Isabel Neville And Unsolved Mystery Of Her Death - Ancient Pages

Isabel Neville And Unsolved Mystery Of Her Death

David Tee -  - Isabel Neville's life was not a long one. She lived between September 1451 and December 1476. Yet, in between those dates, she lived an exciting life. Isabel was the older sister of Anne Neville, born June 1456, and both girls seemed to have spent their childhoods in relative luxury at Warwick Castle.

isabel neville

Not much is known about her early years, but her claim to fame came when her father, Richard Neville, the Earl of Warwick, wanted to marry Isabel to the brother of King Edward IV from April 1442 to April 1483.

Other than this notable event, Isabel's life remains in obscurity.

Secret Wedding Of Isabel

Once Richard Neville, Nov. 1428 to 1471, decided to wed his oldest daughter to the King's brother, there was a lot of opposition to matchmaking. Edward IV opposed the idea of the strongest as he did not want Richard Neville closer to the throne than he already was.

Not taking no for an answer, Richard Neville decided to proceed with his marital arrangement despite the King's objection. The wedding of Isabel to George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence, from October 1449 to February 1478, took place in secret. Archbishop Neville performed the ceremony.

The union produced an unholy alliance between George and Isabel's father. They started a rebellion against Edward I that was soon crushed.

Yet this was not the only event produced by this secret wedding. Isabel and George were able to have four children throughout their short lives. The first child, born in 1470, does not have their name or gender recorded by history.

The second child, Margaret Pole, lived between August 1473 and May 1541, married Richard Pole c.. 1494 and was executed by Henry VIII in May 1541. A third child, Edward, born on February 25, 1475, became the 7th Earl of Warwick. Imprisoned in the Tower of London, he was executed on November 28, 1499, by Henry VII for trying to escape his imprisonment. It may have been a trumped-up charge.

A final child, Richard, was born to Isabel and her husband Richard in October 1476 but was not granted a long life. He died at Warwick castle on January 1, 1477.

What Did Cause Isabel's Death?

It is the sole mystery surrounding the life of Isabel Neville. History has it that her husband Richard accused one of her ladies in waiting-of murder. He was so convinced that Ankarette Twynyho. one of Isabel's servants, killed Isabel that he had her tried and convicted of murder.

But later historians feel that Isabel was not murdered. They have concluded from looking at the evidence that Isabel died from consumption or childbed fever. They come to this conclusion because Ankarette's grandson went to Edward IV with a petition to prove his grandmother's innocence.

Roger Twynyho received the pardon as his petition recorded the circumstances surrounding Isabel's death. While it is crucial evidence, there is no objective corroborating evidence to support the claim made by the grandson.

Isabel's actual cause of death may be murder, or natural causes may have committed it.

Her Short Life

Isabel may have only lived between September 1451 and December 1476, but her short life did not deprive her of a role in English history. She was the daughter of a powerful Earl, the wife of an ambitious brother to the current King, and had two of her four children play some part in English history.

Yet that may be another mystery surrounding Isabel. Her title of the White Queen may have come through her husband, who was one of the leaders of the white Lancasters. Her sister, Ann Neville and Elizabeth Woodville, held that title.

Some historical records do not state how she received that title. Once that mystery is cleared, Isabel may be seen in a better light.

Written by – David Tee Staff Writer

Updated on December 13, 2022

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