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Bob “Gunner” Gonzales
Saved Sinner / Jesus Follower / Dean of / Professor, Blogger, Author / Husband, Dad, Grandpa / Dirt Bike Rider, Hiker, P90Xer, and Coffee Drinker.
Californiabobgonzal.esJoined September 2009

Bob “Gunner” Gonzales’s Tweets

Psalm 19:7 Yahweh's Torah transforms the soul; תורת יהוה תמימה משׁיבת נפשׁ Yahweh's Testimony matures the simple עדות יהוה נאמנה מחכימת פתי (cf. 2 Tim 3:15–17).
Join us May 12–13 at Grace Immanuel Reformed Baptist Church (Grand Rapids, MI) for Part 5 of the 1689 Theology Project. Greg Nichols, Nick Kennicott, and Jeff Johnson will cover chapters 26–32 of the Second London Baptist Confession. For more, click below:
We should direct our grief and indignation at the ungodliness in our society to God in prayer. We’re not to be "righteous vigilantes" who take matters into our own hands. Rather we’re to take our concerns to God and wait on His determination to act in a way and time He deems best
Why does the Psalmist want to know the Scriptures? So that he can boast? So that he can appear "wise" to others? No, he wants to be a better servant. He would use his newly apprehended knowledge to honor his God.
The worldly man would ask preeminently for health, wealth and prosperity. But the believer is in love with God's word. He longs to know more of it. He wants to believe it. He wants to fulfill it. Therefore, he absolutely must understand it. Hence the prayer.
Study of general and special revelation should result in "chest-pounding." Not that of the Theobro who prays, “God, I’m thankful I know more natural and sacred theology than other men.” But that of the Psalmist who say, “God, be merciful to me, the sinner.”
This psalm leaves no place for universalism: the notion that God ultimately accepts everyone. God does not accept everyone just as they are. Those who spurn Him and His word will themselves experience His disfavor and rejection. Don’t be deceived.
It is appropriate to vow obedience in connection with one's prayers for deliverance. Of course, we must not promise what we do not intend to pay. Nor must we treat God's grace as a mere commodity to be earned or purchased by our "meritorious" deeds.
When God's people place their hope in God’s word, God's reputation is bound up in the realization of their hope. Thus, in a holy, humble, and patient way, the psalmist calls on the LORD to make good His promise and to vindicate not only the psalmist but His own majestic name.
While we may not be completely removed from the world (nor as gospel heralds should we pray to be), yet we should avoid forging intimate friendships with evil men—friendships of the kind that negatively influence our thinking and behavior.
If the psalmist were a warrior, he wouldn’t have sinned in using a shield to deflect an arrow. He wouldn’t be manifesting unbelief to reside in a fortress of granite. The point of the psalm is to underscore where his ultimate confidence resided: in Yahweh, and Yahweh alone!
"Hatred" is not always sinful. Indeed, the lack of all hatred, as well as the lack of all passion, may be sinful. To be "apathetic" is to be devoid of true religion.
Either they grow in a sense of their own importance, or imbibe an angry … spirit, or they … withdraw their attention from those things which … support of the life of faith, and spend their time … upon matters which are at most but of a secondary value.
True commitment—the kind of commitment that pleases God—does not place limits or provisos upon our obedience. It is a perpetual kind of obedience. The only condition we ask is that God be our portion. If He satisfy our soul, then we shall rejoice in Him for all eternity.
We should not be satisfied with a mere intellectual appreciation for or a kind of stoical commitment to God's word. We should seek to cultivate and pray for a genuine delight and joy in the Scriptures.
If we would please God and maintain a good conscience, we must not only live in accordance with His word in seasons of sunshine when all goes well. We must also endeavor to remain faithful to His word when the world stands against us.
Danger and opposition can tempt a believer to loosen his commitment to God's word. Yet he mustn’t give into this temptation; he must never forget but always remember the law of the Lord. For God’s written Word is “high ground,” safe and secure for the soul (Proverbs 3:5–6; 18:10)
Affliction affords us the opportunity to grow in grace, exercise faith, and engage in prayer. Had we no trials, we’d surely grow complacent. But the Lord brings difficulties and suffering into our life to humble us and prompt us to fall on our knees in prayerful dependence on him
It’s appropriate for the child of God to make promises of fidelity to the Lord. In particular, it’s right to make such promises with an end to a greater devotion to Scripture. Of course, we should not make these promises lightly.
“Light" could refer to the enlightening of the understanding. It may also refer to the encouraging of the heart in the sense of joy. Moreover, it may include the idea of hope. Certainly, the Scripture does all these things for us. It provides guidance, joy, and hope.
One reason God created the physical world is to provide many analogies for the divine. Just as "the heavens declare the glory of God" (Psa. 19:1), so too "honey" declares the glory of God by way of analogy with God's word.
The psalmist didn’t merely hear someone expound Scripture. Rather, the Lord had opened his eyes to see wonderful things from His law (119:18). This work of illumination enabled the psalmist to perceive the Scripture’s beauty that he might be inclined to obey it cf. John 6:44-45).
We must strive towards both sides of sanctification: refraining from evil and engaging in good. Christ purchased us not merely that we might keep ourselves unspotted from the world, but also that we might be zealous for good works and shine as lights amidst a crooked generation.
There’s a reciprocal relationship between knowledge and godliness. Piety must accompany learning if we’re to become truly wise. It’s not how much you know but what you do with what you know.
If we we'd be truly wise, we must study more than history, science, philosophy, etc. The heavens declare the glory of God (Psalm 19:1), but they're insufficient to give us a full picture of who God is and what He requires of us. We need to read, memorize and meditate on Scripture