Kelly Osbourne Had Gastric Sleeve Surgery Before Losing 85 Lbs. but Says 'It's Not a Quick Fix'

"I will never ever ever lie about it ever. It is the best thing I have ever done," the reality star said

Kelly Osbourne is feeling better than ever after getting gastric sleeve surgery and putting in a ton of hard work.

The reality star, 35, shared that her 85-lb. weight loss — which she revealed last week — was the result of a total mental and physical health shift that started years ago, after getting gastric sleeve surgery.

“I had surgery; I don’t give a f--- what anyone has to say,” Osbourne told hosts Dax Holt and Adam Glyn on their “Hollywood Raw” podcast, in response to rumors about plastic surgery. “I did it, I’m proud of it, they can suck s---. I did the gastric sleeve. All it does is change the shape of your stomach. I got that almost two years ago. I will never ever ever lie about it ever. It is the best thing I have ever done.”

Osbourne emphasized, though, that the surgery requires a complete lifestyle change.

“The kind of surgery I had… if you don’t work out and you don’t eat right, you gain weight. All it does is move you in the right direction,” she said. “So, anyone who’s thinking of doing something like this, really think about that.”

Kelly Osbourne's weight loss
Kelly Osbourne. Kelly Osbourne/Instagram

“I had to do a year of stand-alone therapy to prepare myself for the surgery before I even had it,” she continued. “What people don’t realize is, it cuts out this hormone that if you have addiction issues, it stops your craving and it makes you not emotionally eat, which is a huge problem for me. … All it is, is a push in the right direction. It doesn’t solve all your problems. It’s not a quick fix.”

And Osbourne said that working first on her mental health was the only way she could successfully lose weight.

“The number one thing I had to do was get happy. I had to fix my head before I could fix my body,” she said. “You can never go into this if you’re not in a good mindset.”

Osbourne started by quitting drinking, which she said, “is the best thing I’ve ever done.”

“I really wanted to fix the things that were broken in me,” she said. “I’m not perfect. I still make a lot of mistakes. I have bumps in the road, I fall down, I get back up again.”

And over the last several years, Osbourne lost 85 lbs., which she said she did for herself.

“This has been two years of me working on this. Figuring out if I wanted to be in this [Hollywood] industry, figuring out if I was even capable of even losing this weight,” she explained. “I did, and I figured out I wanted to keep going. I didn’t do this for anyone. It was a long process, and now I’m here and everybody is noticing”

But people didn't notice the change right away, Osbourne said. Oddly enough, people started commenting that her face looked slimmer after she got an injection to relieve pain in her jaw from TMJ, an extremely common issue with jaw bones.

"It kinda made my jaw look skinnier," she said. "That’s when people started to notice that I had really lost weight because it changed the shape of everything."

Now that she's lost weight, Osbourne said that she’s not going to let people off the hook for ignoring her when she was heavier.

“My weight loss made me resentful at Hollywood. So f---ing resentful,” she said. “Because when I was fat, I was invisible. They didn’t want to work with me, they didn’t want to do anything with me.”

Instead, Osbourne said, she’ll work with the people who appreciated her at every size.

“Now in retrospect, I know exactly who I’ll work with and who I won’t. Because I know who called me fat, I know who didn’t want to work with me. I know exactly who said it,” she said. “I’ve got really thick skin, but I take that, and I put it into my memory bank. I remember what you said about me, and that’s the best revenge.”

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