Celebrities Who Went to Catholic School
Photo: Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock

Celebrities Who Went to Catholic School

Celebrity Lists
Updated April 22, 2024 43.5K views 49 items

You might expect Hollywood A-listers to attend ritzy private academies, but you would be surprised how many famous actors, musicians, politicians, and athletes actually attended Catholic school. Some of these famous Catholic school alumni have lapsed on their faith while other celebrity Catholic school students still religiously attend church to this day.

What stars number among celebrities who went to Catholic school? Reality television darling Kim Kardashian went to the all-girl Catholic Marymount High School. On the east coast, Paris Hilton and Lady Gaga attended New York's Convent of the Sacred Hearts and Jennifer Lopez went to Holy Family in the Bronx. A few celebs even have funny stories about their school days – Shakira, for instance, wasn't allowed to participate in the choir at her Catholic school because the director thought she sounded "like a goat."

Several famous men also went to Catholic school. Barack Obama attended Santo Fransiskus Asisi Catholic School for first through third grade and John C. Reilly went to Brother Rice High School in Chicago.

Whether their choice of school was based on personal faith or stellar curriculum, these famous people all share a common educational background. Keep scrolling to see who else appears on this list.