New York Transit Museum – Museum Review | Condé Nast Traveler
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Review: New York Transit Museum

All the good parts of the subway with no delays.
  • New York Transit Museum
  • New York Transit Museum
  • New York Transit Museum


New York Transit MuseumNew York Transit MuseumNew York Transit Museum

Zoom out. What’s this place all about?
This subterranean playground is filled with beautifully preserved examples of subway and elevated cars, buses and trams from throughout the 20th century (complete with ceiling fans, wicker seats and advertisements from the era) as well as archival objects and models, old photographs and reading material about how the city has been transformed by its transit system over the centuries. It's as much about engineering as it is about the cultural history of the city, so there's something for everyone. The best part: You're free to wander in and out of each car as you like, which makes it particularly engaging for the young ones—plenty to gawk at, sit on and touch.

What can we see here?
If you're there with kids, you're there for the trains themselves. But if you're a real transportation die hard (or you're just into niche history) there are often thoughtful exhibits that get into the nitty gritty stuff: A deep dive into a particular type of train car, or a look at the construction workers who made the NYC transit system possible. The old signs are particularly entertaining—they're fascinating time capsules of etiquette and values gone by. The space itself is a little raw (and windowless) but it's part of the charm.

What did you make of the crowd?
This is a popular spot for school groups during the week and families on rainy Saturdays. Go on a weekday afternoon to avoid the crowds, and plan on grabbing a snack somewhere nearby in Brooklyn Heights or Boerum Hill.

On the practical tip, how were the facilities?
There are plenty of benches spread around the museum (as well as in the trains themselves). They're as comfortable as you would imagine public transportation benches would be, but they're plentiful. The museum's main entrance is two flights of stairs below street level, but there is also a separate wheelchair accessible entrance at the corner of Schermerhorn and Court Streets, although not all of the trains themselves are wheelchair accessible. (If you know you'll need elevator access, the museum recommends calling ahead before you go to make things as seamless as possible.)

Are there guided tours? 
There are a variety of tours and group programs offered, as well as many virtual options, but most kids will want to run around and play freely. The museum also offers sensory-friendly toolkits (including noise-quieting headphones and a visual schedule) for children who might have trouble with loud or overwhelming places.

Gift shop: obligatory, inspiring—or skip it? 
This is a great place to stock up on niche souvenirs for the NYC-obsessed. From vintage transit token necklaces to Metrocard mugs and baseball caps with your favorite train line embroidered on them, there's something for everyone. They also have a shop location in Grand Central Terminal, if you don't end up making it to Brooklyn but want a subway map coaster.

How's the café? 
It's not a café, it's a cafeteria where you're welcome to enjoy your own food. But why would you do that, when you're surrounded by some of the best restaurants in Brooklyn?

Any advice for those with limited time or attention? 
Stop by for an hour and take a few photos of your kids "driving" an old bus.

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