Dead Space Remake lets you completely remove gore, for better or worse
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Dead Space Remake lets you completely remove gore, for better or worse

The Dead Space Remake includes a warning ahead of intensely graphic scenes; a welcome addition to the age-old horror game that Motive should be applauded for.

Dead Space Remake lets you completely remove gore, for better or worse: A man wearing a futuristic helmet that covers his head and has three glowing lines on the visor looks over his iron clad shoulder

If you fancy yet another jaunt through the haunted halls of the Ishimura; you’re in luck, the Dead Space Remake is finally out in the world, terrifying intrepid travellers all over again. As we state in our Dead Space Remake review, the horror game’s blood, guts, and gore look better than ever, but Motive has chosen to include a pre-warning pop-up ahead of any overly-graphic scenes.

As spotted on the space game‘s official Reddit, ahead of any particularly violent scenes a warning will flash up in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

“Content warning,” it reads. “The upcoming scene contains depictions of a graphic death.” According to the original post, this happens ahead of any particularly brutal moments and can be toggled on and off to suit the user.

A man in a futuristic space suit looks at a screen in an abandoned spceship

PCGamesN has done a quick check to confirm this, and has also noticed that you can censor the violence entirely via the settings screen. Both options are listed under ‘Accessibility’ as ‘show content warning’ and ‘hide disturbing scenes’ respectively.

The Dead Space Remake settings menu with the 'Accessibility' tab open showing different settings

While for some this maybe negates the point in the game – Dead Space is a brutal horror game at its core, after all – I personally love the inclusion of this feature.

I remember, back in the good old days, a very, very young Lauren sat watching her cousin play this game (we were definitely over 18, trust me). The memories are blurry, but I remember just how terrified I was, and I easily didn’t sleep for a week afterwards. Dead Space remains one of the scariest games out there in my head alongside F.E.A.R as a result of many a sleepless night, and while I absolutely will be playing the remake with all of the cutscenes, my inner youth really, really appreciates this new setting.

If you want to make the most of your Ishimura adventure – gory details included – be sure to check out our extensive Dead Space Remake settings guide to ensure that you get the best, most horrifying experience there is. We also have a rundown of the Dead Space Remake system requirements to ensure that your rig can run arguably one of the best PC games of all time.