Charlotte

Charlotte is not the eldest. George is the eldest. Queen Elizabeth made that ruling after George’s birth in 2013. Charlotte was born in 2015.

The comment said that she is the elder of the two younger siblings. A wordy way to say “middle child,” but not incorrect.

Saying someone is the elder means they are older. Saying a person is the elder of their two siblings means they are older than both of their siblings. A middle child of three siblings would only be the elder of one sibling, not both.

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QEII made the decision in 2011 before George was born in 2013, so that if Prince William’s first child had been a girl, she would have been heir to the throne.

As the second child, Princess Charlotte will ascend to the throne if for some reason Prince George is unable, or abdicates. In the past, she would have been skipped over for Prince Louis, simply because she is female.

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u/kirakiraluna avatar

With my brits friends we have a 15 year bet on who's gonna be the first one to spin around a lamp post pissed. My money is on the girl.

I doubt it. Being female, I imagine her...virtue...will be protected. Only the boys are encouraged to be seen with a different partner every week. She'll be under a microscope of double standards.

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I don’t find the royal children annoying.

I find the press that won’t stop posting pictures of the minors in the royal family, out of line.

u/AxlotlRose avatar

The Royal Rota are the official press photographers that are allowed to take pics on certain occasions with the understanding they leave the kids alone otherwise. W&C take the kids to school with no fanfare daily. Because many are curious about the royal kiddos.

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I'm pretty sure he doesn't (or at least later won't) enjoy the press obsessing over him any more than you do. It's the press who are annoying.

u/throwaway23er56uz avatar

He doesn't like having to attend boring adult functions. And he shows it. Perfectly normal for a kid his age. I don't mind that. What I do mind is people who make fun of the obvious discomfort of a young child. He isn't cute or funny, he is bored and uncomfortable.

u/messy_tuxedo_cat avatar

Honestly, I could care less about the kid doing normal kid stuff. What I find considerably more annoying is that the media has to make such a big deal out of it. The heir/spare dynamic is just an officially recognized golden child/scapegoat abuse cycle and it's gross AF. The heir is well behaved because he's been conditioned since birth to have all sense of personality and self beaten out of him in order to do his "duty." The spare gets treated like he's less valuable and a chronic fuck up for just doing what kids normally do.

Nothing about that family is healthy for those kids and I find it disgusting that the media is trying to make a "cute" story out of it instead of calling out the abuse for what it is.

I think he’s a spoiled little turd, but to be honest, the parentification of Charlotte bothers me more. It seems he’s her burden to bear.

u/lightninghazard avatar

Hell, she even corrects George’s behavior despite him being older

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The royal family is like the Kardashians, insofar as everything I know about them I've learned against my will through social media and news-based osmosis.

One part of my brain says I imagine being a royal kid and having people constantly take pictures of you and bother you at such a young age isn’t much fun. That and I mostly just try to ignore the royals.

The other part says he looks like an insolent little shit.


I find the entire royal family incredibly annoying and wish they would grow up and abdicate.

The dogged obsession with those children is disgusting. Both because of the monarchy and because the media in the U.K. destroys people brutally. They’re minors, they shouldn’t be in the press imo.

Before anyone starts with the “they earn more for the country than they cost”, it’s about the fact that they’re an outdated symbol of colonial repression. And they get first dibs on all of our legislation.

I also do not believe that they earn more than they cost. The amount of power they have means they can easily influence public opinion or numbers.

Edit: and I agree, the media are painting him as cute/funny, he’s a child…very much like all other children. Not special


From the UK and couldn’t agree more. Think there should be a referendum after Charles dies. I personally see no point to them but if the majority want them then I’ll concede (which I think is the likely outcome).

I honestly don’t know how we cocked up the civil war so badly. We were trying to get rid of them four hundred years ago already.

I would be in favour of a referendum now.

I've got no strong feelings for the Royal Family, however as an AV geek... I get the Fly Past come over my house so the Royals need to stay!

Military shows will probably always happen, it’s part of the history

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u/lightninghazard avatar

What are the demographics like of the people who want them in vs out amongst your personal acquaintances? I’m always curious to know if people’s micro experiences are mirrored (no pun intended) in your papers’ polls. I’d assume that older people are for keeping the monarchy, and younger people are against.


