The Meaning Behind The Song: Red House by Jimi Hendrix - Old Time Music
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The Meaning Behind The Song: Red House by Jimi Hendrix

A Deep Dive into the Meaning Behind Jimi Hendrix’s “Red House”

Jimi Hendrix is undoubtedly one of the greatest musicians of all time. He revolutionized the world of rock music and is still inspiring future generations today. He had a way of bringing a raw and honest energy to his performances, and his lyrics were no different. One song in particular, “Red House,” has captured the hearts of countless fans over the years. But what exactly is the meaning behind the song?

The Lyrics

Before we dig into the deeper meaning of “Red House,” let’s take a quick look at the lyrics:

There’s a red house over yonder, that’s where my baby stays
There’s a red house over yonder, that’s where my baby stays
Well, I ain’t been home to see my baby in about ninety-nine and one half days
‘Bout time I see her, wait a minute something’s wrong here
The key won’t unlock the door
The key won’t unlock the door
I got a bad, bad feeling that my baby don’t live here no more

The lyrics are simple but powerful. They tell the story of a man who has been separated from his lover for nearly 100 days. When he finally returns to see her, he realizes something is amiss when the key won’t unlock the door. He fears that his baby has left him.

The Blues Influence

“Red House” is a blues song at its core. Blues music is known for its emotional lyrics and powerful chord progressions. Hendrix was heavily influenced by blues artists such as Muddy Waters and B.B. King, and “Red House” showcases that influence perfectly.

The blues often deals with themes of heartbreak, loss, and loneliness, and “Red House” is no different. Hendrix’s lyrics touch on the pain of separation and the fear of losing someone you love. The blues has a way of capturing the raw emotions of life, and “Red House” is a prime example of that.

The Significance of the Color Red

The title of the song, “Red House,” is significant as well. In many cultures, the color red is associated with love, passion, and desire. It’s also associated with danger and warning signs. Hendrix may have chosen the color red to represent the intense emotions of love and loss that permeate the song.

The color red also has a long history in blues music. Many blues songs mention the color red, from “Red Rooster” to “Little Red Rooster.” The color red is often associated with the devil and with sin, which ties into the themes of heartbreak and betrayal in “Red House.”

The Influence of Personal Experience

While “Red House” is a blues song at heart, it’s also deeply personal to Hendrix. In interviews, Hendrix spoke about the pain of being separated from his family and loved ones for long periods of time. He was often on the road, touring relentlessly, and this separation took a toll on him.

In “Red House,” Hendrix channels that pain and longing into a powerful song about the fear of losing the ones you love. The lyrics may be simple, but they pack a powerful emotional punch.

The Influence of the Guitar

Of course, no discussion of “Red House” would be complete without mentioning Hendrix’s incredible guitar playing. Hendrix was a master of the instrument, and his playing on “Red House” is some of his best.

The song features a slow, bluesy chord progression that gives Hendrix plenty of room to showcase his skills. His solos are virtuosic, with lightning-fast runs and soulful bends. Hendrix’s guitar playing perfectly captures the emotions of the song, from the longing in the opening chords to the raw anger of the final solo.

The Lasting Legacy of “Red House”

“Red House” may be over 50 years old, but it still resonates with fans today. Its themes of love, loss, and separation are timeless, and Hendrix’s guitar playing is as impressive as ever.

The song has also inspired countless musicians over the years. Hendrix’s innovative approach to the guitar has influenced generations of musicians, and “Red House” in particular has been covered by everyone from Buddy Guy to John Mayer.

The Bottom Line

In the end, “Red House” is a powerful and emotional song that showcases everything that made Hendrix such a legendary musician. Its themes of love, loss, and separation are universal, and Hendrix’s guitar playing is unparalleled. Whether you’re a fan of blues music or simply appreciate great guitar playing, “Red House” is a must-listen.

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