Younger left leaning generation are very much anti-monarchy and for reducing their assets down such as Buckingham Palace to be offered for tourism similar to the situation in France.

Older generation are definitely more pro-monarchy, but I think this has turned a bit due to the Prince Andrew payout by the his late mother.

I think if the vote was done now then it’s almost certainly the royals stay. If this vote was down in say 15-20 years I think it’s razor thin or the royals go. But there’s no way of knowing that. I’m personally of the opinion if a king or queen dies their should be a referendum.

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Cute baby pictures and kiddo pictures. Perfect distraction from all the blood money they have amassed, all their taxation, and how much they spend.

Perfect distraction from the blood money 😂 yet it is also true, gaaah!

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The French royal family is still earning their country tourist dollars. Pretty sure they don’t cost a lot in upkeep nowadays.

i do not understand this obsession with other peoples kids. it’s almost pathological, and creepy

Yes. I find it very creepy. The media have done endless harm to children consistently, look at all the child actors or singers who became deeply psychologically damaged. It’s awful and yeah, fully don’t get how it’s ok to stalk a child like that

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u/for_randomquestions avatar

I'm so glad I literally don't give a shit about the "royal family" lmfao. Y'all shit on Americans for our nonsense (and rightfully so in most cases), but a lot of people then do a 180 and simp for one of the most bullshit "political" systems (read: "royal bloodline") in the world. No wonder the kid looks irritating, he's the product of a genetic line that only recently started out-breeding!

Nothing directed at you specifically, OP, but good lord!

I don't think he's any more annoying than any other five year old, but I think the media really pushes it. He's five years old, he's not a monkey in the zoo, they need to leave all the kids in the Parasite Family alone.

I personally place more blame on the media that keeps focusing on a child who is acting like a child. It's like those parents who blast on social media every time their children blink. It was the bestest, most amazing blinked anyone ever blinked! Thankfully, his mother had the foresight to have a plan to get him out of the place once it became to much for him.

The peoples obsession is what bothers me the most. For him, any royal or any children of celebrities. Leave them be, give them their space. I don't get peoples obsession with celebes either. Who cares where each star goes on vacation, or if they are having an affair. It's their business and no one elses. Pay attention when they do their job, or when they promote charitable causes, but otherwise, leave them alone.

u/penelopesheets avatar

The whole royal family and their fanbase is annoying and cringe so yeah that includes the children.


The press is in cahoots with the monarchy. The monarchs have to churn out cute baby pics - kid pics - etc - to endear their subjects and indoctrinate them early on in feeling love for them.

Also the newspapers want to sell cute new gossipy pictures all the time in daily newspapers, to drum up sales, right?

This strategy is not working for me.

I respond quite positively to cute cat pix however!


I sort of get the press doing things I expect the press to do. It’s the TIDAL WAVE of comments and reactions on the social media by the ‘general public’ that makes it so visible.

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I find him very cute and funny actually which is rare for a kid but the combo of being dressed like a big man and having to be responsible and looking and acting like a baby who is obviously Mama's boy and easily irritated leads to loads of fun. But yeah I prefer to watch him on TV and not in my home for sure.

I don’t remember what event it was, where he was getting so cheeky with Kate, but I cracked up. I love when posh parents who are otherwise completely hands-off have to actually deal with their kids lol.

Yes, it was so funny, he was doing such crazy gestures haha. And on the coronation he went crazy the moment their went on the balcony and started drumming. But yes, media should really not focus so much on him for our entertainment, he is still such a baby.

It was the Platinum Jubilee concert last year. He kept making faces, I think because of the noise. He was four at the time which makes total sense.


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Same. I think he is hilarious!


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u/Exodeus87 avatar

Eh I just haven't been paying attention to our press. I don't give a rat's ass about the royals, especially the children.

I feel bad for him, as he must be bored out of his mind.

I feel the same way but at the same time I think that’s exactly why they wanted him at the coronation. All of the media coverage leading up to that had only been about Harry because the institution is so damn boring since the queen died. They wanted Louis there to create this “cute” content that they could form out to the media for months and months afterwards, and they totally got it. He’s definitely going to be the one that the institution serves up to the media as a sacrificial Lamb any time they need to deflect attention away from a scandal involving his parents or brother, like they did with throwing Harry to the media wherever it served them. That whole damn family & firm is so fucking toxic.

I feel bad for Charlotte, because he is clearly her problem. Why is it her job to keep him in line? She’s eight, for God’s sake.

u/StressedCephalopod avatar

I find that this problem is easily bypassed by never having given a rat's ass about the relatively worthless royal family. Don't even know who "Prince Louis" is and would prefer to keep it that way.

From the title alone, I thought it was some new musician I'm too old & uncool to know about. 😅 haha Once Queen Elizabeth died, I stopped caring about the British royals. I've yet to see any of them do anything worthy of respect (with perhaps exception for Harry during his military service).

u/whereistheicecream avatar

Harry has dressed up in a nazi costume, wrote a whole book on why his family allegedly treats him like the spare (Harry's older brother would be next king), and made the late queen's last months hell by starting racism rumors that have since been disproven

I think the entire family is a bit entitled (rich people are rich people) but they do treat this as a public service job and do community outreach. I wish the US had more "humanitarian" positions; The royal family is not an official part of government, their influence is entirely from their relationships with people

I commend them for all their humanitarian work, and patrons of hundreds if not thousands of charities. As someone with a tiny non-profit, I would be so grateful for the support and promotion from someone that high profile.

Its interesting that Harry has never actually said any of his family is racist. The UK tabloid press has though. Why do people think the press speak for him when a huge part of his book is how none of them know him and have created this narrative that they speak for him? And he's also suing Murdoch's media for phone hacking?

A bit dense to trust the word of the very people Harry has been exposing for their bullshit.

u/whereistheicecream avatar

Watch the Oprah Winfrey interview where he and Meghan make racism claims and lmk if you still think the same

You are correct (I believe) neither of them ever said the words "racist", they did however heavily impliy it in the Oprah interview (it's a strategy to be able to easily change your narrative by going "what?! we never said that!!" knowing their intentions were to imply that very message)

Oprah has since tried to hide this interview (no longer on her website), it wrecked her credibility interviewing 2 people that have changed their narrative since going on her show

Edit to add: I think Harry bluntly said on the Anderson Cooper interview "we never called them racists" and I can only imagine how bamboozled Oprah felt hearing that 180

I stand by what I said. The press decided the whole RF was racist because one person has the audacity to act like Archie being darker than white would be a problem.

People gotta stop letting the press interpret what Harry says and listen to his actual words.

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You absolutely did not read the book, did you? It’s very very little to do with a Family and almost 100% about the media.

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Me too. I loved Princess Diana so when she was killed I saw the monarchy in a very different light and I can't not see it now. And yes I do like Harry quite a bit!

u/literaryhogwartian avatar

You don't respect the other royals for their military service as well?

If they ever crossed my radar long enough, maybe? I barely remember any of them at the best of times, to be honest.

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I get a whiff of The Omen vibe from him.

He has a very devoted nanny and a guardian Rottweiler.

And a tiny pedal car…

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Omg yes 😂


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Can’t say I’ve ever met him. I’m from the UK and find it incredibly easy to ignore the entire royal family.

The monarchy is dumb all together. I think they all look like fools and they should spend the money they give the royals to live, on social programs or something worth it.


He’s definitely a brat, and Prince George looks like a serial killer.


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Idk if I’m just lucky, but I literally have seen nothing about him. Like, I literally have no idea what the kid looks like and didn’t even know he was in the news…

u/coopiecat avatar

I wouldn’t be too sure on allowing photographers to post and publish photos of the children with bunch of creeps out there. The royals need to think about that. Harry Kane and his wife cover the face of their kids on social media or don’t bother posting photos of them on their IG. They’re very protective.

I find the whole royal family annoying.

I find the idea of Monarchy and royalty annoying.

u/20thsieclefox avatar

I think he is on the spectrum. I've worked with autistic children and he does similar things they would do.

u/elfoam avatar


Anyone that says he isn't doesn't have Autistic kids and isn't themselves. The big question is why is he not diagnosed or.. why is his diagnosis hidden. I find this.. problematic to say the least. It's not something you need to be embarrassed about. The royal family are so backwards on this matter... Or they need a better paediatrician